━━━ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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chapter three:

⤵︎ ⤹
( an original chapter )



WARNINGS ━━━━ This is a much calmer chapter compared to the last one. However, there are still some warnings to be said, such as swearing, mentions to past violence, death, and electrocution.

That's all for this one, I think.


"PLEASE ENLIGHTEN me on why you decided to kill the props manager when he did nothing wrong."

"He gave me a fucking gun, what the hell else did you expect me to do?"

"Not kill the guy in charge!?" Ted proposed. Ted was her new manager. Joanna hadn't lasted long after Valerie had left and went back home where her mother was awaiting, expecting the trophy she held in her arms. Daphne didn't care what her daughter had to do get it, she just cared that it now sat proudly in a trophy case in their dining room. It was already full to the brim with different t awards the brunette had won over the years. And now, finally, she'd gotten the first place prize after all this time.

Joanna's body was found behind a dumpster in an abandoned alleyway by a sweet young couple just trying to make their way home. It was safe to say that they were highly disturbed by her lack of identifiable facial features. After all, being electrocuted was not a good way out.

"I'm sorry, who's fucking movie is this?" She inquired, already having enough of this new manager. Yes, he'd lasted all these years, but there was no telling when the brunette would lose her temper and fry everybody, excluding herself and Ben to a crisp. Just like she'd done to Joanna.

"What?" He chuckled with a scoff.

"I said, who's fucking movie is this?" Valerie asked, this time speaking slower and enunciated each word clearly so he could understand her this time.


"You wanna repeat that?" The brunette taunted while raising a hand to her ear. Of course, she could hear him. She just wanted to mess with him a little.

"It's yours." The man muttered with gritted teeth and agitated eyes.

"That's right. Now, if I don't want a gun, then they're not going to give me one. Are they? And you're going to make sure of that. So, run along now, Ted." Valerie dismissed with a shooing hand, gesturing for him to leave her.

Ted glared at the woman but knew she had the upper hand as she was with powers while he was just a poor mere human with nothing on her.

"So, I see she's got you running errands again." A female voice spoke from behind him. Ted turned around and faced the mystery voice.

"Yeah. That's all I'm good for, apparently." Was his reply as he stood next to the ravenette. She had a name tag pinned to her white blouse. Monica was her name.

"I'm Ted, by the way." The manager introduced.

Monica smiled. "I'd introduce myself, but I think it's clear to say you already know my name." She replied while pointing the name tag on her clothing.

Neither of the two said anything, just watching as the two supes went over their lines with each other. Alone, they could be terrifying, but with each other, they calmed the other down. So, all in all, they were more reasonable when together.

"It's very brave of you, taking on this job. I didn't think anyone would." Monica complimented.

The blonde furrowed his brows. He knew that Valerie sure could be a handful, but what was so wrong with the job. He got paid to practically just run her errands all day every day. And it was a hell of a lot of money, that's for sure.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

The woman turned to him. "You mean you don't know what happened to the last one?"

"Last one? What are you talking about?"

Monica gave him a sympathetic look before answering. "Well, a couple of years ago, back when she was a teenager, she had this other manager, Joanna. One night, the poor woman was found dead in an alley. She'd been electrocuted so bad they wouldn't have even been able to tell it was her if she didn't have some ID in one of her pockets. It was really messed up. I'm surprised you didn't see it in the paper, you know. It was everywhere while Valerie, or should I say Electress, played the victim, claiming she had nothing to do with it. But I say different."

Ted soaked in all the information he'd just been given like a dry sponge. He was working for a psychopath.


AFTER SHOOTING some more the new film that Soldier Boy and Electress were cast to be in, she'd gone back to her room. It was a place just for her and anyone she deemed appropriate to enter.

Valerie hadn't said anything yet, and Ted didn't want to be the one to bring it up but knew he had to so he could find the truth. "What happened to your last manager?"

It went dead silent. The sound of her rustling had stopped. It was so quiet that you could most probably hear a pin drop.

Valerie turned around to look at her manager, cold blue eyes focused deep on him, unwavering. "What is this twenty fucking questions? You get paid to follow me around and do whatever the hell I tell you to do. Not stand around all day chatting to random women and questioning me 24 / 7."

Ted sighed. "It's just. Monica said ━━."

Valerie raised a brow. This was getting interesting. "━━ Oh, so that's her name, is it? Did she say something to you? Because if so, you know what I'll do to her and her pretty little face?"

The man nodded, knowing all too well what great lengths she supe was willing to go to for the people who found themselves at the wrong side of her temper.

"Good." She spoke in a low tone. "What happened to Joanna was a mysterious tragedy that I had nothing to do with. Alright?"

Ted nodded. This just confirmed his suspicions. Valerie Darling had indeed killed her last manager. He just hoped that he didn't say anything that would make her do the same to him.

"Good, now leave. I'll see you tomorrow. And I better not see you talking to that skank, Monica. Am I clear?"

"Crystal." Ted agreed, knowing it was better to agree and not question anything she said if he was to live.

The supe watched as he hurriedly walked to the door and pulled it open, only to be met with the other supe on set. The manager looked up to face him but didn't say anything as he just nodded in recognition before leaving. Walking all too quickly down the hall.

The man that remained turned to face his girlfriend. "What was that all about?" He asked with an amused expression on his face.

Valerie rolled her eyes before turning back to the mirror to fix her hair while staring at her reflection. "He was asking too many fucking questions."

Ben grinned cockily before placing his shield down on the ground and making his way over to her. "Why don't you just fire him. He's nothing but a pussy anyway. Hardly a man."

Electress rolled her eyes once more, this time in a more playful way. "Oh yeah, and you are?"

"You know I am." Was his immediate response.

"Whatever. Besides, you know I can't fire him. Especially not after what happened to the last one. Besides, my mother likes him if you know what I mean."

"I did not need that image in my head." Ben groaned and clenched his eyes shut while throwing his head forward.

"Well, too bad, now you've got it." She replied.


THE PREMIER of the film was huge. With long red carpets covering every inch of the stone cold ground, hundreds of goddamn reporters and paparazzi crowding the director of the film as well as the two supes. It was fucking irritating. Did these people not know social awareness?

Valerie did not want to be here but unfortunately Ben had dragged her here. The thought of watching herself on a huge screen while a whole room filler to the brim with fans and super fans alike was sickening to her. Besides, who could pull of her suit better than herself? These people were pathetic.

Nevertheless, just five minutes later the couple found themselves squished in between a man who looked to be on the verge of literal tears and a young girl who appeared to be around the age of seven. She was wearing the same suit as Valerie only a more family friendly version.

The girl was smiling broadly up at the screen with black braided hair framing her face. Everyone truly did admire them. And for fucking what?


AFTER THE premier of the film had finished, the starring pair were supposed to give their scripted lines of congratulations. It was tiring, but the pair weren't trusted enough to say whatever they wanted to their accumulated and loving fans. They had been going over for them for hours ( much to the two supes displeasure ).

"Thank you all for coming tonight!" Valerie shouted to the crowd with her usual friendly smile. If you didn't know the horrors that lay beneath those pearly whites, then you'd believe it was all genuine, just like most of the American population did. They were way too trusting in Valerie's opinion.

"We appreciate it so much." she continued on, her hand in Ben's while her other was placed firmly on his chest. The couple looked oh do perfect right now. "What did you think of the movie!?"

The brunette's response only gartered loud whoops and cheers of deep admiration and love not only for the film but for the supe couple.

"Well, if you liked it that much, you'll be pleased to know that we are, in fact, filming the sequel right now!" Valerie yelled over the screams of fans.

In turn, this got more whoops of joy and cheers from the audience. Valerie felt as though she'd go deaf. As if hearing her thoughts, Ben leaned over to her ear in an attempt to get the woman to hear him somehow. "Wanna get out of here?" He asked, quite frantically sick of all of the noise. Couldn't they contain themselves? If they said anymore he was quite sure they'd cream their fucking pants in delight.

The brunette grinned in response. "Most definitely. I don't think I can take any more of their yelling."

The pair started making their way out as the claps and cheers followed them. That was until Valerie felt a tug on her pants. Looking down, she noticed it was the little girl from before that she was sitting next to. She was smiling broadly up at her with hope clear in her eyes.

"Do you think maybe I could get an autograph?" She questioned whilst holding a small notepad and a pen.

Valerie peered to Ben, who just gestured for her to leave, seemingly not caring about the little girl. While she wanted to leave, and that much was clear, she knew that they had to keep up not only their image but there reputation too as people looked up to them and saw the two as their saviours.

Before Valerie could reply, another woman ran up to the little girl, presumably her mother, and started profusely apologising for disturbing the two supes.

Ben rolled his eyes while the brunette begrudgingly took the notepad and pen and began to sign her autograph with the black ink provided.

"Aw, don't worry about it, I'm always happy to sign a fans autograph." She dismissed with a heavily fake smile. She then passed it back to the girl who couldn't have looked happier even if you presented her with something as grand as a large stack of cash or the newest toy.

"Electress! Can I get an autograph?" A man called from the side of her. She gave him a faux smile before replying. "No."

The man looked confused. "But you said ━━."

"━━ Alright, we really ought to be leaving now. It was nice meeting you." The brunette said to the girl who was still standing with her mother. The latter waved at the two supes and squealed happily when they waved back.

The sound of cheering didn't stop until they'd got in their car. Sometimes, being famous was a tough gig.


TAG ( S ) ━━━ @j-futz , @superpink24 , @starkovs_love , @BRUJ4S , @GirlPotterheadXx

MAD !!!

If anyone knows why pls tell me !!


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