━━━ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

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chapter four:

( an orignal chapter )



WARNINGS ━━━━ as always, swearing ( like lots of it ), Stan Edgar, vulgarity, vought in general, threats, loss of temper, anger, threats, violence, guns and gun use, huge power imbalance, psychotic break ??



A wide smile was immediately pulled onto her face as she looked up at the camera, gun in hand. Oh, how ironic that would be just a few years later.

"Hello everybody, I'm Electress, and today I'm here to talk to you about the importance of gun safety. Now, as you all know, these weapons are incredibly dangerous when in the wrong hands, so not only am I going to teach you how to use one safely, I'm also going to show you how to defend yourself with one."

She then grabbed the gun that was to the side of the deck chair she was sitting on before front facing the camera once more. The next lines that were supposed to come out of her mouth sounded utterly ridiculous to her. I mean, who the fuck approved these lines?

She groaned and threw her head back in annoyance. Not only did she have to sit there acting all prissy and kind with a huge beaming smile to match, but she also had to say the most ridiculous shit she'd ever seen.

"Fuck me. Who the hell approved these lines?" She inquired as each cast and crew member looked to each other, not knowing what to do? Even the extras looked stunned to their core.

"Hello? Am I talking to a fucking brick wall or something? Is anybody going to answer me!?"

"It was Stan Edgar." The camera man replied, having finally worked up enough courage just to day that. It was scary that the woman could go from happy and smily ( even if it was just acting ) to one who lost their temper at the smallest of things.

"Why the fuck do I need to teach them how not to blow each other's brains out!?"

"Just say the lines, Valerie." The voice of Stan Edgar carried out throughout the set. She merely rolled her eyes before getting back into position. This was so fucking stupid.


"AND NOW we're back with Electress and the importance of gun safety." The voice over spoke as the screen faded and zoomed in to show Electress herself sat in a deck chair while loading bullets, spewing the lines that Stan Edgar had approved.

"Why the fuck are you watching that shit?" M.M questioned as he walked past Hughie, decked in his usual plaid flannels, who was hunched over a laptop displaying an old gun safety video of Electress all the way from 1980.

"It's informative." Hughie defended while looking back to the screen where she was now teaching everyone how to load and re load a gun carefully.

"Now, you want to make sure you don't ━━"

"It's bullshit. You're telling me you dont already know how to use a gun?" M.M. denied.

Hughie sighed, not too keen on his friend dissing one of the supes he looked up to as a child.

"It's just some scripted bullshit Vought made her say, she doesn't give two fucks about about gun safety."

The man didn't say anything as he knew he was right. Supes always had everything they said scripted by Vought. But who the hell cares, right?

In the silence that was shared between the two men Electress' voice filled the room once more. Then came a sudden bang! Not only from the gunshot on the screen but the door being slammed open. In came Butcher with an all too wide of a grin on his face. That couldn't mean anything good.


"SO, DOES anyone have any questions?" The brunette asked in an all too cheery tone for her liking. Fucking Vought and their stupid scripts. Nowadays nothing was fucking real.

That's when a small snicker rang out threats the room accompanied by the quiet voice of a woman, though unfortunately it wasn't quite enough for Electress to not hear her.

"What did you just say?"

All voices ceased in the room. Nobody daring to say a word other than what had already been said.

Everybody's eyes turned to the woman who had unfortunately fallen prey to Electress' withering and cold stare. She looked positively terrified and rightfully so.

"It's just . . . that when I spoke just now, you said something. And then you laughed." The brunette seethed while slowly waking towards her.

"I ━━ I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you or anything, ma'am."

A few subtle gasps were let out while Ben just chuckled deeply. This woman was in for it now.

"Ma'am? How old do you think I am?" The supe shouted. By now, she was right in the poor woman's face, eyes slightly glowing a deep purple colour.

The blonde stuttered in response, mot knowing what to say.

Valerie narrowed her eyes. "No. No, it was an actual question. How old do you think I am?" She reiterated speaking each word slowly and carefully.

Once more, the blonde didn't say anything, clearly terrified that anything that left her mouth would be taken into account, not knowing that anything she didn't say would too. And it'd be just as bad.

"Wrong answer."

And with that, the supe grabbed her by her shoulders and launched her back up against the wall behind her, it forming a large crack from the impact made. Dust and debris clouded the air while all that could be seen were the deep purple eyes and lightning strikes of Electress, which stood out like a moth to a flame. Just as she was about to go all out, the door behind them opened and closed, which was closely followed by loud footfalls against the tiled floor signalling that someone had entered.

"Valerie." A strong and deep male voice called out. "Put her down."

The woman in mention recognised the voice all too well. How could she not?

She turned around to face the man with annoyance. Why did he have to stop her right now of all times?

The brunette groaned before complying with his request. The blonde fell to the ground with a loud thud while other cast members went to check up on her.

"What do you want Stan?" She spat out, his name coming out in an even harsher tone than the rest of what she'd said.

"It's Mr Edgar to you, Valerie." He corrected with a small smile in a smooth tone, clearly not terrified of the woman like everybody else appeared to be. A lot of the time, she seemed to be worse than Soldier Boy, and that was saying something.

Electress rolled her eyes with her arms crossed, showing that she couldn't care less if it was another Bob who had walked into the room or the godamn president. "What do you want anyway?"

"Well, I wanted to see how you were all getting on in here. It's a good thing I came in when I did." He mused while peering back to the blond who was now hurriedly gathering her stuff despite the protests of her fellow cast members.

Valerie scoffed at that. Oh, how she hated this man.


VOUGHT HAD thrown yet another one of their trashy annual year parties. Each supe was expected to show up in their suit accordingly. It was filled to the brim with different people from all sorts of backgrounds. The one thing they all had in common? They were all stupid rich with tons of money to just throw about at nothing. Even the godamn president had shown up ( of which Valerie and Ben didn't think too much ).

Payback was a well recognised group of supes ( Ben and Valerie being two of the first well ━━ known heroes America had to offer ). The brunette didn't particularly like the group that she had been forced to get with. The only tolerable people in her eyes were, of course, Ben, Black Noir, and occasionally Crimson Countess, but even that was a stretch. Electress found the red head insufferable sometimes with her countless attempts at what she called flirting with her boyfriend. There were multiple occasions where she had to put the woman in her place.

It was like everybody was obsessed with Ben or something. While Crimson couldn't stop flirting with him, Gunpowder wouldn't stop following the older man around like a little fucking lapdog. It was annoying. And then don't even get her started on the twins. Their power was cool, but only when they actually worked together, and that was rare considering they were almost always arguing. And then there was the fact that they couldn't fucking act for the life of them. Ben constantly complains about how they miss their marks ( which is definitively true ).

The rest of the group was simply irrelevant to her as she barely knew their names. However, that didn't stop the ground from having to stick together for the entire night. Aka a living hell for Valerie. Minus the aforementioned people and of course Ben ( and even they got on her last nerve at times ) she despised them all.

Fortunately, the twins had been whisked away by some older looking man who appeared to be absolutely loaded ( which she was sure everyone here was ). It wasn't like the woman wasn't used to these sorts of events. Actually, it was quite the opposite. Growing up, her family had tons of money, so she grew up with a nice and lavish lifestyle ( unlike her boyfriend, Ben ).

While the twins were preoccupied, Crimson was flirting with a man who seemed to be around her age. Typical.

The rest of the group was split up around the building. Although Gunpowder was annoyingly tailing the pair like a fucking shadow. Valerie was in her right mind to grab the boy and fry his fucking brains out. She didn't know why he was always following them ( more so Ben than her, though ). The latter had chalked it up to be pride and admiration for him because, after all, who didn't love them?

Sighing in complete and utter frustration, the brunette turned around, making the younger boy stop in his steps and take a few back in surprise at her sudden halt.

"Are you going to follow us around all night like a little fucking lapdog dog?"

Not giving him a chance to respond, she grabbed his shoulders and turned him around until they were facing a member of Payback that she didn't mind, Black Noir. "Go talk to him." The next thing he knew, he was being shoved in the direction the fellow supe was in. Looking back slightly, he looked to Ben in the hopes he'd say something, but he was top busy collecting a drink from the bar that was behind them.

Valerie made her way over to him and sat herself down next to the man. She put her head in her arms, thoroughly annoyed. The woman was starting to think that she and Ben were the only capable members of their so ━━ called group.

"That bad, huh?" He mused with a sip of his drink. A tall glass of whiskey. He didn't bother to water down his drinks with ice because he wasn't 'a fucking pussy who can't hold a drink'.

She nodded. "That bad." Was the response she gave while signalling the bartender for a drink, a middle ━━ aged man who appeared to be in his mid forties. He had an old white rag hung over his shoulder as he made his way over to her.

"The strongest drink you have." She commanded with unwavering eyes. The bartender didn't hesitate and went to the back behind the bar.

"You're starting early tonight." He commented with a soft smirk.

The woman scoffed but said nothing right away, not until the drink was placed in front of her in an elegant glass that stood tall in front of her. "So are you." Valerie replied with a small grin. It didn't take long for the supe to down the drink entirely and ask for another one, telling him to keep it coming for as long as she was sitting in that old, rickety wooden stool. If she was to brave tonight, it sure wouldn't be while sober.

"Fair enough." Ben shrugged while taking another sip of his drink before also signalling for another.

The two sat in silence before the wooden doors that separated the main room from the long corridors swung open loudly, making all conversations cease immediately as all eyes fell to the man who had just entered. He was soaking wet from the heavy downpour that had graced the country accompanied by cracking thunder and lightning bright enough to be almost blinding.

The man came even closer to the now formed group of supes. It was pathetic to think that he could take any of them out. Especially with a single gunshot.

Ben and Valerie got up from their seats to move in front of the man carefully as they still had to caution themselves because of the many non supes in the room.

"Hey, listen, whatever your name is ━━" Electress began with her gloved hands out in an act of surrender. Like she'd ever surrender, she just had to make him think that's what she was doing.

"It's Connor." The armed man interrupted in a deep tone of malice and distaste.

Valerie rolled her eyes. It wasn't very smart to tell a room full of supes and very high ━━ ranking officials, including the president, no less, your name.

"Okay, look Connor, I don't fucking care what your name is. Just put down the gun before anyone gets hurt." She warned with a tight look on her face. This bastard was ruining her evening, and it was pissing her right off.

"You mean before you get hurt." He redirected as in one swift movement. The gun was moved from Ben's head to Valerie's chest. Oh, how pathetic this all was.

"You supes, you act like you're all so innocent and fucking perfect when you're not! You're all corrupt. You don't care about saving people, helping people. You just care about how it looks on paper. Because the more people you save, the more heroic you look, the more people love you. The more people respect you. Well, you don't deserve their respect! Their adoration. None of you do!" The man spoke to Valerie. He then turned to the rest of the people in the room. "Wake up, people. They're just brainwashing you, and they have been for years now!"

And with that, Connor fired the gun directly at Electress' chest like how an archmen would hit the bullseye of a target. All the onlookers in the room held their breath as they watched the bullet zip towards the woman at rapid speed. Only for it to crush against impact on the hard surface of her body. Now, it may not look like it, but her suit was equipped with a few things extra in case of situations like this. Such as bulletproof fabric all over.

The young man's eyes widened. Clearly, he hadn't expected that to happen. While Ben merely watched his girlfriend with what seemed to be a proud smirk, the rest of Payback only held their breaths as they watched the brunette they knew so wells gaze darken as she peered down to the spotless area where the bullet had hit, before looking back up and glaring at the man. The rest of the team knew what happened to people who messed with either Ben or Valerie ( the pair were extremely protective over each other ).

He fired another few rounds into her, but they all just ricocheted off.

Connor lowered the gun in fear. "Oh god, I ━━"

Electress chuckled and shook her head while taking small steps towards him, making the gunman, too, step back. Only him out of fear not out of anger. 

"No, no. There's no god here, Connor. Just you, me, and a room full of heroes willing to kick your sorry ass back to whatever shithole you came from. Prison, perhaps?"

If possible, the man's eyes widened even further. It looked as though they'd just burst right out from his godamn skull. "No, I ━━ I can't go to prison, I can't!"

Valerie sent an unempathetic glance his way. "Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you shot at me!"

Connor gulped and looked at the rest of the team for help. Silly boy, of course they weren't going to help him. Payback knew what happened if you refused Valerie or even dared to go against what she said. If you did, there would be hell to pay ( having all being on the receiving end of it themselves ), and he had just found that out the hard way.

Connor tried to run, but the heroine rushed forward and pulled him back forward to face her before gripping the nozzle of his gun and crushing it until no more bullets could possibly leave the barrel. She then threw him backwards and watched as he landed on his back, hitting his head in the process. In turn, the people in the surrounding area distance themselves from the fight, not wanting to get involved.

Electress moved forward and gripped the boy by the bagginess of his jacket and shoved him up against the wall and leaned closer to his ear so only he could hear her. "I should electrocute you until not even your own mother would recognise you for what you did tonight." She seethed and shoved him once more, making him grit his teeth in pain. "But, like you said, I do have an image to uphold." Connor sighed in relief. Noticing this, she frowned. "But don't think I'm just letting you go." And with that, she moved him back from the wall and sat him down on his knees and tied him up using a high form of electricity. It was one of the perks of her powers, being able to use it and manipulate it to form whatever she pleased. It shone bright and purple and was for sure burning deep into his skin and would leave a couple of scars by the time the police arrived.

Now, looking to the crowd and the rest of her team, she spoke in a clear voice so everybody could now hear her. "Somebody call the police because this is where this young man will be heading for a very long time."

Connor looked up and cried out in despair, writhing in the ropes both from the pain and desperation to get out.

While people moved to congratulate her, Valerie thanked each and every one of them, telling them it was her pleasure, as of course she'd do it for her country. For America.

During the middle of one of her mini speeches to the guests, the police burst in making Connor writh even more. They grabbed him, careful to evade the powerful electricity that Valerie had formed to keep him in place.

Of course, he resisted, but there was no way he was escaping tonight. "No! Tell them what you did!" He yelled, aiming it at the fiery brunette. All eyes turned turned to her in question.

"I have no idea what he's talking about." She replied with her hands up in a mock surrender.

"No! Tell them, tell them what you're really like! What you're all really like. She said she'd kill me! Please, you have to believe me, please!"

The group of supes watched, feet on edge as one of their leaders' eyes darkened before plastering on a fake smile. "He's clearly crazy officer's." She spoke with a dismissing hand. "Please, take him away."

The officers nodded and began leading Connor out of the room. The doors behind slamming shut once more.

"Alright everyone, let's get back to the party!"

All the guests complied but mot before endlessly cheering for the supe. Whoops and claps echoed the room in all corners.

Valerie laughed at their efforts and thanked them all. "No, no. You guys shouldn't be thanking me, but rather yourselves. After all, you're all the real heroes tonight. I mean, the bravery you all showed? Truly amazing." She sugar coated with a sickly sweet smile.

In return the clapping only got louder. Before she could say anymore a hand snaked around her shoulder. "Well, I for one think you deserve that applause." He muttered under his breath paired with one of his cocky smiles.

Valerie leaned back so she could actually see him before replying. "Yeah well you gotta give them what they want. Fake smiles and reassurances that they did the right thing by standing there and doing absolutely fucking nothing." She spoke through a perfect white smile.

Ben chuckled at that. "What do you say we get out of here?"

Valerie frowned. As much as she hates the rest of the group, it wouldn't look good if they just ditched them. "What, and leave the rest behind?"

Soldier Boy nodded. "Exaxtly, I bet they're too busy buttering up officials to even notice us leaving."

The brunette turned around to face the man, having to look up slightly because he was a few inches taller than her. "Oh yeah? Well what about all those reporters outside?" She inquired. By now, the rain had cleared up and the stars shone brightly in the coal black sky.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to sneak through the back won't we?" He countered in his usual confident tone.

Valerie grinned widely and nodded as they began to move to the exit on the other side of the room which wasn't as noticeable. They'd be able to slide in and out undetected for sure.

"Where are you two headed of to?" A voice asked behind them, stopping the pair in their tracks.

Valerie groaned and leaned her head on his chest slightly before turning around to face where the voice had come from. Crimson stood there all decked in red head to toe. It was a bit of an eye sore really.

"Well, we're just leaving, tired." The brunette replied, giving her fellow crime fighting member a small glare.

"Oh really? I've never known you two to leave a party so early. Not until you've at least drained the buildings alcohol supply."

Electress scoffed at her accusation but said nothing, not wanting to cause a scene. She knew that if anything more was said between the two she'd go so far as to electrocute the woman. That wouldn't look good for her image. And she couldn't have that.

Saying nothing more, Valerie gripped her boyfriend's hand and pulled him out, not noticing the lingering gaze of the rest of their team. Their plan was sure to work, if just had to. And then, there'd be no more leaders telling them what to do and what not to do. No leaders dictating what they thought.


"I'M SURE that one lady looked ready to pass out when that guy shot at me." Valerie spoke as they made their way out of the busy building out of the back exit. There was indeed no reporters or annoying team members to get in their way now. 

"Yeah, well, he shouldn't have done that." Ben replied with a dark undertone.

"Yeah, well it's a good thing they decided to add that into my suit then huh?" Electress added in order to somewhat lighten the mood.

He just nodded in response. This was for sure going to be a long night. 


━━━━━ SO, THIS has been the longest chapter yet by almost doubling in size thanks to the amazing ideas of the lovely @ginnjensen.

I also made this gif which I'm currently obsessed with ! Like just look at them !

Hopefully, I'll be able to start getting into actual episode chapters soon. I just need to find a transcript from somewhere so if you use one or know anyone who does please tell me !!


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