Episode 8

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Shivaay's Pov

Anika wanted to visit her mom today, so she was packing her stuff and I was supposed to drop her off. But we kind of got into an argument and she just left?

Well, she wanted me to come with her for a few days but that wasn't possible. I had work to do and plus, we weren't really that close anyway.

So, that's how I ended up being the only one at home. My family just kind of vanished from earth. Like, it was supposed to be for a week, not two.

Once I was home, I changed into some comfortable clothes. Dinner wasn't ready because the cook was on leave and my so called wife was at her mom's place. So, I had to do the cooking.

I was going for a simple pasta pasta al pesto but couldn't find some ingredients. I kept looking for them but no sign.

Anika had fucked up my whole kitchen. I couldn't even find the basic shit. Not knowing what else to do, I called her. After like five minutes she picked up.

"Where's the tomato sauce?", I just straight cut to the point. Man was hungry.

"It's in the right corner of the cabinet", she answered quickly, I opened the cabin, only to find some weird jars there.

"Your right or my right?", I asked her confused. Anika sighed.

"There's nothing, Ani", I kinda yelled into the phone speaker.

"It has to be there", she yelled back and I rolled my eyes at her, even tho she couldn't see me.

"Can't find it. Your right or...", I tired to repeat myself but she didn't let me.

"There is no your or my right", she snapped at me. The audacity of this girl, ugh.

"Thanks for the help", I replied sarcastically.

"Welcome", she answered mischievously.

"Can I leave now?", she asked me irritated.

"No, stay on the call", I ejaculated. Anika groaned.

"Hey...", I tried to say something but someone interrupted me. And I don't think I was happy about that.

✼ ✼ ✼

I jumped over the wall, which made my elbow scratch with the wall, leaving a tiny, harmless wound. I was walking into the house, while looking at the wound when I bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going, bro", someone replied softly.

"Sorry", I apologized myself and left from there.

I entered a room, I hoped to be Anika's. And that's when I found her sitting in the corner, with a plate of food placed in front of her.

A girl, of her age was trying to convince her to eat. Why the hell wasn't she eating something? This girl was so complicated at times.

"Ani, eat please?", that girl pleaded her but Anika only glared at her.

"Not in the mood", she replied rudely. Well, that's not how I know her.

"What's wrong with you?", I asked her and both of them turned towards me. Anika's eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?", she asked me shocked. Was she happy to see me? It didn't look like that though.

"Checking up on you, dumbass", I rolled my eyes. We seemed to do that a lot when we were near each other.


"Hey...", I was about to say something but someone interrupted me.

"Ani, please eat something. You haven't had food since you came home. What's wrong? Did you fight with Shivaay?", her friend asked her with concern.

"Stop annoying me, please", Anika whispered.

Flashback Ends

"So, you came because I wasn't eating? Otherwise you wouldn't", she started angrily.

"Of course, you're my friend", I told her and she went quite.

"Since when?", she snorted, ignorantly.

"I don't know. You just are", I shrugged my shoulders. I mean, we weren't strangers.

"I haven't eaten either", I picked up the place with food. It wasn't really my standard but it was food, nonetheless.

"Can I have it if you won't?", I grinned at her in hope, she'd lighten up a bit.

"You do know it's not the type of food you eat everyday", she made a remark. And she was right to quite an extent.

I started munching on the food, Anika looked at me surprised. The food was actually really delicious. Anika snatched the plate from my hand and started eating from it too.

"Should've brought your own food", she taunted, while gulping down the water.

"Why weren't you eating?", I asked her which made her stop eating. Anika looked at me tongue tied.

"I just felt weird, eating without you", she mumbled. Even though I couldn't understand her clearly but that's what it sounded like.

"Oh, okay", I leaned back and stared out of the window. Things were starting to get weird between us. Like, why wouldn't she have dinner without me?

Maybe, she just got used to us having dinner together. I shouldn't over think like that. It's not like something could happen between us.

We were so different from each other, in so many different ways. Socially, emotionally and whatever. I think being friends with her is enough. I mean, I wouldn't want anything else from her. But what if she does?

"Don't flatter yourself", she grumbled and I chuckled, trying to figure out what she was thinking about. Maybe the same thing?

"Why would I? I mean, it's normal for friends to miss each other", I told her and she rolled her eyes at me. Now, that wad something like her.

"Blah, blah, blah", she stood up and left to wash her hands. I looked at my surroundings. The house was so much different form my mansion but yet it kind of felt more comfortable and home likely.

"Dessert?", she asked me with an eyebrow raised. Well, yeah, you ate half of the dinner. And I'm still hungry.

"Duh", I made it sound so obvious. She ignored me being an idiot and left to get something else to eat.

All the time she hadn't come back, I kept thinking why I came. And why did I care?

Amna xx

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