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Jaycee leaned in her chair as she looked up at Morgan, who had his arms cross. Her, michonne, Carol and Rick in front of the man.

"What's going on?" He eyed the four in front of him as Jaycee blew out a puff of air, looking down at her lap.

"When I was coming back..." Rick cleared his throat as he leaned forward. "I tried to cut off the herd with the RV. Lead the walkers away. But five of those people with the Ws on their foreheads, they stopped me." Jaycee sat up at ricks words, turning to Morgan. The five people he let go. "They tried to kill me, shot up the RV. Now, Carol says she saw you. That you wouldn't kill those people."

"Did you let any of them go?" Carol spoke up as Jaycee pulled an awkward look, which she shared with Morgan. She weren't gonna speak up.

"Yes, I did." Morgan said confidently. "I didn't want to kill five people I didn't have to kill."

"They burned people alive." Carol scoffed as Morgan nodded his head.

"Yeah." Morgan sighed as Jaycee fiddled with her fingers, looking out of the window. "Why didn't you kill me, Rick?" He asked after a pause. "Back in king county? Pulled a knife in you. I stabbed you. So why didn't you kill me? Was it 'cause I saved you after the hospital?"

"'Cause I knew who you were." Rick spoke as he pointed at Morgan.

"Back there I would have killed you as soon as I looked at you." Morgan cut him off abruptly as Jaycee slowly nodded her head, looking at the table. "And I tried. But you, you let me live. And I was there to help Aaron and Daryl. See, if I...If I wasn't there...If they died...maybe those wolves wouldn't have been able to come back here." He sighed. "I don't know what's right anymore. 'Cause I did want to kill those men. I seen what they did, what they would've kept doing. I knew I could end it. But I also know that people can change."

"Not everyone, Morgan." Jaycee sighed with a shrug. "This world has made people the worst kind of people, I've seen it-we've seen it. And the wolves: example of that." She shook her head.

"All life is precious." Morgan told her as Jaycee bit down on her tongue, casting her eyes back down. "And that idea, that uses changed me. It brought me back and it keeps me living."

"I just don't think it can be that easy." Michonne spoke up from beside Jaycee, shaking her head.

"It's not easy."

"I wasn't sayingโ€”"

"I know." Morgan nodded his head at Michonne. "And I've thought he about letting that idea go. But I don't want to."

"You may have to." Michonne told him. "Things aren't as simple as four words. I don't think they ever were."

"Do you think I don't belong here?" Morgan asked as Jaycee frowned me.

"You belong here, as does everyone here." Jaycee told him as she looked around at the people around the table.

"Making it now, do you really think you can do that without getting blood on your hands?" Rick asked him, titling his head.

Morgan shook his head, faint tears in his eyes. "I don't know."

Jaycee looked down at the marks Tara drew on the Map, marking where the walls were the most weak and the most strongest.

"Hey! Spencer! Get back here!" Ricks voice was heard, making her and Tara look up, frowning, seeing Spencer holding onto a rope, almost hanging down for the walkers to grab at him.

"Is he trying to get himself killed?" Jaycee scoffed as she stood up. "Spencer! Get back!" She yelled to the man.

"Spencer, get back here now!" Rick shouted over to him, but the man ignored him, continuing to climb towards the fence.

"Spencer. Spencer, move!" Tara shouted over as she joined Jaycees side.

Spencer lost his gripping as his feet swung on top of the walkers, a worried look on his face as he dangled down. "Go! Keep moving!" Rick yelled. "Hurry!"

"Jay. You, maggie and Rosita fire your guns out from the posts." Tara told her as Jaycee frowned, turning to her.


"Just do it!" Tara groaned as she climbed over the fence.

"You're going to get yourself killed!" Jaycee hissed as she realised what Tara was going to do.

"Do it, Jay!" Tara sighed as she grabbed her gun, making Jaycee do what Tara told her, radioing Rosita and Maggie beforeย  grabbing her own sniper and firing at the walkers that tried to grab Spencer as Rick pulled him up.

"Grab on!" Michonne soon joined their sides as Tara's gun ran out, Jaycee reloading hers and firing at the walkers as michonne helped Tara up. Rick and Morgan helping Spencer.

"Tara! You almost died once for these people!" Rick yelled over to their posts as Jaycee lowered her gun, turning to Rick.

"What?" Tara called back over as Jaycee tilted her head.

"What the bell were you doing?" Rick added as he continued to yell over.

All Tara did was raise her middle finger, making Jaycee sigh, elbowing the younger girl. "You did good." Jaycee said as Tara grinned.

Carol had asked if Jaycee would be able to look after Judith as soon as she got off of the post. But, Jaycee didn't mindโ€”she loved Judith. Jaycee held the baby in her hands, playing peekaboo as the Judith giggled happily.

But jaycee jumped as she heard something fall. A building. She quickly looked out of the window to see one of the towers collapsed, the wall broken and hundreds of walkers piling in.

"Oh, no, no." Jaycee panted. Everyone was out there, Adeline was out there with Carl. Her family was out there. "Fuck!"

She continued to judge in her arms as she went upstairs to grab one of her pistols, running back down to open the door, trying to see anyone. And she sighed as she saw Adeline, running.

"Addie! In here! Now!" Jaycee called over to the teen, and she didn't think twice before running into the house, jaycee shutting the door behind her. "Where is everyone else?"

"I don't know." Adeline panted. "I couldn't see anyone. I lost carl in herd." She quickly rambled as she held onto her chest.

"It's okay, it's okay. Breath. I need to go help everyone. Take Judith, block the door. Go upstairs and block that door too. There is two radios in my room. Grab them both and bring one down for me. You need me, you walkie me, okay." Jaycee passed Judith over as Adeline nodded her head, running upstairs, Judith securely in her arms.

Jaycee grabbed her biggest jacket and put it on, grabbing her pistol and the axe she took from one of the wolves.

Adeline quickly came down, passing one of the walkies to Jaycee. "Be safe, okay mom." Adeline spoke as Jaycee pressed a kiss against her head.

"I will, now go." Jaycee sent her a smile before leaving her house, pulling out her axe as she tried to spot anyone.

And she sighed as her eyes spotted Rick, michonne, Jessie and her little boy, Carl, Deanna, Ron and Gabriel. She moved to clear their path, swinging her axe into the walkers heads as she moved.

"Over here. Judith's with Adeline!" Jaycee shouted up to the group, directing his words to Rick as the group followed her as they cleared their paths. She grabbed her walkie as she spoke. "Addie, open the door, I've got everyone."

She swung the axe one more time before reaching the porch, Adeline opening the door with Judith in her arms. "Come on!" The younger Gomez yelled to the others.

They all crowded into the house as Adeline blocked the door up, Rick holding Deanna in his arms. "Upstairs, first right. Put her in there." Jaycee told Rick as he nodded, him and michonne walking up the stairs. "Block all the doors, make sure that no walker can get in!"

Adeline passed the crying Judith back to Jaycee, the older woman trying to sooth the baby as Rick came down, holding his arms out for his daughter.

Deanna was bit. She was going to turn. Jaycee say in the room with the older woman. They had spoke a few times, but not a lot. When they first came to Alexandria, Deanna was the one to ask questions. Especially about how Jaycee got the scar on her left eye.

Jaycee made up a silly excuse, saying she got into a fight when she was younger. But Deanna saw through her lies, but didn't ask any further.

Jaycee held a wet towel over the woman's head, biting down on her tongue. "So, how did you get that scar?" Deanna croaked as Jaycee looked up at her. "I'll be dead soon, it's not like I can tell anyone." She weakly chuckled.

Jaycee smiled as she moved the towel from her head. "I didn't have the best upbringing." Jaycee started as she looked down at her lap. "Parent:alcoholicsโ€”spending their money on drugs or liquor instead of food for me." She bit down on her tongue as Deanne listened. Jaycee cleared her throat as she smiled up at Deanne. "One night, my parents were arguing, really bad. I thought it was just one of their usual arguments. Where they'd yell and scream, then make up. But I was wrong." Jaycee breathed. "Then my dad picked up a glass and aimed it for my mom. She dodged it, and me being the young, foolish kid I was. I didn't move. Glass shattered right into my eye." She pointed to her left eye. "They didn't care. I had to pull out the glass by myself and patch myself up. Luckily, it wasn't infected. And ever since, I've had this scar."

"I'm sorry that happened to you." Deanne said weakly as she went to hold Jaycees hand, making the younger woman smile, shaking her head.

"Don't be. Besides, I moved and had Adeline. Best thing that ever happened to me." Jaycee proudly said. "I was always scared that I'd turn out just like them. But I didn't. I cared for my daughter, provided for her. And Adeline made me a proud mom."

Deanne smiled as she squeezed Jaycees hand. The pair sat in a comfortable silence until a smash off glass made them jump. "I'll be right back, I promise." Jaycee told Deanna before getting up, Rick and Jessie already making their way downstairs.

Grunts we're heard as things crashed about in the garage. Rick went to open the door, but it was locked. "Jaycee, do you have the keys?" Rick turned to her quickly.

"No, they were on the other side." Jaycee shook her head as Adeline joined their sides, Judith stuck to her hip.

"Shit!" Rick cursed as the commotion continued. "Carl!" Rick shouted. Carl and Ron was in there. "Let me in! Carl!"

"Ron!" Jessie shouted her sons name as Jaycee sighed, moving towards the table that the axe laid on.

"Move." Jaycee told the two as they moved back. Jaycee lifted her arms before swinging into door, above the handle until the door broke loose, making her kick it open.

Carl tried to push something against the broken window, trying to get the walkers out. "Come on!" Rick shouted at the pair, Ron getting up from off of the floor as Carl ran towards the door, Jaycee shutting it behind her and leaning on it so the walkers didn't get in.

Rick loved to grab one of the sofas, pushing them out of the way as they placed it against the door.

Carl and Ron moved upstairs as Adeline's eyes followed them. "Here." She handed Judith to Jaycee. "I'll make sure they're okay."

"Thanks." Rick nodded at the younger girl who ran up the steps, following the two boys.

The walkers had started to break in through the front doors and the windows. Everyone tried their best to help and keep the walkers out. But it was no use.

Jaycee walked backwards as the walkers started to pool into her house, all of them climbing up the stairs as Rick and Michonne pushed the sofa against the stairs.

She kept a tight grip on the axe, standing confidently in front of Adeline. Rick grabbed one of the walkers and shoved his knife through its head, making it go limp.

He dragged it upstairs and placed it on the spare room Deanna use to be in. Carl, Ron and Adeline kept guard at the stairs.

"We're gonna need bed sheets, enough for everyone." Rick said as Jaycee stood up, looking at the walker on the floor.

"What for?" Jaycee frowned, then her eyes widened. "Oh, god." She cringed. They'd have to blend in with the walkers, rubbing their guts and blood on them, like they did in Atlanta. "This is gonna be gross." She shook her head as she walked out of the room towards her bedroom, grabbing all the bed sheets she could find before brining them to Rick, who was cutting the walker up.

She cringed as she turned her head away, giving Gabriel, Ron and Jessie a bed sheet before walking out and giving them to Carl and Adeline.

"What's this?" Adeline frowned as she stared down at it. "Bed sheets?"

"You're not gonna like this, sweetie." Jaycee tutted as Adeline raised a brow, sharing a look with Carl. "Me, Rick and Glenn had to cover ourself in Walker guts and shit so they couldn't smell us-back at Atlanta."

"No, you're joking." Adeline said in a hushed whisper. "I'd rather die." She mumbled as Jaycee gave her a look. "Joking." She grumbled as she put the bed sheets over her.
"Ew, I already hate this."

They walked into the room as Adeline bit back a gip, hiding her face in Adeline's shoulder. They all started to cover themselves in blood, making Jaycee grab some and turn to Adeline. "Just close your eyes." Jaycee told her and Adeline did exactly that, scrunching her eyes up and lifting her head as Jaycee covered the bed sheet in the walker guts, ignoring Adeline's grunts and 'ews'.

Adeline and Michonne helped with Jaycee's back as she did the front. Everyone made sure everyone was covered in walker guts.

Rick carefully moved the sofa as they all followed behind him down the stairs. Jaycee had her axe and her sniper, not wanting to loose it. She held Adeline's hand as they carefully and quietly walked past the zombies that had crowded into the house. Everyone held hands to stay close and not loose each other.

They all stood in front of the house, looking down at the crowd of walkers. Adeline squeezed her mother's hand, wanting to keep Jaycee close.

They had to survive this. All of them had to.

Rick made the first move as he walked down the porch, the rest following as they held hands. Jaycee was inbetween Jaycee and Carl, the two anxiously looking at the walkers that were next to them.

"Mom?" Jessie's youngest called out. "Mom?" He said once again as Jaycee bit her tongue.

Adeline gave the boy a look, turning to her mom. This could risk them. Coukd make them all dead.

Rick pulled them all together as he whispered. "All right, new plan. Flares from a few guns aren't enough. Too many walkers, too spread out. We're not going to the armoury." He told everyone as they listened. "We need our vehicles back at the quarry. All of us drive.we'll need to round 'em up. We leave, we come back."

Jaycee slowly nodded her head, agreeing with the plan. "Okay." Jessie nodded her head as she looked at Rick. "But Judith...to the quarry and back, Iโ€”" she shook her head as Rick sighed, turning around.

"I'll take her." Everyone turned to Gabriel as he volunteered. "Keep her safe in my church until all you lead the walkers away."

Rick nodded his head at Gabriel. "Can you do this?" Michonne turned to him as he nodded his head.

"I'm supposed to." He slightly smiled. "I have to." He turned back to Rick. "I will."

"All right." Rick mumbled as Carl walked towards them, taking Judith from under his walker stained bed quilts and carefully passed her to Gabriel, who did the same. He quietly shushed her as he held her carefully.

"Take sam." Jessie quickly asked as Jaycee looked down at her.

"No." Sam shook his head, looking up at his mother.

"Yes, Sam, it'll be safer." Jessie turned to him, nodding her head.

"I'm not leaving you." He told his mother.


"Mom, I'm not." Sam said once again, shaking his head. "I can keep going."


"I can keep going."

Jaycee and Adeline watched the two with raised brows, just wanting to get to a safe place and not in the middle of hundreds of walkers.

"Please." Sam pleaded with his mother, the blonde sighingโ€”closing her eyes as she looked back down at her son. "Please. Let's just go."

"Okay." She whispered to her son.

"I'm going to keep her safe." Gabriel said confidently. There was no lie in his words, nor was the look in his face.

"Thank you." Rick breathed out as he gave him a sincere look. Gabriel nodded his head before moving past everyone, towards the church as he held Judith tightly.

Rick watched with worried eyes, seeing his daughter be taken away. He knew Gabriel wouldn't fail him. He'd keep that girl safe and alive.

It was dark now and they all still walked in a line, hand in hand, until Sam let go of ricks, stepping back, making everyone stop.

"Sam? Come on, come on." Jessie gently pulled on his hand, softly. "Sweetheart? Sam?" He stared straight forward, bottom lip trembling.

"You can do it." Rick told him in a hushed whisper. "You can do it."

Rick and Jessie's gentle and hushed words merged into one as they pulled Sam forwards. He didn't move; Feet stuck in the ground. Even you had joined in, trying to help his brother.

But he started to cry. "I want you." He cried, tears streaming down his face.

Then, the dead corpse laid his teeth on Sam's neck, biting into it as another one grabbed his face and bit into his head.

Jaycee's eyes widened, a quiet gasp leaving her mouth as Adeline squeezed tighter. "Mom!" He screamed out loud, echoing loudly.

Jaycee's eyes never left the little boy-screaming In agony and pain for his mother. Jessie let out a broken cry, still holding onto his hand. She wouldn't let go.

The walkers were walking near. "Jessie." Jaycee mumbled as Carl pulled on her hand.

It was too late as the walkers bit into the screaming mother, piling ontop of her, carls hand still in hers.

Jaycee didn't think twice as she let go of Adeline's hand, grabbing her axe and carefully making sure she didn't cut Carl as she shopped off Jessie's arm, her blood coating her and Carl even more.

One last hit and Carl was free. Jaycee stepped back, gulping as she turned to Rick, who just stared at Jessie.

Then a click of a gun went off, making her and Carl turn around to see Ron pointing a gun at them both.

Adeline slowly made her way to her mother, glaring at Ron. But Jaycee just stared at the boy, looking at the gun in his hands. "You." He mumbled. Nobody knew who he was talking to. But Jaycee had a hunch it was her, he just watched her cut his mother's arm off with an axe.

But Michonne stabbed through Ron's chest, the gun going off as he let out a grunt, dropping the gun from his hands. Adeline jumped as she held onto her mother, watching Ron fall to the ground, walkers walking towards him.

"Dad?" Carl muttered as he turned.

Jaycee's heart dropped.

Blood dripped down from his eye, like tears. There was a whole, where is eye was. It was gone. The bullet had gone through right his eye and head.

Jaycee's lip trembled as she stared at Carl, watching as he collapsed to the ground, making Rick quickly pick him up.

Now there was only Rick, Jaycee, Adeline, Carl and Michonne. Rick carried his wounded son in his arms, Michonne and Jaycee clearing the path.

They ran to the infirmary, Jaycee swinging the door open as Rick ran inside, Carl in his arms. "This is a gun shot?" Denise asked as Rick laid him down, Michonne closing the door behind them.

"Handgun. Close range." Michonne called over as Adeline anxiously looked her her best friend, tears pooling in her eyes as she stayed close to her mother.

"Please save him. Please." Rick mumbled as he rubbed his hand over his face, as Jaycee did everything Denise asked her to.

The door opened and closed. Rick was gone. Jaycee sighed, "stay here with Carl and Michonne, I'll make sure he doesn't get bit." Jaycee quickly said as she squeezed Adeline's hand, quickly following Rick out of the room.

She used her axe to slice at the walkers, ignoring the blood splattering all over her. One walker, after the next, then the next, aiming for the head.

Everyone started to join in, coming from their houses as they killed the walkers. Jaycee let out a grunt as her axe got stuck in a walkers axe, making Rosita quickly stab the walker in the headโ€”Jaycee giving her a thankful nod as they went to kill the walkers.

More walkers were falling to the ground, more people were coming out and killing them. Fast Shots were heard as they continued to slash at the dead.

They all carefully walked back, almost against the fence until flames started to cover Alexandria, drawing the walkers attention.

They all fought together, Jaycee gritting her teeth as her axe sliced the walkers head clean off, its body dripping to the floor.

It was morning. Everyone stood outside and inside of the infirmary. Jaycee leaned against the wall, Judith in her arms as she stood beside Michonne and Adeline.

Carl hadn't woken up yet, Rick not leaving his side since they had killed the walkers. She looked around the infirmary, turning to Daryl and gave him a small smile, which he sent back.

Everyone prayed that Carl would be okay. And that he would live. But Jaycee couldn't help but think, that bullet was meant for her. Not for Carl.

โ€” madeleines notes

WE ARE GETTING CLOSER AND CLOSER TO THAT EPISODE GUYS. Like omds. I'm writing the hilltop chapter Rn.

IDEC JAYCEE AJD JESUS=BESTIES FOR LIFE. The things I've already written are so funny. Here is a sneak peak ๐Ÿ˜

like girly is so goofy. ( she's in her 30s ) but girly is just a sarcastic queen.

Also, my friend just called jdm UGLY. I wanted to scrap her. And I made her turn our wallpaper on Snapchat to him ๐Ÿ˜

LIKE HES SO FIT COME ON NOW MOL. So disappointed in her๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”


29th February 2024
3910 words baby girls

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