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It was dark.

The only light he had was the single naked lightbulb that illuminated a pale straw yellow to light up the cellar. Eddie gulped loudly.

"Eddie bear! what's taking you so long?"

Right. He had to find the wax. But where was it in this dark dank cellar?

Eddie hurried his pace, surveying the crusty metal shelves and the containers that filled them. Letting out a sigh of relief at finally finding the wax, Eddie happily switched off the lightbulb, it's straw colour fading away. Getting lost in the tenebrosity of the Kaspbraks cellar.

That's when the monster came.

With its sharp teeth, as big and long as trees and it's huge bulging rolled back eyes, the monster let out a high pitched chuckle. It's form still and as paralysed as Eddies before leaping on to the poor boy, it's horrendous laugher the last thing he hears.

"Ive got you now, Eds! Ive got you now!"


Screaming, Eddie awoke. His face was moist and his skin, damp. His dark brown locks were messed and some were plastered to his forehead, the ends soaked in sweat and coloured a raven black.

The brunette gasped. Richie! Oh where was Richie? Eddie clawed uselessly at the white sheets surrounding him like a pool of water. He had last remembered seeing a bright flashing light coming towards him, the loud honking filling his ears before a blurred figure had pushed him clumsily towards the side and he had hit his head on a rock.

With startling realisation, Eddies face paled further. Was Richie the blurred figure that had saved his life? Would Richie do that for him? Was he so willing to- Eddie frowned -die for him?

"Richie?" Eddie called out on instinct. Glancing over the white blank walls and the identical white furniture that it held. A muffled shout echoed outside, and rushed footsteps were heard. The brown screen door was yanked aside to reveal a bloodshot eyed boy in dirty sneakers and snow in his raven hair.

"Richie!" Eddie nearly sobbed and moved his body up to hug Richie. Richie didn't hesitate to run over with his long legs and hold the slumped brunette to his chest tightly. His calloused pale hands stroking through Eddies hair, down his back, and across his arms. They were everywhere on his body and Eddie hid his face in Richies shoulder, inhaling the sweet smell of sweat and snow.

"Eddie! Fucking hell, i thought you were a goner. Even the doctors said that you might be at risk of going into a long term coma if you didn't wake up soon."

"Oh Richie..."

"Gods, you have no idea how fucking badly i missed you, Eddie Kaspbrak. You worried the hell out of me and i can't recall a time when i was more scared than now." Richie chuckled harshly.


"Make me a promise."

Eddies brows raised as he pulled away from the overly tight hug.

"Promise what exactly?" he asked with suspicion weighing heavily in his question.

"You promise me that you'll never ever walk across the streets or by the streets ever again without me being there." Richie said solemnly, his brown eyes shining with unreleased tears. Eddies eyes darted over Richies form, memorising his dimples and the freckles on his neck.

"I promise, Richie."

Richie sighed and held Eddie tightly again to him, his form pressed ever so tightly to his once again. The brunette took relief in his warm arms and buried himself deeper into Richie.

"I love you, Richie." Eddie murmured sleepily and have a soft kiss over Richies heart.

"I love you too." Richie replied lovingly, but Eddie never heard it, for he was already fast asleep in his arms.

aw some fluff for you guys!! hope you like it!❤️❤️

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