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"So we sneak out slowly one by one. Ben, you take a book. Bill, you take your assignments. Stanley, you do your birdcall and Eddie, you take out your medicine." Beverly instructed like a General commanding her troops to war. And this was a mission impossible, sneaking out of school during lunch. How could you with everybody watching?

"Actually, i've sneaked out of school before with Richie and we never needed to do this." Eddie piped up from behind Bill. Bev smiled at Eddie and chuckled, "Well that's because we're doing a loser operation. This is serious."


The group, all except Eddie, shared a mysterious smile.

"Well tell you on the way to the quarry." Bev promised the small brunette boy. The group all sat down again promptly and one by one, the plan commenced.

Eddie watched in awe as one by one, each boy snuck out successfully without rousing suspicion from anyone. A few looks here and there but nobody really cared to notice, the chattering of carefree teens the main attraction of the cafeteria.

Then it was his turn.

Eddie toke out his inhaler and his three o'clock medicine and walked out of the cafeteria fast, putting the inhaler at his mouth and pumping in the medicine. Once he reached the doors of the cafeteria, he quickly ran and ducked into an abandoned classroom where Ben, Bill, and Stanley were. "Where's Beverly?" Ben asked. "I think she's coming in late." Stanley replied.

"Or maybe not." Bill smiled as Bev walked in with cool confidence and smirked.

"Okay Losers, lets get to the quarry."


There was nothing in the cold snowy weather. Everything was covered in a fine powder of white like powdered sugar. Eddie almost felt blinded by the white snow and laughed internally at the bursts of colour they all wore.

Bill was wearing a puffy blue jacket and a dark blue scarf. Stanley was wearing a black beanie over his noodle curls and was dressed in a bright green jacket. Ben and Beverly were wearing matching white beanies and were both wearing purple jackets. Eddie himself was the only one wearing a yellow jacket and matching mustard coloured scarf.

What a group they were.

Eddie laughed and the sound caught the attention of Beverly who turned around to smile at him. She whispered something to Ben who nodded and walked slower. Eddie ran the last few footsteps towards the pair and giggled when Beverly slung an arm around Eddies shoulders.

"So why do you call each other losers? Is that just a...thing?" A thing. How fucking awkward could he get.

"We used to be called the Losers Club. Like, "Hey asshole! Welcome to the Losers Club!" and we've been by each other ever since we were thirteen." Beverly replied, in the distance, the sun was like a pale moon and the redhead stared at it, reminiscing.

"Oh. But i thought..."

"We all grew up, i guess. We used to be bullied every time, ya know? From getting garbage water dumped on you to having Henry Bowers lick his hand and rub it on your face." Eddie made a face at the last part.

"But ever since then, weve learned that no one is going to help us. We all have shitty problems to face, including Henry Bowers. So we decided to ban together and make it known that if anyone tried to fuck with us, they're getting shit for it." Beverly snarled and paused when she saw the awed face of Eddie. Said brunettes thoughts were so happy that he was friends with the Losers Club, maybe it meant that he wouldn't get bullied anymore.

Maybe they would be like his family. Growing up, he never had a lot of friends and when he did, his mother would come down on him hard. Telling him that they would leave him the moment they knew his problems. That they wouldn't stay through thick and thin like her, his own mommy.

The words always stung, but little Eddie believed his mommy, staying away from most of his classmates and never hanging out with anyone after school. Somewhere in his heart, he knew his mommy was wrong, but he couldn't help it. It had always been just him and his mommy. Just the two of them.

"Eddie? Eddie!"

It was always his mommy and him. Always together, yet he felt so alone.


Eddie looked up from his thoughts and let out a piercing scream.


n o t e !
what do you think happened?❤️👀

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