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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on november 15th, 2021 @ 11:51am

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•


HIDEAKI WATCHED AS THE BALL that Number 16 slammed down was out making the point go to Karasuno instead. The black haired male let out a sigh of relief. "Talk about lucky..." He muttered to himself as he glanced over at the score.



Aoba Johsai


Karasuno had won the first set against Aoba Johsai making. They get off the court as they grabbed their drinks as they switched sides. While switching, Hinata stopped and stared at Number 16.

"Ah, that guy from earlier there. He's starting this set." Hinata informed as Kageyama hummed.

"Since he's subbing in for Kunimi, he might be pretty quick-witted. Be careful." He said as Hideaki nodded in agreement.

Daichi soon gestured for everyone to huddle up, as Hideaki stood in between Kageyama and Nishinoya. "Let's stay on the groove and settle the score! We're gonna win the second set, too!" Daichi announced as his team nodded.


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Hideaki was up to serve. "Hideaki-san, get one! Nice serve!" Nishinoya encouraged. Hideaki then threw the ball up and did a jump serve.


The ball went out and Aoba Johsai got the first point. "Damn it! Sorry!" Hideaki apologized.

"So close! You'll get the next one!" Sugawara shouted from the sides.

"Shake it off!" Nishinoya added.

"Your face looks scary!" Daichi stated.

"Huh?" Hideaki questioned in confusion before looking forward to see that Oikawa was now serving. He slams the ball, as Nishinoya was about to receive it but he stopped himself and ducked down.

"Out, out!" He exclaimed as he turned out to be correct, and Karasuno gets the point.

Hideaki could hear Oikawa groaning and grumbling in annoyance as he apologized to his teammates. Tsukishima was up to serve next.

"Tsukishima, nice serve!" Hideaki encouraged as his junior hits the ball and sends it over the net, it touched the net and rolled off as Iwaizumi slides down.

"Bastard!" Iwaizumi exclaimed as he saved the ball.

"Nice cover, Iwa-chan!"

Hideaki stood beside Kageyama and Hinata."Who will Tลru toss to? There are three attackers at the front." He thought. "Mad Dog-chan!" Oikawa shouted out, as Hideaki raised an eyebrow at the obvious nickname. Oikawa tosses it over to Number 16.

"An open toss to the right?" Hideaki thinks to himself with shock.

"Three blockers!"

To Hideaki's shock, Number 16 jumped up and hit the ball, which was even more surprising considering he was sprinting towards the net. "What an insane cut shot..." Hideaki noted, gulping as the crowd went wild at the spike.

"Mad Dog is amazing!" Hinata announced in amazement, as Kageyama and Hideaki stayed quiet. They get back into position as Iwaizumi was up to serve.

He hits it over the net as Daichi slides down to receive it. "It's coming back! Chance ball!" Oikawa announced making Hideaki scowl a little.

"Damn it! Sorry!" Daichi apologized.

Hideaki was surprised when he saw Number 16 and Kindaichi run forward. "A double quick?" He wondered as he saw how Oikawa tossed to Number 16 who slammed it down. Hinata tried to block him but was unsuccessful.

Iwaizumi was up to serve once more. "Iwa-chan, one more! Nice serve!" Oikawa encouraged his friend. Iwaizumi hits the ball as Daichi saved it. The volleyball goes towards Kageyama who sends it over to Hinata who slammed it down. Iwaizumi slides down and used his one hand to receive it.


"Nice receive!"

Hideaki saw how Oikawa was going to set the ball, his eyes following the potential players. However, he was shocked when Number 16 jumped up and slammed the ball over and got the point, but he also crashed into Hanamaki who fell down.

"A-Are you all right?" Oikawa asked in concern.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine." Hanamaki reassured him, holding an 'okay' sign. Hideaki sighed in relief, glad that Hanamaki wasn't injured before looking at Aoba Johsai.

"They're landing it, but the combination plays look a bit violent. Ever since Number 16 subbed in, the rhythm of their attacks has changed." Hideaki thinks to himself, noticing the changes.

Next one to serve was Iwaizumi. His teammates shouted words of encouragement as Iwaizumi slams the ball, but it hits the net and Karasuno gained a point.

"Sorry!" Iwaizumi apologized as Oikawa chuckled sheepishly at him.

Kageyama was up to serve next, who did his usual jump serve, however Hanamaki received it and sent the ball back up.

"Nice, Makki!" Oikawa praised. Hideaki saw how Number 16 charged forward, as both him and Hinata locked their eyes onto him.

Hinata and Hideaki jump up to block him, however he ended up being a decoy as Oikawa tossed to Kindaichi instead. "A broad jump from Kindaichi!" Hideaki thought. He landed on the ground and tried his best to jump up and block him as well.

He ended up being too late as the ball hits the ground and got the point, making Hideaki groan. "Let's lock this down. That's a Seijoh team that we're not familiar with." Daichi informed as Hideaki huffed in annoyance.

Kindaichi was the one serving. The ball gets hit over the net and Nishinoya crouched down to save it. "Got it!" He said.



Kageyama tosses to Hinata who slams it down, but Iwaizumi dived down in time and sent the ball back up. "So, their style is to always have one middle blocker glued to Hinata." Hideaki thought, narrowing his eyes a little.

"It's up! Cover!"

"Got it! Kyotani, take the last hit!"

Hideaki saw how Hanamaki sent the ball over to Kyotani. "Sorry! It's close to the net!" He stated as Hideaki's eyes followed the ball, as Daichi, Tanaka, and Hinata jump up to block him. Kyotani spiked the ball down, in which the three successfully block it and get the point.

"Nice block!"

"All right!"

"You idiot! You had other options like a soft hit or a tip!" Mizoguchi shouted from the sides.

"An attack doesn't feel good if I don't land a hard hit for the kill!" Kyotani shouted back, as Hideaki stared blankly at him.

Everyone gave a dumbfounded look at Kyotani, Hideaki glanced over to his boyfriend and raised an eyebrow in question, in which he noticed, and sighed in tiredness. "Damn yoโ€”" Mizoguchi began but was cut off.

"Now, now, Mizoguchi... What needs to be corrected will be corrected in due time." Irihata said in a calm, yet stern tone.

"Right..." Mizoguchi nodded.

Hideaki turned to Kageyama with a grin. "So, you were saying about him being smart?" He teased as Kageyama tensed up.

"I only said he might be!" He defended as Hideaki snickered.

"To not know the pleasure of a tip, such a waste!" Hinata commented.

Soon they continued on with the game, as the ball goes from Karasuno's side to the opposing side. "Makki!" Oikawa shouted to Hanamaki, who hits the volleyball in which Nishinoya receives it.

"Nice, Nishinoya!" Daichi praised.

Kageyama tosses the ball up and over to Hideaki who hits it down, but Hanamaki dived down and saved it. "Nice, Makki!" Oikawa said as he gets under the ball to toss. "Mad Dog-chan!" He called out, setting the ball over to him.

Hideaki noticed how Kyotani was coming from the side again, like he had done with his cut shot. However, he accidently hits the ball in the net, and Karasuno gets a point.

"That spike from Number 16... It's like whoosh! And zoom! It's so cool!" Hinata announced as Daichi and Hideaki sweat dropped at their junior.

The game goes on, as the ball gets served, and Oikawa was about to set the ball. He does so as Kyotani jumps in the air, as Hideaki saw him hit the ball down and gain a point as the ball bounced off of Nishinoya's arms.

Oikawa was smirking in response.

Hideaki gave his boyfriend an annoyed look. "Wipe that smirk off your face, Tลru. Didn't I mention before that I'm kicking your ass?" He taunted as Oikawa yelped.

"Hideaki, your top energy is showing." Iwaizumi teased.

"Eh? Shut up, Hajime!" Hideaki shouted, making Iwaizumi chuckle.

Kyotani was serving, as he did a jump serve, however it was going to be an out. "Out!" Hideaki announced as the volleyball goes out of the court and Karasuno gets a point. Aoba Johsai was at 9 points with Karasuno only being at 8.

It was Iwaizumi's turn to serve as he hits it over the net and Nishinoya crouched down a little and received it. Kageyama sends a toss to Hideaki who slammed it down as the volleyball was coming at Iwaizumi in which he received it.

"Cover! Cover!"

"Makki, get the last hit!"

Hideaki watched as Oikawa sends the ball to Hanamaki, as Kageyama and Hinata jump up to block him, the ball rebounds back. "Got it!" Their libero announced.

"One more, one more!" Oikawa stated as the receive was off. Oikawa runs after the ball with Hinata tailing him.

Oikawa tosses to Kyotani, in which Hideaki saw that his timing was faster. The black haired male jumped up to block him, however Kyotani got past him and scored a point.

"That was a nasty angle he spiked from..." Hideaki thinks to himself, staring at Kyotani who held a satisfied look on his face.

The game continued as Hinata called for a toss as Kageyama does so, however Hinata was a decoy as Kageyama sends the toss to Tanaka who hits it down, getting a point.

Both teams got points each time someone spiked.

Hideaki glanced over at the score.



Aoba Johsai


Hideaki panted as Nishinoya ran off the court and Tsukishima was subbed in, with Hinata serving next. Hideaki glanced over at Hinata to see him nod something at Kageyama but decided not to question their motives. The whistle blew as Hinata hits the ball, Aoba Johsai's libero receives it, as Oikawa tossed to Hanamaki who slams it past Daichi and Hideaki managed to dive down to the left and send it back up.

"Nice receive!"

Hideaki saw how Kageyama concentrated on the volleyball and got into position to set. Tsukishima, Hideaki, Daichi, and Tanaka all run to do their synchronize attack. Hideaki smirked when Kageyama did a back-row attack with Hinata.

However, Hinata's attack was blocked and Aoba Johsai gets the point. "Did you think now was the time to use that? I thought so, too." Oikawa looks down at Kageyama as the two glare at each other.

Hideaki could tell Kageyama was trying to control his temper with Hinata growling at the back-row attack debut. Hideaki sighed and pulled Kageyama away from Oikawa.

"Don't let Tลru get to you, he's trying to rile you up." Hideaki told his junior.

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The game went on as Tsukishima and Kageyama blocked Iwaizumi's attack, getting Karasuno a point. Aoba Johsai was at 16 points with Karasuno at 13. Hideaki gulped a little when he saw that Oikawa was serving, in a blink of an eye when Oikawa did his jump serve, the ball goes to Karasuno's side of the court and Aoba Johsai gets a point.

Oikawa serves again, but he hits the top of the net. "Front!" Ukai shouted as Nishinoya dived down and saved the ball.

"Nice receive, Nishinoya!" Daichi praised.

"Left!" Tanaka shouted at Tsukishima.

"Tanaka-san!" Tsukishima announced, sending the ball towards him.

"Triple block!" Daichi exclaimed.

Tanaka ran forward and jumped up, hitting the ball down and to the side, getting Karasuno a point.

"Yeah!" Karasuno cheered.


Hideaki looked over to see Sugawara subbing in for Tsukishima, as they exchanged number plates and Sugawara walks onto the court. Sugawara goes over and whispers something to Kageyama. Soon Sugawara runs back to the court to serve, as Kageyama, Hinata, and Hideaki were up front to block.

Hideaki watched as Sugawara hits the ball over the net, as it was aimed at Kyotani. He grinned to himself when Kyotani was late to the attack, Oikawa tosses the ball and Kindaichi hits it, however Sugawara crouched down to his knee and set the volleyball back up.

Kageyama and Hinata do their quick attack and managed to get a point even though Kindaichi was close to blocking them. Karasuno was now at 15 points with Aoba Johsai at 17.

Sugawara was back to serving, he hits it again, and once more aimed at Kyotani, making him late for the attack once more. The ball gets hit but Daichi was there to save it, as Sugawara followed the ball, swapping places with Kageyama.

Sugawara soon tosses to Kageyama who did his line shot and got Karasuno a point.

"All right!"

Hideaki smiled as swung his arm around Kageyama's neck. "Nice one, Tobio!" He praised his junior, who just nodded in response.

"We only need one more point to tie with Aoba Johsai." Hideaki thinks to himself.


Aoba Johsai called for a timeout, as everyone exited the court. Hideaki sighed in tiredness as he grabbed his water bottle and drank from it.


Hideaki walks back onto the court as Sugawara was serving. "Suga! One more! Nice serve!" Nishinoya shouted out as Sugawara hits the ball, however instead of Kyotani receiving it, Hanamaki switched places and received for him.

Oikawa sets the ball to Kyotani who slams it down and got a point.


Sugawara was being swapped back out as Tsukishima subbed in. "Suga nice!" Nishinoya smiled as he runs to get off the court.

"Thanks." Sugawara replied.

The game goes on with Kageyama setting to Tanaka who spikes it down and got a point. "Tanaka, nice kill!" Hideaki called out, giving him a thumbs up in which the second-year beamed at. Kageyama was up to serve.

"Kageyama, nice serve!"

Kageyama does his usual jump serve, as Iwaizumi received it, Oikawa tossed the ball to Kyotani who spiked it down but Hideaki was there to save it, with Kageyama following the ball and tossing it to Daichi who did a feint but Oikawa dived down and sent the ball back up.

The libero jumps up and sets the ball in mid-air to Kyotani who jumps up as well, and hits the ball past Tanaka and Hinata, getting the point. Hideaki sighed and ran a hand through his black locks, wanting the game to end with Karasuno victorious.

Kindaichi serves the ball, as it goes forward and over the net. Tanaka was there to receive it as the ball made it's way to Kageyama who tosses the ball to Hinata, but Hanamaki saved it.

Oikawa sets the ball back up, calling out to Kyotani who ran forward, his eyes on the volleyball as he spiked it down, getting another point for Aoba Johsai.


Hideaki sighed in relief when the referee blew that Kyotani touched the net, as both teams huddled together. Once it was done, Kindaichi serves, but the ball hits the net and Karasuno got the point, Tanaka was up to serve as he throws the ball up and spikes it forward.

He saw how Oikawa gets ready to toss once Iwaizumi saved the ball. Hideaki noticed how Matsukawa was running behind Kyotani, making the hawk-eyed male believe he would spike the ball. Hinata must've also realized as he followed him. But to their surprise, Oikawa sends it to Kyotani who slammed it down, Tanaka tried to save it, but failed.

Hideaki looked at the score and huffed.



Aoba Johsai


"That's not good. If Aoba Johsai wins this set, they'll pull us into a third, and that's something we must avoid." Hideaki thought. The one who was serving next was Kyotani who throws the ball up and hits it forward with a lot of power, making the black haired male blink as the spike happened so quickly. Aoba Johsai gets a point.


Karasuno called for a timeout as everyone walked off the court to cool down. Ukai talked with everyone as Hideaki didn't really pay attention until Daichi called for everyone to gather in a circle, with Hideaki being in between Asahi and Nishinoya.

"Let's buckle down! Karasuno, fight!"



Everyone goes back onto the court. Kyotani was serving again. "Let's get this one!" Daichi called out.


"Stop bugging me, I know." Hideaki managed to hear Ukai speak, making him follow his coach's gaze to see Yamaguchi looking at the coach with determination written on his face.

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A/N: Another chapter is done! And yes, Hideaki is the top in his and Oikawa's relationship, because why not? Thanks for reading!

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