โฝ ยณโท โพ "๐–ถ๐—‚๐—‰๐—‚๐—‡๐—€ ๐–ฎ๐—Ž๐—"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on november 7th, 2021 @ 5:31pm

โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆแต’ ๐“…“ แต’โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•


EVERYONE WAS PRACTICING BEFORE THE official game started. "Make sure you're all vocal!" Daichi announced. "All right!" Some of his teammates responded.

"Yeah!" Asahi and Nishinoya shouted in unison, making Hideaki chuckle.

Hideaki feels someone staring at him, making him look over to see that it was only Oikawa. He walked over to him before intertwining their hands together.

"I wonder... If I kiss you right now, your fan girls will probably have a seizure. The great Oikawa Tลru, dating a man? How atrocious." Hideaki smirked when he saw Oikawa flustered.

"Asshole." Oikawa mumbled, making Hideaki snicker. A volleyball rolled into Oikawa's view as he released Hideaki's hand, crouching down to pick it up.

Hideaki sweat dropped when Kageyama did the same as the two setters glared at each other.

"Here it comes..." Hideaki sighed out, having a feeling this would happen.

"Well, well, if it isn't little Tobio who got a good whipping from me last time." Oikawa taunted.

"We've come to win this time." Kageyama hissed as they continued to fight over the ball.

"I definitely put you in your place last time! I only have one guy left on my list: Ushiwaka! I will make you stand aside again, Tobio!" Oikawa announced as he released the ball, making Kageyama fall backwards as Oikawa laughed.

"Take that!"

Oikawa laughed again, making Hideaki deadpan at him. "If anyone asks, no, I'm not dating him." Hideaki mumbled to himself as Sugawara and Hinata walked over to him.

"It's way too early to let Oikawa get to him." Sugawara added on with Hinata shaking in his spot, trying to control his laugh.

Hideaki picked up the volleyball, before aiming it at his boyfriend's head who was unaware what he was about to do since he was walking away. Hideaki then threw the ball and smacked it forward. He snorted when the ball makes contact with the back of Oikawa's head, making him fall over.

"Get off your high-horse, Tลru! I'm gonna kick your ass!" Hideaki shouted as Oikawa yelped.

"So rude, Aki-chan!"

"Shut up! You're pissing me off!"

Iwaizumi, who was near the net, sighed at his childhood friends before he cackled. "Nice going, Hideaki. If you hadn't done that, I sure would've. It's nice to see Shittykawa get owned by his own boyfriend." He stated.

"Iwa-chan, not you, too!" Oikawa complained.

Hideaki bid farewell to Iwaizumi as he walked away. Suddenly, a loud smack was heard, making Hideaki jump and turn to the source only to realize it was just Kiyoko smacking a ball away from Yachi as the ball almost struck her.

Tanaka grabs a ball, holding a smirk on his face as he gave the ball back to the Aoba Johsai member, who Hideaki saw to be Yahaba, who looked both shocked and nervous. Yahaba thanked Tanaka before heading back to his side of the court.

However, Hideaki watched as the same guy from his team, wearing the Number 16 jersey accidently walk into him, making Yahaba fall down. Number 16 just stared before walking away.

"Huh... Is he a new player? He didn't participate in the Inter-High." Hideaki thinks to himself as he looked at Number 16's appearance.

He had his short-cropped blond hair with two black stripes running across the sides of his head, just above the ears. His honey brown eyes were sharp and appear fierce and hostile (he almost appears to be wearing eye-liner, or has dark bags beneath his eyes), and he had small eyebrows.

"Interesting..." Hideaki thought.

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Everyone lined up as the two captains shook hands before the game began. They did a coin toss as Karasuno was up to receive first whereas Aoba Johsai would be the one serving.


"Line up!"

Hideaki stood on the line with Daichi right next to him. He noticed Kageyama was staring both nervously and determinedly at Oikawa who stared back with a smirk on his face.


"Let's play!"

Karasuno had gathered around Ukai before heading onto the court. "The crow's broken wing has been healed, and now it's stronger than ever. The bodies and techniques you've trained for this day... Please make sure you go all out and fly into the huge sky. As long as you do what needs to be done, the results will follow. That's what I believe." Takeda ranted on.



Hideaki watched as Ukai walked on over, nodding as he did so. "Well, bluntly put, Seijoh is a tough match for you guys..." Ukai informed. Hideaki realized he was right. It was blunt of him. Everyone else all stared with a deadpan look. "...as any team that's calm and collected. But overcoming is our only option." Hideaki thought back to when they lost against Aoba Johsai.

"So, go overcome that defeat!"



Everyone walked onto the court, getting into position as Hideaki stood in the middle of Kageyama and Hinata. The black haired male was nervous but mainly excited.

"If we win against Seijoh, we'll ascend to the finals, where we'll go up against Ushiwaka and the rest of Shiratorizawa. But first, we must conquer this fight. I'm sorry, Tลru, Hajime, but I'm not losing again!" Hideaki thought with determination.

The cheers coming from Aoba Johsai could be heard, but Hideaki tuned them out, focusing on the game in front of him. Oikawa was serving first, making the black haired male on high alert since his serves were always the hardest to save.

He waits before seeing Oikawa throw the volleyball up, it went over the net as he smacked it, but Daichi was quick on his feet as he dived to the side to connect the ball, Hideaki saw how the ball was going back over the net, and due to Hinata's height, Hideaki knew he wouldn't be able to save it.

Both Hinata and Kindaichi jump up as Kindaichi knocked the ball back over to Karasuno's side. Kageyama was quick to react as he crouched down and saved the ball.

"Nice, Tobio!" Hideaki praised his underclassman. He looked back to see Nishinoya jumping up and over the back line to set as Hideaki came from the back and slammed the volleyball down, making the first point go to Karasuno.

"All right!"

"Nice kill." Hideaki heard Tsukishima say in a deadpan tone.

Nishinoya and Hideaki seemed to be the most surprised out of everyone. "The ones who just did that are the most surprised about it?" Sugawara questioned.

"Nice, Hideaki! Nishinoya!" Daichi praised.



Hideaki turned back and gave a challenging look to Aoba Johsai as his teammates did the same. Kageyama was up to serve next as he spun the ball around in his palm.

"Kageyama, nice serve!" Nishinoya encouraged.

"One more!" Sugawara added from the sides.

The whistle blew and Kageyama did his jump serve. The ball went over the net. However, it was out of bounds, making Kageyama annoyed.

"Shake it off, shake it off!" Daichi told him.

"We'll get the next one!" Hideaki reassured.

Soon Iwaizumi was serving as he bounced the ball a few times. "Bring it on, Hajime!" Hideaki challenged as he watched Iwaizumi do a jump serve as he hits the ball. Hideaki dived down and managed to receive it. However, it was long.

"Sorry, Tobio!"

Hideaki watched as Kageyama and Kunimi jump up to see who would hit it first. Kageyama managed to do a one hand toss as Tanaka ran up and jumped, swinging his arm as he smacked the volleyball.

He gets the point for Karasuno as Hideaki smirked at the shocked faces of Kunimi and Kindaichi.

"Ah, don't tell me you thought this was going to be easy for you like last time? Better luck next time, Kuni, Kindaichi." Hideaki teased to his former juniors before walking off to his original spot.

"Nice kill!" Daichi praised Tanaka.

"I want to touch the ball, too!" Hinata exclaimed, making Hideaki sweat drop at his junior.

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"All right!"

Karasuno had gotten another point, as they continued on with the game. Tsukishima ran forward as Kageyama sets to him, Tsukishima spiked it down but Hanamaki ended up saving it. Hideaki and Tsukishima get ready to block.

"Left!" Iwaizumi called out as Tsukishima gestured to Hideaki to block Iwaizumi as he was stuck with staying in one spot. Hideaki nodded at him as he runs towards Iwaizumi, jumping up to block him.

Oikawa ends up tossing the ball to Matsukawa and Tsukishima blocks the spike, getting the point for Karasuno.

"All right!" Karasuno cheered as Hideaki pats Tsuskishma on the back.

"Those lessons from Kuroo are paying off, eh?" Hideaki stated.

"Yeah, I guess so." Tsukishima mumbled back.

Hideaki then glanced over the scoreboard to see where they were at.



Aoba Johsai


"Not bad. But we still need to get further ahead." Hideaki thinks to himself as he saw Nishinoya run off the court with Hinata subbing in. Tsukishima was up to serve. He watched as Hinata got into position, his face having determination written all over it.

"Nice serve! One more!"

Tsukishima hits the ball as Aoba Johsai's libero saves it, Oikawa tossed the ball to Iwaizumi who jumps up and spikes it down. Hinata and Kageyama jump up to block, but the ball goes past them, luckily Daichi raced in and saved the ball on time.

"Daichi, nice!"

Hideaki watched Hinata back up before running forward as he gets ready to toss, the ball went up as Kageyama who sets it up and Hinata jumps up and hits it down. However, just like the last time they went against Aoba Johsai, it got blocked.

Unlike last time, Hideaki wasn't going to let them have the point as he raced over and crouched down, receiving the ball. He panted as he watched the ball go over the net.

"It's coming back! Get back, get back!" Iwaizumi shouted.

"Cover! Cover!"

Hideaki watched Oikawa dive down and save the ball, sending it back up. "Oikawa-san, nice!" Kindaichi shouted out. Hideaki blinked and jumped in shock when Kageyama kicked Hinata in the butt.

"Calm... do... be... moron!"

Hideaki sweat dropped at Kageyama's words. "Is that even Japanese?" He muttered under his breath. He watched as the ball made its way to Iwaizumi who spiked it down. Kageyama and Hinata jumped up to block as Hinata got a one touch in.

"Nice one touch!"

"One more! One more!"

"Got it!" Hideaki reassured as he received the ball back up. Hinata rushed in with speed, as Hideaki watched him.

"Go, Hinata! And fly high!"

Hideaki smirked when Kageyama tosses the ball in hastily to Hinata who swung his arm back and slammed the ball down. The volleyball bounced off of the libero's extended arm and out of the court, making Karasuno get the point.

Hinata and Kageyama high five happily with the rest of their teammates cheering.

"That's it, Hinata!"

Hideaki smiled as Hinata turned to Kageyama. You kicked me for real, you jerk!" He hissed.

"I woke you up, moron!" Kageyama replied back.

"What'd you say?" Hinata said as Hideaki came in and held Hinata by the shirt.

"Now, now..." Hideaki spoke up.

Hideaki then took a glance over to the score.



Aoba Johsai


"We're actually not doing too bad." Hideaki noted. They soon continue on with the game, as Oikawa served and hits the ball to Karasuno's side. Daichi dived down and sent the ball back up.

"Daichi-san, nice receive!" Tanaka shouted.

Hinata quickly rushed over as him and Kageyama do their quick attack once more, getting a point. "All right!" The two of them cheered. Kageyama was up to serve next.

"Tobio, nice serve!" Hideaki encouraged as he did his usual jump serve.

However, Aoba Johsai's libero saves it, as Hanamaki tosses the ball up and over to Kunimi, Hideaki tsked as him and Hinata jump up to block him, but he got passed and got a point, as Kageyama was slow on receiving the ball.

"Nice kill." Hanamaki said lazily.

"Nice toss." Kunimi replied back in a deadpan tone as Hideaki's eyebrow started to twitch.

"I have to admit, they're good." He thought as he scoffed.

Soon it was Iwaizumi's turn to serve the ball, he hits the ball, however Hideaki was relieved when the ball hits the net and Karasuno got a point. Kunimi had widened his eyes and jumped when the ball almost collided with his head.

"All right!"


The game continued, with both teams getting points. Hideaki panted as Oikawa hits the ball and gets a point, Hideaki sighed and looked over at the score.



Aoba Johsai


"And it's still only the first set... How troublesome." Hideaki thinks to himself. He turned back and saw how Matsukawa was whispering something to his teammates, making him narrow his eyes. "What are they planning?"

"Bring it!"

Hideaki shook his head and focused as Kindaichi served the ball as the black haired male easily got in front and saved the ball. "Got it!" Hideaki exclaimed as he sent the ball back up.

"Nice receive." Kageyama shouted, getting under the ball, Hinata charged in for a quick attack, however Hideaki noticed Matsukawa was tailing him, making him taken aback.

"They're adding a block?"

Hideaki tensed as he stared at Matsukawa, as he jumped up to block him, but he was too late as the ball goes past him and hits the court. "All right!" Aoba Johsai cheered as Hideaki let out a scoff.

"There's even more pressure than the last time we played them. Then again, this match has everything on the line. Only one team can move on to the finals." Hideaki thought as he looked at Hinata who was looking at Matsukawa.

"Shake it off, Shoyo!" Nishinoya reassured the first-year. "That was a close one!"

Hideaki sighed and observed Aoba Johsai. "They already thought of a way to counter Hinata's broads." He noted.

"Right!" Hinata replied back.

The game continued on for a bit, as Hideaki looked over to the scoreboard.



Aoba Johsai


"They're slowly catching up."

Hideaki watched as Kindaichi was going to spike the ball, however Hideaki jumped up alongside Hinata as they both blocked the hit, getting a point. Hideaki smirked at this. "All right!" They both cheered as Hideaki gave Hinata a high five.

The ball was served once more, going over the net. Oikawa tosses the ball to Kindaichi once more and Kindaichi smacked it down and got a point for Aoba Johsai. Hideaki huffed as Karasuno was at 23 with Aoba Johsai now at 22.

Hideaki tensed up when he saw that Oikawa was the one serving. He breathed in before looking up, which made Hideaki on high alert at the calm and intense gaze his boyfriend had.

"Damn... he's using that move, huh?" Hideaki thinks to himself, knowing what he was about to do. It seemed Iwaizumi had thought the same as Hideaki watched him cover the back of his head.

"Just in case, watch the back of your head." He suggested as Kindaichi jumped at his comment.

"Oh, man..." Hideaki thought with a gulp as Oikawa did his jump serve.

"Bring it!" Nishinoya and Daichi shouted in unison. The moment Oikawa's hand touched the ball, in a flash, the volleyball was already on Karasuno's side of the court.

Everyone was silent, as Hideaki felt his whole body freeze.

Everyone waited for the referee to see if the point was Karasuno's or not. The referee holds the red flag up and blew his whistle, making Hideaki let out a breath of relief as the ball was out.

"Seriously though, how the hell was anyone supposed to receive that?" Hideaki thinks to himself as Daichi clapped.

"Lucky, lucky! Let's get another one!"

Hideaki looked back towards Oikawa, who was apologizing to his team. "Was it a fluke that it was powerful? No, that wouldn't be it. Did he do it on purpose? But then why would he risk his team not getting a point?" He questioned in his head.

"That was an insane serve! I wanna try and get it!" Nishinoya beamed as Hinata was shaking like a leaf. Hideaki distracted himself as he looked at the score.

"Thank god we're at match point." Hideaki thought.

Kageyama was serving next, as he had a determined look. He did his jump serve and the ball got saved as Oikawa sets the ball up and over to Iwaizumi who smacks it down, as Hideaki tried to block him, but it flies past the black haired male and Aoba Johsai gets a point.

"Stay calm! Just one more! We're gonna get this one!" Daichi reassured.

"Right!" His team replied back, as Hideaki wiped the sweat off his forehead.


Hideaki blinked as he saw that Aoba Johsai was switching players. "Why are they changing players this late into the set?" He wondered. The red head looked over and saw that Number 16, the guy he's never seen before, subbing in for Kunimi.

Hideaki gathered around his teammates as they stared at the newcomer. "They might be strengthening the block on the left side. Be careful not to get your spikes caught up." Daichi informed, turning to his team.


Everyone soon got into their position as Iwaizumi was serving the ball. Iwaizumi hits the ball and Daichi saves it. "Sorry, it's short!" Daichi announced as Kageyama runs over and sets the ball up.

"Tanaka-san!" Kageyama called out as Tanaka ran forward.

Tanaka ran up and jumped up and slammed the ball, however the blockers managed to get a one touch in. Oikawa gets ready to toss the ball, as Hideaki figured he would be setting it to Kindaichi, but to his surprise Number 16 had charged in with such speed and aggression that he pushed past Kindaichi who fell to the ground and slammed down the volleyball with such power.

No one moved a muscle as even Hideaki shivered at the powerful spike.

Hideaki slowly turned with widened eyes before breathing out the words.

"Holy shit..."

Up in the stands, Seirin was also in shock at the powerful spike.

"Does he have access to the Zone?" Riko asked herself.

"No. I believe that's his true power." Kagami replied, as his team stared at him with surprise.

"Nii-san..." Shun mumbled, worried for his older brother.

"He'll be fine, Izuki." Hyuga tried to reassure his friend.

"I hope so, Hyuga."

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A/N: Another chapter is done! Thanks for reading!

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