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chapter two . exciting night

At first they all wanted to sleep in their own rooms , but after a long debate , they decided to all crash inside of the living room .

Lucielle and Jonna helped lay out a few blankets on the floor while Hunter helped Zinnia carry some pillows downstairs .

Adonis and Oliver stood in the corner , trying to figure out how to connect Adonis' phone to Oli's speaker .

Wade and Maisie stood next to each other , huddled underneath the same blanket . She leaned her head against his side as he wrapped his arm around her .

Darnell stood with Victor and Elizabeth , trying to get them to laugh by cracking a joke after a joke .

When the group finished getting ready (don't be fooled - we all know only half of them did the work) they found their spots on the blankets .

Maisie immediately chose to sit next to her brother , pulling Zinnia down next to her .

Oliver clicked play on the music , it was slower music because he really wanted to sleep .

"Anybody have some fun stories to tell ?" Elizabeth asked , crossing her legs as she sat up .

"Yeah . I have one . It's about a dead princess ." Wade joked , ignoring the glare that Elizabeth shot him .

"Why do they always have to start fights ?" Victor asked as he sat down next to Oliver .

"Because it's Wade and Lizzy . When do they ever stop fighting ?" Oli mumbled , tiredly resting his head on Victor's shoulder . He was too tired to care about how Victor might feel about it and closed his eyes.

Victor struggled to conceal the shocked expression on his face as he slowly wrapped his arm around Oliver's shoulder .

— — —

"Uno , bitches ." Hunter grinned , leaning cockily against the wall .

"Cheater ." Jonna grumbled , picking up cards from the deck until she found a yellow , slamming it down.

Hunter bumped her shoulder with his own . "You're just grumpy . Why don't you go sleep with Oliver and Victor ?" He nodded his head towards the two boys who were knocked out on the other side of the room . Oliver's head was on top of Victor's shoulder , using him as a pillow as Victor laid flat on his back . A blanket engulfed them both .

"With the boring people ? No way !" Jonna shook her head .

Maisie put down a plus two for Zinnia , who giggled and stacked another one on top of it for Adonis . He looked up at the two girls , a playful grin on his face , before he stacked another plus two on top . "Hey Hunt ." He called , "You don't got an uno anymore ."

"Fuck !" Hunter groaned , drawing the six cards . "I hate you guys ."

"We love you too ." Wade laughed . "Also uno ."

The group kept playing for another round until Wade won the game , to which they all grumpily threw their cards down and went to look for another game to play .

Adonis stayed behind to pick up the cards , and Elizabeth came back to help Adonis .

"Do you like uno ?" She asked , trying to spark some sort of conversation with the guy . He shrugged and put all the cards into the box .

Elizabeth huffed in annoyance . "You're always so quiet , why's that ?" He looked up with her , his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to figure out the motive for all the questions .

"I dunno , it's just how I am ." Adonis walked past her to go to the kitchen , but she followed after .

"Is it because you're a model ? I've seen some of the fashion shows you were in , and I've always thought you were the best model there ."

"Maybe ? It's just how I was raised ." He opened the fridge , "and thanks ."

"No problem , could you get me a coke ?" Elizabeth fixed her hair while he was looking in the fridge , before trying to lean against the counter in a cool manner .

"Here ." Adonis slid the coke to her , leaning on the counter next to her .

She saw it as a win and discreetly scooted a bit closer to him , playing with her hair . "You should teach me a few tricks sometimes , I wanna model at some point ."

"Sure ." He shrugged , opening his own soda .

"Soo ." Elizabeth began , unsure of what to say . "You excited to live here ?"

"Oh yeah , definitely ." Adonis looked up at the ceiling , avoiding her gaze before he looked down at his watch . "Uh , I gotta go ." And before Elizabeth could object , he dashed out of the room .

She grumbled to herself as she tossed her coke into the trash can .

"Woah , who got you in a bad mood ?" Hunter asked as he walked into the kitchen , immediately noticing the frustration on Elizabeth's face . He pulled her into a hug and she rested her chin on his shoulder .

"Just this guy I've been into . I can't tell if he's into me or not ." She grumbled . "Every time that he finally opens up , something happens where he closes off again ."

"Who is it ?" He pressed , releasing himself from the hug to look at her .

"It's a secret . I don't trust you to keep this secret ." She pressed her finger against his chest accusingly . "You'll tell Wade and then Wade will tell everyone just to piss me off ."

Hunter took her hand and pushed it away from his chest . "I don't tell Wade everything . I've never even spoken to him about you ." He told her , his good mood ruined . "I also don't tell people about other people's secrets , you should know this ."

Elizabeth sighed . "Hunter , you know what I mean ."

"Do I?" He asked , tiredly grabbing a water bottle , "I'm too tired to pretend like that didn't mean what it did . You're fighting with Wade is so draining sometimes ." Hunter turned and left the room .

The princess ran her hands though her hair . "Shit ." She muttered to herself .

— — —

"Shh ! You're gonna wake them up !" Maisie snapped as she held up a black marker , slowly crouching down on front of her brother .

She slowly drew a mustache on his face , adding a small beard as well . She struggled to conceal her giggles as she tossed the marker to Darnell , who did the same to Victor .

Jonna clamped her hand over Lucielle's mouth , trying to stop her from laughing as Oliver stirred in his sleep , oblivious to the crowd around him .

"Okay , everyone shut up . I'm taking a photo ." Maisie stood back up and took a photo , "Now escape !" She backed away from them with a grin.

The group followed her , taking occasional glances at the two boys . Lucielle grabbed her laptop , "Movie , anyone ?"

— — —

The group sat in a half circle as Lucielle scrolled through Netflix , choosing to turn on the kissing booth .

Adonis joined about halfway through the movie , he wasn't lying when he said he had to go away from Lizzie . He had an important call with his agent about a potential modeling contract .

He sat behind Maisie , trying not to disrupt the group . She turned around and playfully swatted him , "Where've you been ?" She teased .

"A call ." He whispered . Maisie leaned back into his arms , it didn't feel like a romantic gesture to her . She was a very touchy person , and it was something she'd probably do to anyone , but Adonis felt a small smile creep onto his face as he wrapped his arms around her , holding her close .

Elizabeth watched the two , ignoring the movie that was coming to an end . She watched as Adonis wore a smile that she had been trying to get for months out of him .

The majority of the group was asleep when the movie ended . Maisie had fallen asleep moments after Adonis joined , and it somehow started a chaotic reaction .

The only people awake were Zinnia and Darnell . Zinnia was texting her boyfriend , Chris . A small smile on her face as she typed quickly .

Darnell laid down , trying to close his eyes . He couldn't sleep , there was too much adrenaline pumping through his system from the exciting day , so he stood up to raid the fridge .

for some reason ive just been totally speed writing this . have i been editing it ? nah , so don't judge the bad writing because i don't care.
ily all sm <333

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