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chapter one . moving in

The day started out simple, with Oliver showing up early at Maisie's house. He had stayed up late the night before so he could help his sister load his truck with her boxes in the morning. The goal was for the group was to arrive there any time before noon, but because the two siblings were trusted with the house keys, they would have to get there early anyways.

Maisie slid into the passenger seat, immediately connecting her phone to the speakers before Oliver could snatch it from her hands. "I'm just gonna play mom's music." She laughed, turning to buckle her seatbelt.

"This is gonna be a long ride." He mumbled.

β€” β€” β€”

It was a lie. The ride felt like it was the fastest ride in the world to them. The second Maisie hit play on her playlist, the whole car just burst into loud singing. They listened to songs from every album, until they finally reached their location.

Oliver was beaming with excitement. It took him less than a second to park the car and immediately jump out.

A car had already beat them to the house, and the figure of Adonis stood leaned against his car, an emotionless look in his eyes to the outside view, but as the two siblings watched him, they noticed a slight change in his eyes.

"Hey, Addi!" Maisie called, waving her arms. He hesitantly waved back.

"You got the keys?" He asked.

Oliver held them up, "yeah, lemme go unlock the door." He walked up to the house, twisting the key into the lock. He looked up, taking notice at the lack of a security camera. He made a mental note to her that fixed before he pushed his way in and propped the door open.

He began to walk around, looking around the unfurnished rooms. "Shit - We forgot to get furniture."

"Oh fuck." Adonis responded as he stepped into the room, Maisie following behind him. "It's fine, I mean we can sleep on the floor for a few days." He shrugged.

"I knew we were forgetting something." Hunter laughed as he walked into the building, gripping onto a box of his belongings. "We're all a bunch of idiots."

"Sup man." Adonis nodded, glancing back towards the empty room. "I think we should just put the blame on the Swifts over here."

Oliver leaned forward to whisper something in Maisie's ear before the two looked up and raised their middle fingers.

"What in the sibling telepathy-" Hunter began, only to be interrupted by Wade tackling him into a hug . He dropped his box, "Dude!" He groaned. "You gotta pick that up now."

"Fine, fine, my bad for giving you some love." The son of Ryan Reynolds joked, squatting down to refold all of Hunter's clothes.

"We should all get our boxes and put them in our rooms, since everybody's starting to show up and all." Maisie called out to the group.

Everyone murmured their agreements and turned to walk outside.

A car swerved into the driveway, parking directly in front of the door. "Sup bitches." Elizabeth rolled down her window, a confident smirk on her face.

"You know you could park where the rest of us parked." Wade grumbled.

"What did you say?" She asked him, an obviously fake sweet tone to her face as she spoke to Wade.

"I said that you're an entitled little -"

"Okay!" Oliver intervened , stepping in between the two. "Liz, there's so many places in the driveway to park, can you not do it in front of the door."

"I guess, just because you asked nicely."

"What the fuck!" Wade exclaimed. The two began to argue quickly, with Oli in the middle trying to sort it out. He waved his arms frantically to try and get them to stop.

Maisie stood outside of her brother's truck with Adonis beside her, "Addi it's fine." Maisie explained, trying to take one of her boxes out of his hands. "I can carry it."

"It's okay, all mine are already inside." He told her with a smile, gripping onto it tightly so that she couldn't pull it out of his grasp. The brunette reluctantly sighed and dropped her arms, turning to grab another one of her boxes. She grabbed it and began to lead him inside.

The rest of the group showed up in the next hour, and then finished getting everything inside after another.

Darnell had opened a bag of chips while Jonna sat up on the kitchen counter , stealing some while he wasn't looking . He turned around and caught her hand , but the two laughed it off and began to share .

Meanwhile , everyone was laying down in the kitchen , exhausted from all the work . Zinnia received a text , probably one from her boyfriend , and she stood up excitedly , rushing outside to respond .

"She makes me feel single everyday ." Lucielle joked , her head resting on Adonis' shoulder . He stared blankly down at his phone . Some might say that Addi tended to have a "resting bitch face" and it was always a valid point , looking as though he were about to walk down the runway any second .

Lucielle told him a joke , but he didn't crack a smile , it's not that he didn't want to , it's just that he was too exhausted to pretend her joke was funny .

She sighed , finding his lack of enthusiasm draining before she stood up to go find Jonna and Darnell .

Victor looked up from his phone , "Cmon , Addi . You gotta lighten up sometimes ."

He shrugged and put his headphones on , blocking Victor out .

"Okay , okay ." He shrugged , "point taken ."

Elizabeth sat up from where she was laying with her head on Maisie's stomach . "Guy's I'm hungry ." She whined .

Maisie sat up as well , "We could send some people to go get some food while the rest of us finish up here ."

"Good idea!" Wade shot Maisie a thumbs up , "I dibs going to the store ! And pooks is coming with me !" He slung his arm around Hunter's shoulder , ruffling his hair .

"Okay !" Victor stood up , "Wade you can go to the store with Hunter , Jonna , Lucy , Darnell , and Liz ."

Wade opened his mouth to complain , but Victor shot him a glare before he could . "Be nice to her , I don't even get why you two hate each other ." He told him firmly .

"Anyways , I'll stay here with everyone else ." Victor finished .

β€” β€” β€”

"Okay , so here's a list I made ." Elizabeth told Lucielle and Jonna ."I was thinking we could split into groups to get this done faster ."

Wade got out of the car , a playful grin on his face as he and Hunter joked to each other. They each put on a hat , not in the mood to be recognized by anyone . "Cmon Jons ." Hunter called to Jonna . The daughter of Lin-Manuel Miranda nodded and joined the three .

"No ! We're taking Jonna ." Elizabeth frowned , crossing her arms . "We're gonna have girl time."

Jonna reluctantly smiled at both her friends , feeling as though she were in the middle of the feud between Elizabeth and Wade . She turned on her heels and walked back to the girls , waving the boys a goodbye .

"Traitor ." Wade scoffed , crossing his arms . Hunter only beckoned Darnell over .

"I guess we'll have to beat them ." Darnell joked .

"Actually ? Let's do it ." Hunter piped in , and within seconds the boys were booking it past the girls into the grocery store .

Lucielle had sent half of the list to the boys , so they scurried around the store until their hands were full of food . They immediately got the in the line and playfully waved at the girls as they passed .

Jonna frowned , "should've gone with them ." She muttered , crossing her arms against her chest .

"Hey , they're gonna have to wait for us anyways , but let's gossip ." Lucielle smiled , holding onto a basket of vegetables . "You girls got your eye on anyone ?"

"Ugh , I do ." Elizabeth groaned , "but I can't tell if he feels the same way or not . How more obvious could my flirting be ?"

"Ooo ! Who ?" Jonna asked , stopping in an aisle to grab some noodles from the shelf .

"Adonis . You know , the guy who's literally getting paid just for being hot ." She told the girls , leaning against the shelves , "but he's so closed off . I can't get close to him ."

Lucielle smiled , "He is a hottie , isn't he ?" She gushed , "any girl would be lucky to date him ."

"My fingers are crossed that something magical is gonna happen while we live together ." Elizabeth lifted up her hand and crossed her fingers to prove her point .

"Well any guy would totally be lucky to date you , just give him some time ." Jonna told Elizabeth . "Do we have all our ingredients ?" She asked , her eyes scanning around the aisle .

"Yeah , let's go ." Elizabeth linked her arms with the two girls and walked towards the cash registers .

β€” β€” β€”

"Here ." Victor set a box of kitchen supplies on the counter , helping Oliver put the cups in one of the cabinets . "Well these are interesting ." He held up a mug that said 'let me drink bitch' in bold letters .

Oliver let out a small laugh , "I bet that's Darnell's ." He set the last cup in and closed the cabinet . "That guy is full of surprises ."

"For sure ." Victor added in , taking out a few pans to put in a drawer .

Zinnia stood by herself , her airpods in her ears as she hummed to a song , organizing the utensil drawer . She was never really quiet , but with all the stress from the moving she just couldn't find the motivation to talk to anyone .

"Hey , Zin ." Maisie walked up to Zinnia , a bag of utensils in her hand . "You good ?"

"Yeah ." Zinnia smiled , turning to look at one of her closer friends . "There's just so much happening right now ."

"Tell me about it ." She laughed , leaning against the counter . "And we don't even have any furniture yet ."

"I know ! How are we gonna sleep without beds ?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking ?" Maisie suddenly asked , a grin emerging onto her face .

"If the answer is an all-nighter , then for sure ." Zinnia responding , and when Maisie nodded , Zinnia clasped her hands together in excitement . "This is gonna be so fun !"

Maisie giggled and nodded , turning to help Zinnia finish with the utensils .

Adonis watched all the groups from where he was putting all the bowls and plates away . He watched the two girls jump in excitement and his curiosity got the best of him . He walked over . "What are you two pretty ladies talking about ?"

Maisie's face turned pink at the compliment , "um , planning an all-nighter ." She responded .

"Sounds fun , can I join ?" He asked , crossing his arms .

"Sure !" Zinnia shrugged , "unless we decide it's all girls , then you're uninvited ."

"Well that would be a shame ." Addi grabbed their boxes and turned to walk away .

"I'm sure you could join us though !" Maisie called after him , he gave her a thumbs up and walked outside to toss out the boxes .

Zinnia laughed and put the last knife in the drawer . "You're funny ."

β€” β€” β€”

"We got pizza !" Darnell called as the grocery group stepped into the house . He walked into the living room and set the boxes down on the floor .

"Food !" Oliver cried , racing into the room . Victor followed behind him , laughing like crazy as Oli raced towards the boxes .

Wade and Hunter set the groceries on the counter of the kitchen , before joining everyone else in the living room .

The group gathered in a funky circle , each using a paper plate to eat their pizza on . They joked the entire time , each telling their favorite parts of the day . Elizabeth nearly murdered Lucielle when she almost blurted out her crush on Adonis , and Jonna smiled sheepishly as everyone tried to pressure the secret out of her .

They sat and hung out for as long as they needed until the sun began to set .

"I'm really gonna like it here ." Zinnia smiled .

"Same !" Lucielle laughed .

The rest of the group agreed and they watched the sun go down in cheerful bliss .

chapter one is here <333 tysm for your support on the prologue because it really pushed me to write this ! i literally love all the characters sm and im glad they all get their time to shine here . if you have any ideas or questions please lmk ! my pms are open !

ily all sm
mwah mwah mwah goodbye

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