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Addi was being dragged on one of Pan's stupid hunting trips as some sort of compensation for him trying to kill her the other night.
It seemed more of a punishment in her opinion than a sorry present but she would take what she could get.

Neither Chester, Devin or Lucas were going, they were the only boys she actually considered friends but maybe this would give her an opportunity to talk to and possibly befriend some of the other boys.
She had a feeling Pan knew that she was going to be useless in the hunting trip considering she hadn't been trained in either bow and arrow or knife throwing but she had a bow swung over her shoulder regardless, she would have to try and give it a go.

Addi could recognise the two brunette twins, Harvey and Hank, Roger and a smaller boy who looked a bit like Roger but less pale and actually like he was a living human with emotions and feelings.
There were two other younger boys with the mini Roger, she remembered one of their names, the redhead named Turner. He had a lopsided grin and seemed very clumsy.

She smiled at Harvey and made her way over to walk with him and his friend, she probably knew him best out of the bunch. He was with a tall boy with darker skin and black curly hair.

Harvey introduced the other boy who she hadn't really talked to yet as Flynn, he had that sort of genuine smile that made you immediately like him. Flynn seemed to be the goofball of the Island and after a few moments, she found herself cackling in a very unladylike like manor along with Harvey.

"We're hunting the wild boars," Harvey explained to her trying a serious face but barely swallowing giggles.
They reached an area where Pan seemed to stop to try and find any boars, they waited a moment in silence but the boars had run off.

"Why wasn't the wild pig invited to any parties?" Flynn blurted out the second the silence had eased, Harvey and Addi shook their heads, "Because everyone thought he was a boar,"
The joke wasn't even funny but she couldn't help crack a smile and laugh.

They kept walking and she noticed Roger following Pan like a lost puppy with the other lesser friendly twin following along.
They looked like some sort of shady club that would beat you up just for looking at them funny.

The small Roger looking kid caught her eye again and she decided she should probably just ask, "Are you and Hank the only ones related here?"

Harvey smiled a wide grin, "Well, we're the only twins but both Roger and Chester have younger brothers here. That's mainly the reason they chose to stay," he said.
Addison hadn't seemed to have seen a mini Chester but now that she thought about it, the third boy in the mini Roger, redhead trio looked a lot like her friend.

"Kale is the boy over there, he's Roger's brother. He's only fourteen but never stops talking, I've even considered shooting him in the head multiple times," Harvey said.

"I have shot him in the head," Flynn quipped, her eyebrows shot up at his words, "Kidding, but I have piffed a rock real close to his head. I nearly got him too,"

Harvey ignored him and continued talking, "Chester's brother is the youngest here, his name's Lester,"
Chester and Lester, she let out a small laugh, they must have had very creative parents.

They continued discussing the Island with Flynn constantly making hilarious comments about the lack of hygiene and anything else he could somehow find a joke out of.

She didn't quite get any information on whatever Pan was plotting but it was still very helpful.
For instance, the Dreamshade that was crawling around the Island had taken the corners of the Island where the Forest grew so she should avoid that at all costs and there was an antidote but it was a long trek away, where she would probably run into the plant and get poisoned again anyways.

Suddenly a hush fell over the boys for the second time but this time weapons were out and they stood statue-still looking at a herd of wild pigs just past the trees. These boars were larger than she had expected and there was exactly nine of them so one for everyone to kill.

Addison groaned inwardly, that meant that she would have to actually put her non-existent shooting skills to the test.
She grabbed her bow awkwardly and tried holding it correctly as Roger and Hank immediately swung into action. Both swinging knives into the flesh of the animals producing unpleasant screeching noises.
She felt a tinge of pity for the poor pigs but that was before they noticed them and their dead friends and began running.

Addi had to act quickly if she was to kill now, the group ran as silently as they could with the boys going completely feral trying to hit them until there were only two left.
One for her and one for Pan, she figured Pan was just waiting till everyone had caught one like a good leader who just wanted to show off.

He caught her eye and gave her a wink, despite herself she could feel herself blushing but she brushed it off scowling. It was ok when Luc did that but Pan? No thanks.

The boars had finally stilled and when the pair crept up to them, Pan gestured for her to take the lead and she begrudgingly overtook him. She fitted the arrows between the strings and with her hand steady on the wooden frame of the bow, she pulled back and aimed for the animal.
She probably wouldn't hit it but it was Pan's fault for not teaching her to use a stupid bow before taking her hunting.

The arrow flew through the air and surprisingly landed in the boar, not where she had aimed but at least she had hit it.
The sound of the dying pig sent the other one running but Pan and his arrogant skilfulness hit it right in the bum as it ran away making it, well, not run away.
Pan went around and flicked his wrist making each boar disappear in a puff of green smoke, why he couldn't have just done that before, she really didn't know.

They made their way back to the camp to find the boars being cooked on a spit of some sort over a fire. Devin was tending it along with Aster, but no Chester.
She began walking towards them but she felt a yank on her arm turning her around to face Pan, "The games aren't over, love,"

Out of all his creative nickname, she liked 'love' the least.

✧ ✧ ✧

Peter looked behind to make sure the girl was following him, she was. They were playing one of his favourite games and he wanted to see what Addi would do, he had a suspicion that needed proving and this was just the game.

He had Lester tied to a tree with an apple on his head and with a glance in Addi's direction and he could see her mouth open in horror, "You better not be shooting at the poor kid,"

A smirk lit up Peter's face, "Sorry," he wasn't sorry, at all and stepped towards his lost boys, all eyes on him, "Let's see what our newest lost one can do,"
He watched his boy's curious eyes shift to the fuming grey eyed girl.

He stepped towards her smiling at her discomfort, "Normally we'd get our newest lost boys to use a crossbow but you look like you could use a challenge,"

She looked at him hard, "No," she said.

"Yes," he handed her a bow and she took it stiffly,

"I'm going to hit Lester in the face Pan, I'm not doing it," she protested, "I haven't the slightest idea how to use this stupid thing,"

He knew that didn't matter, it was something deeper inside her that he needed to awaken again, "You need to believe,"

"Well I don't," she shoved the bow against his chest. Pan frowned, she wasn't getting away that easily, he held out a hand concentrating on her small figure. She stopped mid-walk, freezing at his will, his eyes narrowed at her to meet her cold gaze.

"You want to remain a lost one on this Island, you do as I say,"
Something flickered in the girl's eyes but Pan couldn't read it. He could always tell what anyone was thinking, it was one of his many talents, it was what helped him get into people's heads.
He could even read the Dark one better than the stubborn girl in front of him he realised.
Now he knew for sure that there was something about the girl, something both magical and mundane that he couldn't put his finger on.

"How do I shoot if I can't move?" Addi asked suddenly, snapping Peter away from his thoughts.
He released her, letting the girl tumble to the floor very annoyed and dusty. He watched her scramble to her feet and she snatched the bow out of his hand.

"If I kill him, it's not my fault," she put on a brave face but Peter could finally see behind her charade as he watched His lost boy, Chester stare at her as she stared cautiously back.

This wasn't just a test for her, but for the boys too.
The curly-haired boy beneath the apple was doing remarkably well, Peter noted, reminding himself to reward the kid after this was over for not saying a word the whole time.
He could see the internal struggle in the girl's eyes and he knew she was going to have to believe. A sudden confident and determined expression crossed her face as she pulled back the bow.

Peter watched her intently like nothing else in the world existed, the way her jaw tightened in concentration and the muscles on her arms holding the bow in place. He shouldn't have been looking at her like that but he couldn't help himself.

The arrow was suddenly released into the air and heading straight for the young boys face.

He wouldn't intervene, he told himself. She would do it, she had to.
The arrow as if finding a new path, turned to the apple above the boys head and sunk into the fruit.

Addi looked at Peter mirroring his smirk, walked up to him and dropped her bow at his feet. At that point, he didn't care that she was defying him, she had done it, she had believed.

Then it happened, the arrow, lodged deep into the red apple escaped its prison and found a new target, Peter.

He caught it without hesitation and let out a loud husky laugh. The girl suddenly turned around and saw the arrow, she looked around in confusion, seemingly unsure of what had just happened.

"I knew it. I didn't think it would come out like this, you must really dislike me," he said, walking towards the girl staring at him wide-eyed and confused, a hand reached out and touched her cheek for just a second, "You finally believe,"

Was that magic?? You'll never know... What do we think about Harvey and Flyn??
As always, please vote and comment and I'll be rly happy.

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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