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"Pan's hiding something from me," Addi sat down next to Chester and Devin, her patience wearing thin.
They had gotten pretty close over the past few days, Chester's light humour and Devin's dark, sarcastic attitude was a great combination to be around.

She knew that even if they did know, they couldn't tell her but that was what it was like, her being an outsider amongst a bunch of loyal Pan followers.

"You know we can't say nothing,"Chester's eyes were apologetic like he wanted to tell her and Devin just sat there smugly laughing at her.

"I hate you both," she groaned, "Not even a hint?"
She forced a cheesy grin to her face in desperation. They just rolled their eyes, it seemed that she would remain in the dark till 'the time was right'.
Screw that, she would find out whether they liked it or not.

Chester inched closer, "Guess who's right behind ye?"

Addi turned her neck to see, it was Lucas and damn he looked good.
A mischievous look crossed Chester's round face.

Her eyes widened and she slapped his leg, "Don't you da-"

"Ay, Lucas!" He yelled out, oh no he didn't.
A fit of laughter possessed him and the cackling brunette as she sat there glaring at the two of them.

Devin doubled over, "You think we haven't seen the googley eyes you two have been giving each other," Addi could only gape at him in despair, "He totally likes you Addi,"

She tried to regain herself as Lucas walked over. All the boys had taken to calling her Addi, it seemed to have stuck after Pan decided that that would be her name.

"Hey boys," Lucas came into view, "And Addi," he said with a wink and she felt a rush of blood rising to her cheeks.

Devin gave her a look, "Get a room," he mouthed silently, she scowled at him.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, I think Pan wanted me to do some training with you," a small smile crossed his lips, "I don't think he liked you showing him up the other day," He had seen that?

She froze for a moment and felt a pinch on her arm and a shove so she stood up, "Sounds good, I'm still a little rusty though,"

Lucas turned around and she followed him to the training area, but this time, it was just them.
"I won't say I'm the most experience lost boy here but I can sure teach you a thing or two," Lucas laughed, his bright blue eyes shimmering in the sun.

He took a fighting position and she mimicked, actually nervous for once. Fighting Pan was different, she had motivation, a reason to prove herself. Now she just felt awkward and out of place, the boy was far too nice for her to have a go at.

"I noticed you're technique," he said as they started circling each other, "You know a lot about defence and manoeuvres to end a fight quickly, I can only assume you've been taught before considering the amount of technique I witnessed,"

Was he trying to psych her out because it was working, she had glued her eyes to his face as he talked, "I'm going to work on your offence, so I need you to come at me instead of waiting for an attack," he continued, "In Neverland, you need to get used to being the initiator,"

Addi had no intention of initiating any attacks anytime soon, the only reason she had with Pan was that she was thoroughly pissed at him and it seemed a good way to let off a bit of steam. She got angry pretty easily, she observed, maybe she could use that.
The problem was, she wasn't angry at Lucas, he made her feel the exact opposite.
Deciding the easiest path was to surprise him and in a beat, she had kicked him and twisted him to the floor.

She really had no intention of hitting him and winced slightly as his body hit the floor, he let out a groan, "Good, but not quite what I had in mind, Addi,"
He rolled onto his back and she couldn't help but notice, even dusty and bruised, he was so very attractive.

He grinned up at her and she held out a hand to him, which he took thankfully.

As soon as Lucas realised that she didn't want to learn how to aimlessly spar, he settled for showing her various ways of taking down an attacker in a matter of seconds. Addi found that she preferred that to just throwing pointless punches at each other just for the sake of it.

She lay on her back breathing hard, the solid floor felt welcome against her back. This training was almost worse than with Pan, with him, it was quick and over, but with Lucas, it dragged on, repeating over and over. She guessed that was just the difference between practising and a real fight. The more effort she put in, the better results she got.

She closed her eyes for a second and felt a presence next to her, she suppressed a smile.
"I'm glad you're here," Lucas said softly as they lay there breathing heavily. She wondered whether he meant right then or just Neverland in general?

She found herself saying, "Me too,"

"You know, before I came here, I knew a girl just like you," he paused, "She was the only girl in a group of boys and she was so stubborn and independent," he laughed lightly.

Addi froze, she had noticed that none of the boys ever talked about their past lives but Lucas seemed to not mind as much, she didn't want to press the matter but she just wanted to know more about him.

"Was she nice?" Addi found herself asking,

"Not as nice as you," he said and a warm smile found its way onto her lips and they just lay there in silence.
The kind of nice quiet, not the awkward silence that she hated passionately.

It was a nice moment, just enjoying each others company in silence. That was, till a face interrupted her vision of the clear sky

"Training, are we?" Came the smug British accent she had grown to despise. Not that she fully hated Pan, he was just annoying.

She groaned and sat up, deciding to not even bother explaining to Pan what they were doing because it was honestly none of his damn business. Lucas seemed to remain silent and his hand found her own and a fresh rush came over her.

"If you continue to neglect the duties I ask of you, there will be severe consequences," he spoke to Lucas harshly and she felt a bit guilty for putting him in this situation.

Before he had a chance to speak or defend himself, she blurted out, "You can't just control people Pan, if Lucas decides to let us rest because we have been working hard, then that's his decision. You have no right to tell us what to do,"
She knew then that she had screwed up but she could feel anger bubbling through her veins and there was no stopping her.

She had stood up during her spontaneous speech and was facing Pan head-on, a hand reached for her arm and tugged it slightly but she just brushed him away.

The fury in Pan's eyes was unmistakable but for some dumb reason, she wasn't scared, she probably should have been.

"You dare," he was seething, his voice was cold and silky, like a viper ready to strike.

He stepped forward towards her but she didn't move, he saw her glued to her spot and she looked him right in the eye.

"I dare," She heard herself respond, oh what had she gotten herself into.
Lucas had left her side and was standing a safe distance away from Pan, maybe she should have taken a page from his book of common sense and survival instincts of avoiding getting brutally murdered by Pan but she just seemed to be doing the exact opposite.

"You've got some nerve, lost girl,"
Addi suddenly felt a twinge in her throat that seemed to grow into a kind of pain she had never experienced before. She looked down to see Pan's hands moving, he was doing something to her.

Her throat constricted and she could feel herself growing lighter, she looked down and her feet were no longer on the ground. She heard a yell in the distance coming from Lucas and out of the corner of her visions, she saw him sprawled on the floor, writhing in pain.

She began to panic and started grabbing at straws, "You wouldn't kill me, Pan." She hissed as confidently as she could muster in the excruciating pain.

His eyes met hers, the green boring holes into her skull, "Wouldn't I? You know how many people I've killed, Addi? What makes you think you're any different, what makes you so special, girl?"

The pain only grew as she continued to hold his eye contact, black dots filled her vision and she could feel a dizziness in her head, making the whole world spin and the only thing holding her down was those pricing green eyes. She clung to them like her life depended on it.

"Y-You need me," she gasped.

Her words lingered in the air and she could feel a shift in mood as pressure lessened on her throat, she stared at him with more concentration. She knew he needed her, he had said so himself, she was the saviour but he didn't know that she knew that. It was a risk but it had saved her life, she hoped.

Emotion was lost on the boy's face as he stared stone-cold into her eyes, "And what makes you think that I would need you?"

There was something in his expression that told her, she was right. She had hit a nerve but she couldn't let him know that she had overheard his conversation with Roger, that would guarantee her death even if it didn't make sense for him to kill her.

"There hasn't been a girl in Neverland for half a century, or so I've heard," she rambled hoping to sound legit, Pan clung onto every single word, "If you didn't need me, surely you would have killed me already. There has to be a reason there are no girls here,"
Pan seemed to buy her innocence even though they both knew the only reason she was still alive, a Prophecy.

Her feet found solid ground and she swayed slightly before finding her footing and seeing Lucas in a pile against a tree. She immediately abandoned all thoughts of Pan and his desire to murder her.

"Luc, Luc, are you alright?" She placed a hand on his cheek and his eyes flashed open, she grinned at the shock on his face.

"You, you're alive?" He seemed surprised that Pan hadn't killed her, she just wrapped her arms around him. They hadn't known each other for long but there was a connection there and it just felt so right.

Addi could almost see the knowing eyes of Chester and Devin in her mind and couldn't help the beam forming on her face.

Ok what do we think about Lucas, do we ship?????
That was a bit intense but we're only just at the beginning, we got a lot more to come.
Please vote and comment, you don't know how much reader engagement means to the authors, every vote makes my day seriously and reading comments is so fun and I'll try and reply to everyone :)))

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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