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Addison's eyes drifted open as the sun peaked through the gaps of her cabin. The night before had been a bit of a blur but once they escaped the Dreamshade, Pan had set up camp once again.

She had found a new set of clothes to sleep in, in one of the drawers in her room, she assumed Pan had somehow magicked it there.
Addison was slowly beginning to accept the fact that Pan was a weirdo who had magic and that it shouldn't surprise her when she saw things really weird going on because in most cases, she could explain it back to 'Pan has magic, don't worry.'

Addison could tell it was early in the morning as all she heard was silence, the boys were still asleep. Maybe she was an early riser but whatever opportunity without a bunch of rowdy teenage boys pestering her, she would take wholeheartedly.

She scanned the room, if she had found clothes to change into in her drawers the night before, maybe there would be a fresh set of clothes to wear now. She opened the same drawer to find just that, a new set of clothes, she was beginning to like magic now.

There was a loose shirt and leathery pants, along with what looked like a pair of combat boots and a cloak. There were undergarments as well and she truly hoped that it was some mindless magic and not Pan picking out her cup size.

She changed quickly, picking up the ring she had left on the dresser the night before and slipped it on. For some reason, the ring just drew her in and she felt a sense of comfort wearing it.

After adjusting her new clothes to fit, she left her cabin. The morning air was crisp and fresh, even if it did smell of B.O.
She would take this opportunity of peace and quiet to have some time for herself and decided to walk along towards the forest edge.
She heard a sound and stopped in her tracks.

Across the camp were two boys, she wasn't alone in her early rising ways she realised quickly. She could make them out as Pan and his lackey, Roger.
The two together was an unpleasant sight, both sent shivers down her spine in very different ways.

They seemed to be having a serious discussion and she crept over trying to make as little noise as physically possible.

"She's not to be trusted," Roger said, she could only assume he was referring to her as the only she on the island.
Addison stopped and settled down in a comfortable position behind a tree to hear whatever trash they were saying about her.

"You know the prophecy as well as I do, I'm certain this time," the British voice sounded irritated,

"She's one of them,"

"But she doesn't remember. This could be it,"

The voices fell to a whisper and she inched closer, pressing her back to the hard wood, desperate to hear every word they were saying.

"But what if she chooses wrong?" Roger hissed,

"Then we kill her, but we have to figure it out. We can't just make assumptions," Pan said.
How about they just refrain from the killing in general, that seemed like a good idea.

"I'm telling you, Pan, this will fail,"

"Peter Pan never fails and this will be no exception," Pan rose from the log and she scrambled back, "We will gain her trust and she will fight for us. Make no mistake Roger, you will not get in my way,"

She ran back to her cabin tracing the outskirts of the camp, what on earth had she just overheard?
It felt to her like she was intruding but was it really intruding if they were talking about her? But it seemed that she was valuable to them and she didn't know why.

She slid the door open and collapsed inside her cabin finding the soft bed in the corner of the room. The boys would be up soon and she needed to collect herself, she could just walk out there looking like she had seen a ghost, Roger being the exception of course. The Neverland sun didn't do much for his lack of colour.

Moments passed as she lay there catching her breath and a shrill whistle interrupted her quiet. She could hear the lost boys running and making a ruckus of noise and after she felt the need to join them, she made her way towards the crowd surrounding Pan.

"You're late," He was talking to her,

"Yeah, I had to get changed," she said lamely.

"This is your one warning, the next won't be pretty," he sounded like a grumpy teacher, it seemed she had missed whatever announcement Pan had made as the group dispersed.

He walked up to her, "You need to learn your place,"
Was that how he intended on gaining her trust? Well, it certainly wasn't working.

She wanted to add some sarcastic remark but decided it would be beneficial to her safety not to speak then. Pan grabbed her wrist and lead her through the forest.

✧ ✧ ✧

Peter was thoroughly annoyed, the lost boys were meant to follow him and his every bidding and here was this girl who thought that she was the exception. Well news flash to her, she wasn't.

Dragging Addi by the wrist, they made it to a training area where his boys had already begun their training.
Knives and arrows flew through the air and he could see them starting their duels, fists were thrown and swords clashed, this was how it should be. He was proud of his boys, their loyalty to him and their skill, even Lester, Kale and Turner, the youngest of them all. They were his family even if he wouldn't admit it, they were all he had.

Peter snapped out of his daze as they reached the weapons shed. The blonde girl looked nervous as she scanned over the weapons even though he could tell she tried to hide her nerves. Her eyes seemed to lock onto one particular knife, she reached for it and turned it over in her hand eyes wide with curiosity.

"I think you'll have to learn the basics of fighting without a knife first, otherwise you'll end up stabbing your eye," his words sounded bitter and patronising even to him but it was out of habit, he wasn't used to being nice, even if his life depended on it.
If she truly was the girl from the prophecy and he was certain she was, he needed her to trust him. He knew what she was capable of and if turned against him, he didn't even want to think about the possibility.

She glanced at him in annoyance and rolled her eyes, carefully placing the knife where she had found it, "Then why are we in here if I'm not using weapons?"

"You'll need to know where they are later," he said and dragged her back outside by the wrist.

Her eyes met his as soon as they were back under the warm Neverland sun, "Are you going to teach me?" She asked.

He ignored her question and took her to a spot near the edge of the glass where his boys wouldn't disturb them.

"Punch me," he said, trying to get her warmed up and ready to learn, he preferred a hands-on approach even if it was at his expense.

He was annoyed to see her eyes light up in excitement rather than surprise at his demand and not a moment later did he feel a fist hitting him square in the jaw.

A jolt of pain exploded from his cheek, he could feel a gash dripping blood from where she had scraped his skin. He would never show his pain outwardly but he was certainly surprised that she had been so quick to punch him but he also realised that the smaller girl in front of him was full of surprises and none of them good.

"Take the ring off," he spat. The girl seemed slightly shocked and looked from her hand to his bloody cheek and a mixture of surprise, horror and a bit of satisfaction crossed her face.
She quickly slipped it into a pocket of her pants and resumed the fighting position.

Peter threw a punch towards her face and she dodged it easily, it was a pretty pathetic punch but she seemed to be beaming with pride. Oh how little she knew.

"Good," he said and threw another punch, a little harder this time. She raised her arm and caught it just in time, it seemed like she knew what she was doing so she would be much easier to train than some of the other boys when they were new.

Before Peter knew, the simple game of trading punched had turned into a sparring match. Addi fought well enough and was clearly knowledgeable in this field of fighting, blocking nearly every blow.
She seemed to stay on defence, blocking his attacks but occasionally she would throw in a few kicks and punches herself.

She aimed for 'tender' parts of the body, she was a dirty fighter, he observed but nothing he couldn't handle. Of course, she would have a few bruises the next day due to her lack of experience and skill but it was nothing a few plants and Aster couldn't fix.
Peter could, by all means, fix it himself but he rarely used his magic to heal the boys unless absolutely necessary, he thought they learned better through experience and pain.

Peter noticed that the boys had formed a crowd to watch their sparring, it wasn't every day that they got to watch their leader beat up a girl.

"You're good, Addi," he said dodging a weak punch, "but not good enough,"

He swept a leg under her, tripping her up and leaving her breathing heavily on the floor. She groaned and sat up while Peter held out a hand to help the girl up.

Being who he knew she was, she swatted his hand up and wincing, got up on her own.
The boys were giving her encouraging looks and even Peter knew that they were slightly disappointed that he hadn't lost but what were they expecting, the new girl to suddenly whip his ass?

Addi stood confidently in front of him, he applauded her efforts and attitude, "Have I proved myself?"

The girl seemed to think she had won by the tone of her voice, she wasn't even doing that well.
"Darling, I was going easy," he smirked, he knew she was probably ready to try with a weapon but he didn't want her getting too eager, "But we'll give it a shot,"

He imagined the knife in the weaponry shed and it appeared in his hand along with a puff of green smoke. He held the knife out to her and she eagerly grabbed for it.
Peter being the annoying tease he was, yanked it back just before she could take it and the expression of annoyance on the girls face made him smile.

"Just give it already, Pan," she growled after several more attempts of trying to take the knife. He magicked it into her hand much to her delight and clear confusion.

Pan smirked as he watched her step into a fighting stance, "You need to know how to use a knife before you even think about fighting with one, Addi,"
He ignored the girls irritated expression, "The knife needs to be gripped properly,"

He grabbed the knife from her small fingers and used his own hand to wrap them around the knife correctly. With his hand on hers, he could feel the girl relaxing and her nerves washing away.
She was warm, something Peter hated that he had noticed.

Pushing the thought to the side, he walked her through techniques and blocks, she seemed to be slowly getting the hang of it.
Her face was scrunched with determination as she gripped the knife in different thrusts and directions, it was rather cute.

They had begun to spar slowly, with him explaining and showing her each step, slowly speeding up. It was like a dance, learning each move.

Peter held the girl in a lock with his knife to her throat for the third time, she groaned as her let her go, "I expect better of you, Addi,"

She turned to face him with a strange look in her silver eyes, "And why's that?"

Because he needed her, because he knew she could do better than that.
"It's in your blood," Peter instantly snapped his mouth shut knowing he had said the wrong thing, he was giving too much away, she couldn't know that he knew who she was.

Addi suddenly grabbed a fistful of his shirt and looked into his eyes menacingly, "You know who I am," It wasn't a question, it was an accusation. A correct accusation or at least so he hoped.

Peter knew it would be no help to say anything about it so he pushed her away and glared at her, "Training's finished, go bother someone else," and with that, he turned on his heels and walked away from his mistake, from the blazing hatred in Addi's eyes and his lies.


Bit of tension, bit of tea. Addis got some skills and Pans got some secret agenda and what's this about a prophecy I hear?? Well you'll just have to find out.
Please vote and comment all your thoughts, feedback and theories.

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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