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Addison was lead through the camp by Pan and could see a handful of boys scattered around the camp, some were sitting and talking and others were having friendly brawls.

She recognised a few from their earlier encounter, a smaller boy with a mass of freckles and a mischievous grin who had occupied a lot of her time as she fought off her captors and another brunette boy who she had punched in the nose.
Great first impressions she would have to say.

As she was about to walk towards the centre of the camp to meet some of the boys, a loud shrill whistle stopped her in her tracks. She turned around and saw Pan with his fingers to his lips.
How was that sound even humanely possible.

At once, all the boys froze and started running towards them, yelling and buzzing with excitement. She counted the boys, thirteen in total excluding herself and Pan. For some reason, she had expected there to be more and wondered why there were so few.

Her wondering was interrupted by a speech from none other than Peter Pan.

Addison found herself scanning the crowd as Pan spoke, zoning out his words about bravery, stupidity and lost girls.
It seemed over half the boys were around her age or older, there were a few in their mid-teens and three looked especially young.

Where were their parents or were they all washed up along the beach like her? Were there even sanitary bathrooms in the godforsaken forest, she dearly hoped so.

Her mind kept wondering, full of observations and questions.

"-Isn't that right, Addi?"

Addison snapped out of her trance and realised Pan was talking to her, she murmured an "uh" in confusion.

"Oh, we've lost her already," he said, "Were you even listening to a word I said?"

A smirk loomed across her face, one could guess who she picked that up from.

"Absolutely," she said with an overly enthusiastic nod of the head. Pan rolled his eyes, her brain along with him.

After being dismissed, she suddenly felt like she probably should have listened to what the idiot had said.

She then decided that until she knew where she was and how to get out of the dreaded teenage hell, she would at least try and make some friends to make her stay at least somewhat bearable.

A boy with curly dirty blonde hair around Addison's age caught her eye and waved her over, he was standing with a small group of boys.
She decided to go over, he seemed nice enough.

"Ay, I'm Chester, nice to meet ya," he grinned and for some reason, his smile felt contagious and she felt herself smiling despite herself.

"I'm Addison," she said shaking his outstretched hand.

He turned around and introduced her to his friends, "This is Devin," he gestured to the short freckled boy with striking blue eyes, "Ma best mate,"

Chester punched the boy's shoulder but the other boy just scowled, "Ball of sunshine, he is,"

The Devin boy glared at his friend and said in a very irritated tone, "Shut up,"

Chester proceeded to introduce the other two boys, "This is Aster, the camp medic," he said pointing to a pale boy with long brown hair who nodded curtly in her direction, "If ya ever need a bit of fixing up, he's the man,"

The other boy, olive skinned with messy brown hair and dark eyes stretched out a hand, "I'm Harvey,"
She could have sworn she had just seen him on the other side of the camp with that pale Roger guy.

Harvey seemed to have noticed her expression of confusion and let out a hearty laugh, "No, there's not two of me. That's Hank," he pointed towards a boy across the camp where she had just seen him, but that was Harvey, or at least it looked like it, "He's my twin."
That made sense, so she wasn't just going crazy.

Devin who hasn't said much yet spoke up, "We haven't had a girl here in nearly half a century,"

What? Half a century, that would be fifty years if her maths was correct, how were these kids the same age as her if they were over fifty years old?
The thing about not having a girl did seem to make sense to her and explained all the looks she had been receiving.

They seemed to give him a side-eye that seemed to tell him that that wasn't the right time. Something weird was going on there and it creeped her out.

She brushed the thought aside as Chester said, "We'll show you around, may as well get to know the place,"
That seemed the cue for Aster and Harvey to leave, shame, she liked them.

Addison followed Chester across the camp as Devin pointed out the obvious, trees and such. They took her to another open area in the forest not far from the camp where there were trees with red x's painted on them, like a target.
"This is where we train," Chester said.
Train? What kind of training did these boys do?

"We've got a room full of knives, bows, swords and such. I prefer the swords but Devin here's a real knack with knives," Sensing her confusion, he continued, "We don't really fight anyone, it's more of a pastime and a precaution in case something happens, and we hunt our own food,"

That did not sound at all appetising, maybe she would go vegetarian. No, being vegetarian would be worse.

Time passed and Addison realised that she needed to ask some real questions otherwise the boys would continue blabbering on about Turner's pet knives called Mary and Edith, and anything else irrelevant they could think of.

"So how does it work around here, like where's the nearest town?"

The blonde boy's brows furrowed in confusion, it really wasn't a hard question though, "This is Pan's Island, the only people that live here are us, the lost boys,"

"What's the deal with Pan then, is he like the King or something?" She asked.

This time, Devin chipped in, "He brought us here and provides and cares for us every day, it's our duty to respect the idiot,"
Addison smiled at his attitude.

Chester shot him a look, "Anyways-" he stopped suddenly like he had just had the biggest brainwave, "I nearly forgot, you should probably know the rules so you don't go get yourself killed,"

"Rules?" She asked with a groan, of course there would be rules and knowing Pan, they would be especially strange.

"Well, not so much official rules, but there are the unspoken ones that must be followed at all costs," he said overdramatically, "Devin mate, care to share?" Chestier nudged the boy next to him.

Devin cleared his throat in an exaggerated gesture before speaking, "Rule number one, never call Pan, Peter,"

"But that's his na-"

"Two, you do what the boy says. And three, you do what the boy says," the freckled boy gave her a grin as if proud of coming up with these rules.

"And what happens is you don't?" She asked purely out of curiosity, of course.

Devins grin morphed into almost that of a smirk as if he were about to tell a secret, "Let's just say those who disobeyed aren't here to tell you what happened,"

What kind of sick cult had she just joined? The boys were fine but now she learned that their ring leader kills people? So much for her thinking, he was simply a rich little daddies boy.

After sharing the pleasant rules and punishments, Chester and Devin lead Addison over to the shed where they said they kept the weapons and they went inside.
It was pretty dark and there were shelves lined with various dangerous tools of murder. Spears, knives, swords, clubs, daggers and even bows and arrows.

She would be lying if she said she didn't think it was cool.
"We normally only let the new kids in here right before training but we thought you might want to have a lil' sneak peek to see what you're dealing with,"
She knew what Chester meant by this, she was a girl, so they were giving her a head start, she was both thankful and pissed off.

After leaving the shed, they found a nice lot to sit by and sat there for a while just chatting.
Addison found it was nice to be around actually civilised people or at least somewhat but at least in this strange place, she had found friends who didn't look at her like she was a piece of fresh meat.

Moments passed and suddenly something shifted in the two boys, they perked up and started swaying slightly. They got up and began running towards the camp with a dazed look in their eye.

Not wanting to get lost in the forest, she ran after them wondering what they had heard.

They reached the edge of the camp and she stood still, frozen in wonder, all the boys were running around the campfire. Dancing?

They appeared to be chanting and singing around the fire, it was a very strange sight. They had all put hoods over their heads and she noticed it really did look like some cult.

She scanned the crowd and found one boy missing, Pan. Where was the ringleader?

She felt a presence behind her and whirled around to find Pan. How did he get there? He definitely wasn't there a second ago, she was sure of it.

The brunette held a small pipe to his lips and he appeared to be playing it but Addison heard nothing.
His eyes set on her and his eyebrows quirked as if questioning her, he began walking towards the boys then stopped and looked at her. She quickly realised that he wanted her to follow him.

They walked over to the fire and she could feel the heat radiating around her, warm enough for comfort but not hot enough to burn or sweat.

Pan sat down on a lot and gestured for her to do the same, as much as she didn't find much comfort in sitting next to a boy who killed people, she figured it would probably be worse for her if she didn't, remembering rules two and three.

He removed the pan flute from his lips but the boys continued dancing, she wondered what they heard.
Pan looked at her, almost inspecting her, "You don't hear it," he said, "Do you know why?"
No, she didn't, so she shook her head, "Only those who feel like they've been abandoned or are unloved can hear it. The music clings onto their memories of hopelessness and the feeling of being lost and turns it into something magical. You have no memories so the music has nothing to cling to,"

That vaguely made sense to her, apart from the part that the flute was magic and made people do things. Did he really expect her to believe such fairy tales?

"What makes you think that magic is real?" She said with a light laugh, he was surely joking.

Pans own face mimicked hers but a bit smirkier, "I assure you, darling, you will believe,"

Yeah right, but she decided to humour the delusional boy, "Well, if its magic," she said, "Make me hear it,"

His face remained unchanged, "All in good time, Addi,"

Addison didn't like being patient so she got up to leave Pan and his delusions, but her foot didn't move, something was grabbing it.

She tried to yank her leg away but fell and tripped, she turned over to see what was trapping her but it was nothing more than a vine.
A moving vine. A small scream escaped her lips as she saw it wrap up her leg.

Immediately, Pan jumped up and stared at her, how helpful,
"Help, you idiot," she yelled at him.

He muttered something under his breath and with a wave of his hand, the vine released her.
She wasn't even going to question how he did that, it was all just too strange.

She noticed the boys had stopped dancing and Pan was yelling something, they immediately turned to run. She didn't get it, all that happened was one vine yanked her leg and she fell.
She stood up and looked around.
More than one vine, an army of dead-looking plants was creeping towards the camp. Addison decided to run as well.

She quickly caught up to Pan, "What the heck is that?"
His face lacked his usual smugness or coldness and now shows an emotion of what? Fear?

"It's Dreamshade, it's starting to cover the whole island, there's nothing we can do about it," he said as they ran, "The last invasion was over a year ago but I think it's spreading faster now,"

"What's so bad about Dreamshade?" She asked.

Addison looked into his eyes and knew it was bad, "It's the deadliest poison known to man,' He said, 'Neverland is dying."

dun DUN DUNNNN, our little babies made friends. What do you think of the lost boys so far, we've got Lucas, Roger, Chester, Devin, Aster and the twins. Give me all your opinions lol.
Please vote and comment.

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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