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"What the hell!" Addi screeched, Pan had materialised out of nowhere in the middle of her cabin. That boy had absolutely no sense of privacy, "You couldn't have at least knocked? I could've been getting changed!"

It was early in the morning and she had literally just woken up, obviously in a fabulous mood.
She frowned and sat up in bed staring at her intruder.

"And that would have been such a bad thing?" Oh dear Lord.
Pan smirked at her and she glared back, he was still an arrogant jerk, nothing had changed while she had been with the Pirates.
Nothing would ever change with him, though deep down she wanted him to change, change for her, change for good.

There was one thing that made her wonder, if he had wanted her back so bad, why did he let her get kidnapped in the first place? And then the other thing that constantly lingered on her mind, that kiss, that damned kiss, but she definitely wasn't going to be the one to bring that one up.

"What do you want?" She said, Pan never did anything without reason, he wanted something, she was certain.

He grinned, almost a real one but not quite, "I'm just checking in on my favourite lost girl," he crossed his arms and eyed her with a sort of curiosity, breaking his charade ever so slightly, "How does it feel to be back?"

She knew he didn't really care how she felt, he was just trying to gauge her thoughts, read her emotions and she wasn't going to give him anything.

"Fabulous," she deadpanned and asked once again, "What you want?"

"And why would you assume that I want something?" He crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow, damn him and his stupid eyebrow raises.

"Then why did you bring me back? I was more than happy with Oliver and the Pirates before you went and tried to kill him," she stood up and walked towards him, "What was it that you called him again, Rufio?"

Pan seemed to cringe back at her words, she was hitting his soft spots, just like she intended to.
"I brought you back because I need you," his eyes were murky and Addi almost felt his words sincere, but did he need her just because of her power, to help him with whatever sick plan he was working on or did he really need her, just her? Maybe both, maybe neither, she could never tell with him.

"And what about Oliver?" She demanded, not letting her emotions come through, she wanted answers and she was bloody well going to get them, "Why did you try to kill him?"

Pan's face hardened into a cruel frown, "That's between me and him, it's none of your business,"

"You never tell me anything," her gaze met his, trying to melt his glass charade, "If I'm to stay here, I want to know things, I want to know what's going on, I want to know you, Pan,"
Silence hung in the air like a damp fog.

"No you don't," he replied sharply, though a break in his voice gave him up,

"Yes I do," she said inching closer to him, "Who is Rufio?" Addi was sure he would answer her now, she had gotten through his ice shell for the slightest of moments,

"An old friend," he spoke soft and avoided her eyes. That was unlike him, he must have cared for Oliver, or Rufio, or whatever, "He betrayed me,"

So that was why Oliver had so much hatred towards Pan, they were close once and then things had fallen apart.
"What happened?"

"I believed him dead, that Hook had killed him. I mourned for him," his tone was low and bitter, every word edged with hatred and hurt, "Turns out he wasn't dead and had helped the Pirate escape, plotting my demise all the while. I had trusted him and now he wants me dead,"

Oh. There were always two sides to a story, but what made Addi wonder was what had caused Oliver to do such a thing? What had Pan done so terrible to make his closest friend turn against him?

"I'm sorry," she reached out to touch his arm and felt a rush of warmth, she retreated quickly and dropped her hands by her side. She wasn't sure what else to say and sat back down on her bed.

Pan remained silent, his eyes silently following her every move, examining and watching her. A moment passed and Addi had to fill the depressing silence. There was something else she wanted to know and it seemed a better time to ask when Pan wasn't yelling at her as usual, "Is my father here, on Neverland?"

Pan's face shifted in the blink of an eye and was looking at her with complete shock, "Why would you think that?"

"I saw a ship, Ol- he uh said it was the Jolly Roger. They wanted to know if I remembered it, I know my father is on it," Pan stared at her, mouth slightly agape, "Isn't he?"

"I can't tell you that," he said tonelessly,

"Oh, is it one of those Pan is allowed to know but puny little Addi can't because it's relating to her own bloody father?" She spat, leaning back onto her hands and glaring.

"Even if he was, it wouldn't matter to you. He's here on business and nothing else," he said with a little more confidence and Pan spirit, "He wouldn't want to see you anyways," his tone was sympathetic and fake, he was hiding something. As always.

"May I ask what his business is, or is that too private?" Her head cocked to the side, watching the boy fidget, which was very unlike him. Addi had never seen Pan nervous or scared, he seemed worried even.

"He's looking for something," he said, articulating his words carefully. Addi nodded, urging him to continue, "Something of great value to me,"

Addi remembered the last time she had seen Pan like this, looking at her with that strange sort of wonder she couldn't make sense of. It scared her to bits and sent jitters scurrying down to the pits of her stomach.

"The boy's don't know you're back yet," Pan broke the silence, "I'd like to keep it that way for now," Way to ruin the mood, telling a girl she's under house arrest once again.

Addi scowled, "Whatever you say, sir," Pan smirked at that, "I'm not in the mood to go anywhere anyways,"

Lies. She really had missed her friends, especially Chester and Devin but she didn't want to get into any more fights or arguments so she dropped it. She would see them soon anyway.

Pan turned to leave, not even saying a goodbye, but Addi was sort of grateful, she didn't know what to say to him. Everything was just too damn confusing and she hated it, why couldn't everything just be simple, why couldn't Pan understand how conflicted she felt, why couldn't he understand full-stop.

The day passed slowly with not much to do in the entertainment department, sitting and thinking about everything that had just happened in the past week. So much could happen in such a short time, from almost getting raped, learning she had magic, to kissing Pan, getting kidnapped by Pirates and discovering her father was on Neverland. Everything was happening so quickly, right when she had finally adjusted to the way of Neverland life.

Sleep came quickly for Addi but it was far from a dreamless night.

"Addison," a familiar voice hissed. In the darkness, a face appeared, a brunette boy. It was Oliver! She saw his face, one she would never forget, his dimples ever so prominent as he grinned his lob-sided grin at her.

"Oli!" She ran out to hug him but found herself lunging into thin air, right through his body as if he wasn't even there.

"I'm not actually here, it's just a dream," he explained as if that explained everything,

"How are you here?" This was her dream, was she making this up or was this some weirdo magic?

"I've met up with the others, the Dark one has me under a spell so I could talk to you. You're parents wanted to go instead but I'm the only one who knows exactly where you are, I know Neverland inside and out better than anyone on the Island other than Pan,"

Woah, there was a lot to process in those two sentences, who on Earth were the others, were they the one's on the Jolly Roger, she had no clue who the Dark one was but her parents? Parents as in plural, her mother was in Neverland too.

She had no memories of her parents whatsoever but something inside her ached at the thought, as if she missed someone she had never met, but she had, she just didn't remember. What were they like? Did they love her? Surely they must have.

Oliver looked like he was about to keep speaking but Addi cut him off, "You're with my parents?" Her voice was breathless and she felt it too, she could scarcely breathe at all. She placed her hands on her stomach, taking deep breaths as Oliver talked,

"Yeah, they're here for you Addi, here to rescue you," she began to feel faint, although she wasn't quite sure how that worked considering she was in a dream and all, "Don't get ahead of yourself though, you need to stay in camp, gain Pan's trust. You have to do that if we're going to succeed, ok?"

She nodded her head dreamily, "Pan, why do you hate him so much?"

Oliver frowned, "You don't know what he's done," his eyes gleamed full of sorrow and a glint of something else, Addi couldn't quite work out.

"Then tell me,"

So he told her. He told her of how he and Pan were best friends, loyal brothers, that was till Oliver found out about what Pan was planning to do.
He needed the heart of the truest believer, the heart of a young boy. Pan was going to sacrifice the life of a child in order to save his own but Oliver didn't believe that Neverland was truly dying.
Neverland was an entity as of itself, it couldn't die, it was immortal, a place where children visited in their dreams, a magical place. Pan was corrupting it with his magic to look like it was dying while the only thing on the Island dying was him.

So Oliver, or Rufio at the time hatched a plan with a Pirate, or more accurately Addi's own father to escape Neverland and defeat Pan. He ended up in Storybook where time froze for twenty-eight years until the curse was broken. A few years later the land of untold stories crashed his home and he decided to join Nemo's crew and finally found a place he could call home, that was till Nemo himself died.
The crew banded together and became Pirates with Morgan as the designated Captain. No longer aboard the Nautilus but the Morning Star, they headed for Neverland where Morgan was looking for her long lost brother.
Obviously, they stumbled upon Pan but he was careful to remain hidden and under Pan's radar, they got caught up in a dumb deal where in exchange for eternal youth, they became Pan's spies.
One of their missions was to the Land Without Magic, to Storybrook where he met Hope, an eleven-year-old girl born to the Saviour and a Pirate. She had shocking grey eyes and a mess of blonde hair, always smiling and full of laughter. He immediately decided she was the girl from the prophecy, she just had to be.
They withheld the information from Pan and kept it to themselves, till the day when Anne spotted the same girl on the shores of Neverland. It was her.

Addi's head was spinning so fast, it was all too much to take in.

"I uh," she struggled to put words together to express anywhere to how she felt. Everything she knew seemed to be a lie, not that she knew much in the first place but even her name apparently was wrong. Hope, was that her real name or was it Addison? But she decided she needed one thing ironed out before she could even begin to comprehend what Oliver was saying.

"What's the prophecy, everyone's talking about it but I never actually heard it," her voice came out in some sort of raspy whisper but at least the words made it past her lips. She was shaking, trembling violently and she couldn't stop.

"Hey, it's ok Addison," he reached out to touch her, to hold her steady but forgot that they couldn't touch, his hand floated right through her body. His eyes lowered awkwardly, "I'll tell you but just don't freak out," It was a bit late for that.

"The girl with silver eyes is heartbreak and hope. To Neverland, she's the saviour or foe. But in her wake will come a great battle, a test beyond the soul."

So that was teafull, who do you believe, Oliver or Pan and most importantly who's side are you on???
And what do you think about the prophecy, any theories or suspicions, I'd love to hear them all!!!

Please vote and comment coz I love y'all <3

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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