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Peter had left Addi's cabin feeling guilty, he had opened up to her, he had trusted her with his secret and yet he still was using her. He had to though, it's not like it was his choice, the fate of his home and his boys rested on her shoulder and his if he didn't play the right cards.

Wallowing in his own self-pity, Peter made his way back to his cabin. He felt a tingling sensation in his head, something was off, something was happening.
He froze and looked around, searching for the source of the feeling but didn't see anything, he turned around, stopped again and followed it into the forest.

It was dark and as he approached a river, he saw a figure lying in the grass, he distinctly noticed it as a female figure.

"You've got it already?" The voice called out, could she tell he was there? Who was she talking to?
He held his breath to see if anyone else would show up or if it was just the girl, "Well," she called out, her voice sounded frustrated, she must have been waiting for something or someone.
She certainly wasn't alone.

He decided to make himself known, she would probably prove useful to him if he captured her, "I think you've got the wrong person,"

The girl froze and sat up, her eyes darting towards him, even in the darkness he could see a distinct panic written all over her face.

"Pan," the word left her lips in a whisper, her auburn hair curling out in the wind making her look all dramatic and over the top. He recognised her as the young girl the Heroes had travelled with, Robyn, the daughter of Zelena.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" He inquired in a mock tone,

"I uh, I was just," she stuttered before hearing footprints running towards them, Peter turned to see a boy, the charming boy.

"We got i-," His face too turned pale at the sight of Peter and froze in his tracks.

"How nice of you to show up, I'm sure the two of you would like to follow me back to camp?" Robyn still seemed to be frozen in fear but Neal was beginning to grow in confidence,

"You get away from her you, you slimy rat," Very creative insults for a brave boy, he would have made a good lost boy if he wasn't so stuck up in his own ways.

"I don't think I will. You're both coming with me," Peter said and before they had a chance to bold he captured them in a spell freezing them in their tracks and to the cages they went.

Now he both had a source of information and bait, the lesson they should have learned was not to go wandering around in a forest all alone, especially not in his forest.

They got to the cages and he floated the silent pair up into a pair of wooden boxes, as soon as he released his magic, the two began yelling at him.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO JUST USE YOUR MAGIC LIKE THAT, "Robyn shrieked, apparently, she was no longer scared shitless, "WE HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS YOU KNOW!"


There was a pause as Robyn looked to the boy who had just finished yelling and Peter realised his mistake at the same time as Neal, the boy had magic.
They locked eyes and simultaneously let out a bolt of magic, Peter's obviously stronger and hence magic proofing his cage. Well, that was one hiccup ironed out.

"We'll get out of here, you know. We have people looking for us and you are no match to the fury of our family," Robyn yelled down at him,

"Yeah Yeah, I'm sure I'll be very terrified," he said,

"And one more thing,' the girl yelled, 'You better keep your slimy hands off my friend or you will pay the price, I'll kill you with my bare hands," she looked dead serious as she threatened him and Peter desperately wanted to laugh, instead he just walked away, then froze.

There were only two people in cages, there were meant to be three. Where the hell was Lucas?
He didn't want the two idiots to see him freaking out so he teleported away. How on earth had he gotten out?
Peter was seething and determined to find the traitor, he had to, before he caused any more damage.

There was too much for him to deal with and he was starting to lose it, first Addi and her kidnapping, then the Jolly Roger and their determination to take Addi away from him, then Rufio with the same intention along with his band of Pirates, finding Robyn and Neal who were probably also plotting his demise and then Lucas.
Bloody hell, when would it be enough, when would he just get a damned break.

For what seemed like the first time in his life, he had a headache, a literal painful headache. Peter Pan did not get headaches, he clutched his head with a grimace and stormed to his room.

As he passed the gathering of cabins he heard a distant female voice calling a name, a name he strongly disliked,

"Oliver, Oliver? Come back!"

That was it. No more. He couldn't stand it anymore, he couldn't just sit around and watch as everything tumbled on top of him, crushing him before he had a chance to breathe.

Rufio had visited Addi in her dreams, he was certain. He couldn't feel the boys presence so that had to be it and if he was visiting people in their dreams, that meant he had teamed up with the heroes and that wasn't an option Peter liked.

One more thing to do, then he could sleep, just one more thing.

✧ ✧ ✧

Addi woke up to the sun shining through the cracks of her roof and the cool morning chill told her that she had woken up early. Good. She really needed time to think.
She assumed she was still under house arrest and decided she wasn't in the right mindset to deal with Pan yelling at her or Pan anything at her, she just didn't want to deal with Pan, not after what Oliver told her.

After he said the prophecy, the dream started getting staticky, he told her to stay put and keep Hope, and then he disappeared, poof. She hadn't been able to sleep for hours after but she didn't need the sleep, who needed sleep anyways.

She thought about everything Oliver said about Pan, it made sense but her heart seemed to sink to hear that he was everything she thought he was, she thought he was more. But something still tugged at her telling her that he was more than all of that. More than a self-centred, power-seeking animal willing to do whatever it took to save his own skin. He couldn't be all that, could he?

He opened up to her, he told her things he hadn't told anyone, but maybe that was all part of the trick, a trick to get her to trust him for whatever sick thing he had planned. He was so genuine though, it couldn't be fake, no one could fake that sincerity, not even Pan.
Ugh, her brain hurt, her heart hurt, everything hurt.

She wanted to see the boys so badly, maybe she could sneak out, Pan wouldn't miss her.
She quickly got changed, taking clothes from her magic refilling clothes drawer, it felt good to be in a new set of clothes even if they were disgustingly coloured with all the greens and browns. A little colour never killed anyone, well maybe it killed Pan.

Just as she had laced up her boots, a knock came at her door. She knew it was Pan but she prayed that it was someone who wasn't so unpredictable and made her whole world spin, do cartwheels and flip itself inside out.

"Come in," she said after taking a breath in to calm herself.

His head peeped from the door, "I knocked this time," There was an unusual sweetness or dare she say it kindness in his voice, there was no smirk on his face, only serious haunting green eyes staring at her.
He walked into the room but without his usual air of arrogance, stopping right in front of her.

"What's wrong?" There was something in the air, something wrong. She crossed her arms, looking at him then uncrossed them, she wasn't sure what to do or what to say.

"Something happened last night," his voice was steady and calculated, the way his eyes locked onto hers as if looking for approval to continue,

"What?" It had to be bad if Pan was acting this weird. The boy paused, searching her eyes a little more, "Goodness Pan, just tell me," She was never one for suspense and it was driving her mad.

"Rufio's dead," he said. What? "For real this time," What? Oliver was dead. Oliver was dead?

"What do you mean?" She knew what he meant.

"I mean he's dead," No, he wasn't. He had visited her in her dream last night, he couldn't be dead.

"How? When?" She stammered, the room was beginning to spin. She could vaguely feel Pan's hands gripping her arms, keeping her upright,

"I don't know," he said. Bull. He knew. Addi didn't know why she didn't believe him, maybe it was the things Oliver had said to her, maybe it was her gut, all she knew was he was lying.

She got a grip on herself and brushed Pan's hands-off, standing up straight again, "Yes you do,"

He stepped back slightly at the tone of her accusation and his demean shifted back to that of his usual self, he fixed a cold glare at her, "What are you saying, dear Addi?"

"You know what happened," her voice was breaking. No, she couldn't break in front of him. She inhaled a shaky breath and tried again, "You know what happened to him, you just don't want to tell me. You know I'll hate you for it,"

"What, you don't hate me already?" His eyes bore into her, tearing into her soul, "I didn't kill him," he said lowering his gaze.

Pan didn't lie, or at least not straight up, "I still don't trust you. I don't care if you didn't kill him, I'm leaving," Pan raised an eyebrow and fire shot out of her hands, she barely needed to draw on anything to conjure it, she was fired up already, "And don't you dare try and stop me," He didn't.

She flung the door open with a flick of the wrist leaving a very much astonished Peter Pan in her wake.

How had this happened? How could she have lost the one person she had finally put her trust in, the one person who gave her the answer when no one else would.
She began running because that was all she could do, run till there was nothing left in her. Tears started welling up and streaming down her face. She wanted to leave, run as far away as possible.
Her chest heaved and her throat was hoarse and threatening to spew the results of her stomach trying to churn cheese. She couldn't feel her feet, or her legs, hell she couldn't feel anything.

A moment later, she tripped, crashing to the ground. She sunk into the dirt, letting her feet slide from beneath her, she wasn't getting up, not ever.

"Addi?" A young boys voice broke into the ringing of her head, "Addi, you're back!" It was Lester. She raised her head to see him running towards her and couldn't help but crack a smile at the sight of the curly-haired boy barrelling towards her.

"Hey buddy," She got to her feet and wrapped him in a tight hug, "I missed you,"

The boy looked up at her, "Are you ok?" His big brown eyes stared up at her, concerned,

Was she ok? She probably wouldn't ever be. "I am now that you're here, kid,"
She smiled down at him, she couldn't even begin how good it felt to be hugged so tightly by someone she knew would never lose faith in her.
Addi loved Lester, he was like her favourite younger brother that she would murder anyone who even dared to hurt him for. He was a precious gem and you don't lose precious gems, you hang onto them with all your might.

"Don't ever leave again," his curls framed his pleading face and he put on a very convincing pouty face, "Please,"

"I won't," She wasn't sure she wanted to leave so badly anymore, not when there were people there who cared for her and loved her. They were her brothers and she wouldn't abandon them, no matter what.

"Pan was so mean when you left, I think he missed you," Lester pulled away from the hug to watch her expression turn to laugher,

"I'm sure he did," she shook her head in disbelief at the optimism in his words, "I'm sure he did,"

"Addi?" This time it was multiple voices calling out to her, she turned around to see the rest of the lost boys, even Roger looked pleasantly surprised to see her.

She ran towards them, using what little strength she had left and hugged each and everyone one of them, most of whom hugged her back, you'll never guess who didn't.
After her embracing charge, some of the other boys left her to talk to her friends and Addi found herself amidst a large group hug.

"What the heck happened to ye!?"Chester demanded,

"Pan just told us you were out for a bit, we didn't know when you were coming back!" Devin lightly punched her chest, worried Devin was very cute,

"You were gone for four days, FOUR DAYS Addi!" Aster accused, "What on Earth were you doing for four days? If you were gone any longer, this one would have clawed his eyeballs out,"

Harvey as designated 'this one' chuckled, "We missed you, kid,"

Addi grinned at her friends, "I missed you guys too,"

Devin escaped from the circle of hugs and began yelling, "Ok, now where were you?! We as your friends deserve answers,"

"Do you guys remember Rufio?" They went to sit down on the grass and Addi told them about her abduction with the Pirates, finding out her parents were on the Island and then Oliver's death, leaving out bits that she didn't want Pan to know because although they were her friends, their duty was to Pan first and she had to remember that.

"No way," Harvey gaped at her, "I can't believe he's actually alive, well not anymore, but he was, I remember the funeral and everything,"

Addi nodded, she was going to start crying again if she wasn't careful, she needed to change the topic before the waterworks started, "The world is slowly making sense again now that I actually know what the prophecy is,"

"I'm sorry we couldn't tell you," Aster seemed genuinely apologetic but she couldn't blame them, their first priority was their leader, not her.

"It's ok, but there is one thing I need to do- get my memory back,"

So Rubio's dead again? How are you feeling about Pan now, he's going through a bit of stuff but does that make up for his shitty attitude??

Remember to vote and comment <333

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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