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Robyn had been stuck in that stupid cage for five days, five frickin days. She hadn't been given new clothes, taken a shower or received any basic human rights other than receiving the occasional meal throughout the day.
Her stomach was churning and her throat parched, she had no doubt Neal was feeling the same.

Her hallucinations hadn't been getting better, worse if anything. At least they only turned up at night, she was sure her shrieks left Neal completely sleepless, thing was they had a cure ready, Neal was ready to put the spell on her but now that he was officially not able to use magic, she was sure the terrible state of her friend had a lot to do with guilt.

She had told him a million times it wasn't anyone's fault but her own but the stubborn mule wouldn't listen.
Sometimes the visions were short and not too bad, just eerie feelings and hearing sounds but some nights it got so bad, Pan had to send someone down there to check on her.

She figured Pan or someone had slipped something in the food or done some nasty spells on her overnight to stop her hallucinations from getting worse, but they weren't getting better either.
It was about a week since she had been infected and she assumed by then, it would be uncontrollable so she supposed she was grateful that someone somewhere was helping her out.

"That cloud over there," Neal pointed deliriously at the sky, "Looks like a Lizard,"

"Nah, it looks like an easel," Robyn sighed, "God, I miss my easel,"

"We're going to die in here, I swear," he shifted upright to face her from across his cage. His eyes were rimmed with a dark colour and his hair shot up in spikes all over his head, "Oh look, Flynn's here,"

She turned her head to see the tall, dark boy who had been feeding them for the past week.

"Hey guys, not dead yet?" He laughed. Seeing Flynn was the highlight of the day, not only was it something different to look at and someone different to talk to, he came bearing food. Not great food but it was food nonetheless.

"Very nearly," She replied straight faced, The good thing about Flynn was he didn't seem to pity them or make them feel anymore depressed than they already were, he just cracked jokes and made fun of them, which in Robyn's opinion was very refreshing indeed,
"What delicacies are we served today?"

Flynn grinned, "Roast boar and an apple, you're favourite"

"Loving the variety," They had now had roast boar and an apple every single day, she was now officially sick of roast boars and apples if that was even possible.

"Any news on a possible release or rescue?" Neal piped up, he seemed to be fairing significantly worse than her and she assumed it was because of his relentless persistence on trying to use his magic to get them out, to no such luck every time.

"Sorry buddy, but I might be able to steal you a comb tomorrow. Your hair is a literal pigsty, my grandma had better hair than that when she climbed out of a sewer," Flynn laughed and got out a ladder to climb up to their level, delivering to them their daily meal.

"Any chance of a shower then?" He asked, getting as close to the visitor as possible to flaunt his fruity aroma.

Flynn pretended to gag, though he probably didn't have to try hard. He made a show of waving his hands around and then nearly fell off the ladder, gracefully one he was.
He regained his balance and put on a proud pout, "I'll be begging Pan on my hands and knees,"

"Please do," Robyn put her hands together in a plea, grinning at the idiot who nearly fell off his own ladder, "I don't think I can stand another second up here, I think my legs are permanently paralysed,"

"Aw, you poor baby," He cooed, Neal seemed to give him a side-eye at what he probably assumed was Flynn flirting, which he was most certainly not.

Their food bearer bid them a goodbye and a see you soon and was on his way to his life of luxury, leaving the grotty pair to grot on their own.

"Gives you good time to think," Neal contemplated from the corner of his cage,

"What's that thick head thinking about now huh?" She teased, leaning her back on the bars. It used to be uncomfy but she figured her back was just about numb now.

"Just things," he too leaned against the bars of his cage, looking wonderingly into the sky,

"What kind of things?" she rested her chin on her hand, and looked at the whimsical boy,

"You know, life before all this,"
he said, "When it was just the six of us hanging out at school or at Henry's place. No issues except the ones we made, when the biggest thing to worry about was test grades and who liked who, you know?"

She did know, "Yeah, but then again while we were off galavanting in our petty princess lives, there were more than a few adventures going down in Storybrooke, unless you forgot,"

"Yeah but that was our parents' issues, not ours, we were just fine in our oblivious world of teenager stuff," his face dawned more seriously but it was hard to take him seriously in the state of mess he was in.

"Hm, till Addi went and found her parents, in the process disclaiming everything we thought as true as made up and then getting sucked into a glittering green portal. That really stirred things up, didn't it," she gestured to the big world around them, never would she have thought she would end up in an adventure just like her mum.

"I'm serious Robyn, this isn't just some crazy adventure that we can brag about later and be the hero of, this is real life," he said pointing a finger at her, "Our best friend is being held hostage by a homicidal never ageing teenager, we ran away from the only people who could keep us safe, you got cut by a hallucinogenic plant and now we're stuck in a damned cage that we can't get out of, helpless to do anything but sit around and mull in our worries,"

Before she had a chance to retort him, even though he made good points, a sound made them both simultaneously jump.

"Hey, idiots!"

She caught sight of a very familiar blonde boy,
"Lucas!" She called out, Neal looked both pissed that he couldn't finish his conversation and relief beyond relief, "You here to break us out?"

He smirked that sweet Lucas smirk of his, "You bet,"

✧ ✧ ✧

Addi was sitting on a moss infested log, just sitting and contemplating. Contemplating her annoyance of Pan, he was barely around anymore.

Since she got back, all he seemed to be doing was 'official business' which Addi knew meant dealing with her family and she wasn't invited.
She had given up that particular goal soon after the third time she tried to follow Pan out and was yanked away by some vines instructed by Pan to piss her off.

They had barely even interacted over the past 5 days which Addi was more than fine with, she got to see her friends more and hash up on her fighting skills.
She had her time to mourn along with everyone else after the news was spread, they held another funeral, it was a beautiful funeral with fire, dancing and crying. She knew he would have liked it.

Chester was also sitting with her, though what he was contemplating she wasn't quite sure.
She had gotten up early that day to sit and chill in the forest. Chester had stumbled upon her and neither seemed in the mood to talk so they just sat in silence.

"I'm hungry," she said,

Chester glanced at her solemnly, "Me too,"

They both got up and began walking back to the camp, "You seem awfully quiet today," he observed very accurately.

That was true, she hadn't said much apart from stating that she was hungry all day, "I'm just thinking about stuff, what do you think Pan's doing?"

Chester brushed a branch out of his way and frowned, "I honestly don't know all the details but you know I can't tell ye anyway,"

"What's the point of having friends if they can't even tell you all their master's deep dark secrets," She elbowed him slightly and laughed, "What are his deep dark secrets anyways?"

"Addi!" He scolded and she rolled her eyes,

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," She grinned at the disbelief on his face.
They walked in silence for a while but something was really nagging her. She had done absolutely nothing about her memory problem, she had sworn to herself she would get it back but she had been waiting for Pan, for him to help her which he probably wouldn't anyway.

"Do you want to raid Pan's cabin with me by any chance?" She broke the silence.

Chester stopped in his tracks, "You what?" His eyes widened and he was staring at her in disbelief.

Addi turned around to face him, "I've been thinking-" she began,

"Clearly not," he interrupted her and she glared at him,

"I've been thinking," Addi repeated forcefully, "That after learning all this stuff about my parents and the prophecy there's still so much I don't know. I'm willing to bet that it's all in my old memories and since Pan hasn't really been the helpful hobbit lately, I thought you could help me,"

"No," he shook his head, "Absolutely not,"

"Keep him busy at least, while I do all the illegal sneaking?" Surely he could do that much, Pan wouldn't kill him, well probably not anyways.

"Maybe, what do you need to get?" They started walking back to camp again, discussing their plan.

Addi gave Chester a thumbs up as she walked slowly toward Pan's hut, she had been in there only a few times when Pan had deemed it 'dangerous' for her to be on her own.

She cracked the door open and peeked inside, everything looked pretty much the same but now she just had to find anything relatively magic or memory related which would be a lot of stuff.

She slipped inside and closed the door, she was in, and no one had died yet, a job well done but she wasn't quite finished yet. She still needed to fix her actual problem of major memory loss.
She decided to start on his bookshelves, maybe he had books on magic or even spell books, that would be cool.
As she flicked through the books, she found some familiar books from the last time she was there, the massive 'Once Upon A Time' book, a glossary of Neverland fauna and fauna- the non-magical kind but as she kept looking, the juicier the books got. She found one with what seemed to be diary entries of a girl called Wendy, she dared not to look because it seemed very private and as much as she was invading Pan's space, she respected any girl who could put up with Neverland.

Addi caught her eye on some more magic-related books, 'Dark Arts and Spells', 'Encyclopaedia of magic mushrooms', 'Magic Plants and Their Uses', 'Remedies and Potions', and 'Magic for Dummies'.
The last one wasn't actually real, she just really wished it was, that would be something and a half to rub in Pan's smug face.

She pulled put 'Magic Plants and Their Uses' and 'Remedies and Potions', they both seemed promising in the ways of containing something to do with memory loss and regaining it.

She began flipping through the plant book and stopped when she came across a flower called 'Amentire', there were only a few short sentences about it saying how the pollen of the flower could give you back something you lost but at a price. Except it was extinct apparently, just her luck.

With a groan, she dumped the plant book back on the bookshelf and picked up the 'Remedies and Potions' book, that would surely contain some information about memory loss.
Addi scanned the index and bookmarked a few spots, she flipped the first labelled 'The All Cure'.
Apparently, the 'All cure' was true loves kiss, she rolled her eyes, how typical and flipped to the next section, the only people she had kissed were Lucas and Peter and neither she was willing to bet were her true love.

The next chapter she turned to was called 'Memories', she began reading about Troll magic in Arendale, various potions, once again Amentire was mentioned and lastly were a few different spells. None of them really stood out as easy to be done or accessible.

"Addi, dear," a voice suddenly spoke her name and she dropped the book she was holding, it cluttered to the floor and she slowly turned around, wide-eyed and shaking.
It was Pan.

That was a bit of a slow chapter but nonetheless hope you enjoyed that, it's about to get quite juicy just you wait :)
Please vote and comment and I will forever love you xx

Stay safe and enjoy!!!

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