𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐒𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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chapter nineteen. little but of light.

"Mom" Wyatt says, nudging his sleeping mother, "Mom, wake up"

Sam suddenly wakes up and says, "huh, Wyatt?"

"Uncle Kelly is still here"

Sam sits up, looking at the alarm clock which reads 8 a.m. and says, "I'm late for work" then she gets out of bed, going to her closet to look for a shirt, "Where's Gracie?"

"She's with Kelly downstairs. She was crying and we didn't want to wake you, so we helped him get her dressed and stuff"

"Thank you sweetheart" Sam smiles, putting on a dark blue shirt, then goes over to her son and kisses his forehead, "Go downstairs and I'll be right there"

Once Sam got dressed, she heads downstairs and into the kitchen where she sees Kelly giving the kids breakfast.

"Rough night?" Kelly asks. Sam looks at her best friend and says, "I don't want to talk about it" then goes over to the fridge to get a water bottle.

"What happened? Where's Jay?" Kelly asks, pouring some cherrios onto his god daughters tray. Sam takes a big gulp of the water then says, "I said, I don't want to talk about, okay? Now, can you watch them until Lucy gets here, Erin called, I'm late"

"Yeah, fine"

Sam walks over to her daughter and gives her a kiss on her head, then does the same to Denise and Wyatt and says, "Love you guys so much, I'll see you later"

"Bye, love you too" Kelly, Denise and Wyatt say in unison, then look at each other. Sam smiles and goes over to grab her coat from the coat rack and heads to the district.


"Bobby Trent, 41 years old" Erin says, standing at the whiteboard, when Sam walks onto the unit and everyone looks at her, as she puts her coat on the back of her desk chair and sits down, "Was, uh, a freelance videographer at crime scenes. Sold footage to all major news affiliates. He was found at 6:12 a.m. Single .22 caliber gunshot to the face. Ballistics match Bobby's gun. Estimated time of death between 10:30 and midnight"

Brayden leans down, from sitting on the edge of Sam's desk and asks, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks" Sam says, looking up at her partner. Jay glances at them, then says, "The M.E thinks that the seven puncture wounds to Bobby's chest and stomach came after the shot. They vary in depth, but they're all with the same blade. Small, shallow. Swiss army knife, something similar"

"His phone locations show he left his loft, drove straight there, arrived at 10:21 p.m., but the closest crime scene is three blocks away" Kim says.

"And forensics has no trace evidence to work with. No prints on the gun. Offender likely wore gloves, so..." Erin says.

"We're working backwards" Hank states.

"Yeah, in a very large pool"

"I mean, think about it. Bobby made all of his money, profiting off of death, so naturally, he racked up enemies. Victims, victims' families, news affiliates sending him hate mail." Kevin says.

"There's also four ex wives. He's not on speaking terms with any of them. Five restraining orders filed in the past two years and a history of drugs and alcohol. Speed, cocaine. He's been in and out of NA for a decade" Kim says.

"Hmm and our video?" Hank asks.

"There's no ID on the woman. I'm enhancing the footage to get a better image, so hopefully we'll get a pop. The guy, he's a total no go. He never looks directly at the camera, he's got no defining characteristics, as far as I can tell" Adam says.

"Well, every other drive in Bobby's house was destroyed and most of his personal files are nixed, but he did back up a lot of footage on his icloud." Kevin says, turning the laptop around and playing a video, Trent took of a mother dying right in front of her kid.

"Hank" Trudy says, walking onto the unit. Hank turns around and says, "Yeah?"

"Margot Trent is downstairs"

"Thanks. Now we all know what kind of guy he was. But he's still a victim with a kid downstairs. Sam you and Jay"

"I'm good" Sam says, sitting back in her chair.

"What?" Hank says, as everyone looks between him and Sam.

"I said, I'm good"

Hank glares at the brunette then looks at Erin, who nods her head and heads downstairs.


"You wanna tell me what's going on and why you were late?" Hank asks, closing his office door behind him.

"Um, not really"

"Come on, Sam. I'm not just anyone"

"Yeah, I got that. So, how about we do our jobs and not talk about it, and I'm switching desks with Erin" Sam says, opening the door and walking to the locker room.


Kelly sits on the couch, after putting Gracie in her playpen and turns on the tv, when Wyatt sits next to him and asks, "So, do you know what's going on with your mom and Jay?"

"I heard them yelling the other night. Jay says he's still married and has to figure stuff out then walks out with a duffle and mom crying, so I went in to comfort her"

"What do you mean, Jay's still married?" Kelly asks, in shock. Wyatt shrugs and says, "I don't know. But it's not good, because mom was crying, alot"

Kelly's grip tightens around the remote, anger rushing through his whole body.


Sam is sitting on the bench in the locker room, crying when Erin walks in and says, "Sammy?"

Sam immediately stops crying and wipes the tears away and says, "Yeah"

"What's going on?" Erin says, once she takes notice of her sister's puffy eyes, "What happened? Hank says you want to switch desks"

"Jay walked out"


"He found out he was still married to this girl he knew from the rangers and the next thing I know, he says he was gonna stay at Will's for a while and he just left" Sam says, trying to hold back the tears. Erin pulls Sam into a hug who instantly starts crying on her shoulder and says, "God, Sammy. I'm so sorry. I can't believe he did that"

Brayden stands around the corner listening to the conversation. He may not have known Sam that long, but she's his partner and he doesn't want to see her cry.


Jay leaves the break room to see Erin sitting at Sam's desk and Sam sitting at Erins, and asks Erin, "Um, what's going on?"

Erin glares at the man, then looks back her files ignoring him. Jay walks over to stand in front of Sam and says, "Hey baby"

"What? I'm busy"

"I'm, uh, getting the divorce papers signed in a couple days"

"Great. Anything else?" Sam asks, still not looking up at her fiancΓ©.

"I guess not" Jay says, walking back over to his desk. Trudy walks onto the unit and says, "Kim, guess who's here"

"Hey" Kim smiles, hugging her sister, "I told you to call me when you got here"

"Sorry" Nicole says.

"It was nice meeting you Nicole" Trudy smiles.

"You too"

"Nicole. Hey. How are you?" Adam says, leaving the break room, and putting his coffee cup down on the desk and goes in for a hug with Nicole who is very hesitant, "It's Adam"


"Remember, I last saw you at your husband's birthday"

"Oh, I remember you. I had your engagement photo pinned to my fridge for 8 months" Nicole says, making everyone grow with shock and laughter.

"Let's go get some coffee. We're gonna go get coffee" Kim nervously laughs, guiding her sister to the break room. Kevin walks onto the unit and says, "So, uh, out of all of the hate mail that I ran through from Bobby's news affiliates, one popped. Gangbanger from the west side named AJ Hines. He used to live three blocks away from where we found Bobby. I've caught him on two different crime scenes mouthing off. All the hate on social media's pretty loud. He actually put a hit out on Bobby on Facebook like four months ago"

"Huh. you got an address?" Adam asks, sitting on the edge of his desk.

"No. He moved and I can't confirm a new address, but AJhine0300 is snapchatting the hell out of Michigan Avenue. Wanna go get him?"

"Yes, please"

"Alright, let's do it"


Sam walks down stairs, after being notified by Trudy that Kelly was here, and before she could even make it down the stairs, Kelly rushes over to her and says, "I'll kill him"


"Halstead. He's already married?"

"Hey, keep your voice down" Sam says, bringing Kelly into the office across from Trudy's desk, "Who told you?"


Sam sighs and says, "He's signing them in a couple days"


Sam crosses her arms over her chest and says, "And what?"

"Did he forget that you guys are supposed to get married in a couple weeks? That he has a daughter? A family?"

"He does. He just needs some time"

"He needs some time? Sammy, listen to me, he walked out on you. He doesn't deserve you. After everything you've been through, which has been a lot, for anyone to go through, you don't need this on top of it"

"Kelly, I'm fine okay? Just let it go" Sam says, about to leave the office. Kelly grabs her wrist and says, "I'm not letting this go"

"Then leave me alone and go back to work" Sam says, walking up the stairs to put her palm on the scanner and walks back up to the unit.


"Sarah Jaines-Huntley, 30" Erin says, taping her picture onto the board, "She spent a year at a very prestigious college, and then spent a lot of time in and out of very expensive rehab facilities. There's nothing to cross her with Bobby except maybe the drugs"

"This guy has one file hidden in the middle of his wall, and it just so happens to be the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Chicago? My money's on Bobby was stalking her. He found out who she was. He started following her" Jay says.

"Well, I am, pulling up zero." Kim says, scrolling through her computer, "There's no current address for Sarah Huntely or Jaines, and nothing to date appears online. There's no social media, no car, no bank account, no credit cards. This girls a ghost"

"Thank you very much" Atwater says, hanging up his phone, "Alright, so the last cell phone that Sarah Jaines had was cut off six months ago because of failed payments. Now, the records show that she was sticking to Humboldt park. The cell was hitting towers in Humboldt park every day, but once a week in Rogers Park"

"Rogers park? Bobby was driving out there for NA meetings" Brayden says.

"Hmm, take it. You and Sam" Hank says.

Brayden looks at Sam who stands up from her desk and grabs her coat, following after him.


"I'm sorry, people you meet here die, but they don't get killed, I'm just, um.." Sarah says, as Sam and Brayden stop her in the hall of the building where the NA meeting is happening and tell her about Bobby Trent.

"It's okay. We just need to get some background on Bobby" Sam says.


"How'd you meet?"

"Um, here. We met here"

"Were you guys friends?" Brayden asks.

"We'd smoke after meetings sometimes. I liked him"

"Sarah, I need to show you something. We found this in Bobby's belongings" Sam says, showing Sarah the video, that Bobby had hidden within his walls.

"What, he was stalking me?"

"We don't know. This is all that we found, but he hid this. You didn't know that he was filming you?"

"No. Why would he be filming me?"

"Did he ever show any romantic interest?" Brayden asks.


"Okay, who's the guy in the video?"

"That's my ex. Steven Childs. They teach you to make amends. That's me doing a poor ass version of that"

"Looks pretty heated for amends" Sam says.

"Yeah, well, drugs aren't loyal. They screw you, and they screw everyone you love. Apologizing doesn't mean you get forgiveness"

"Are you sure that's your ex?" Brayden asks, "you're acting a little uncomfortable for it to be your ex"

"Well you don't know Steven"

"Do you mind giving us your info in case we have to contact you?"

Sarah nods her head then says, "You called me Sarah Huntely. Did you see my family?"

Sam nods her head when Brayden says, "It seemed like they really missed you"


Sam sits on the bed in her pajamas twisting her engagement ring around her finger, when Jay walks in and leans on the doorframe and says, "Hey"

Sam looked up surprised, but doesn't say anything. Jay walks over to his fiancΓ© and sits in front of her and says, "I'm sorry"

"Yeah, you've said that" Sam says, still not looking at Jay. Jay lifts her chin up to make her look at him and says, "You know, I love you right? With all my heart"

"What happened to your eye?" Sam asks, concerned, lightly touching the black and purple discoloration under Jays right eye. Jay flinches and says, "It's nothing"

Sam sighs and says, "Kelly"

"He was just protecting his best friend, I get it"

"I'm sorry"

"No, no, no, no, you have nothing to be sorry for. You're an amazing person, who puts everyone before her and I've done nothing but hurt you and put you through more than you already have. I'm sorry that I left, and I shouldn't have. I wasn't thinking about our family and they come first"

Sam sniffles, wiping away a stray tear and says, "Yeah, well, that's life right"

"But you shouldn't have to go through any of this. I should've told you about Abby and I'm sorry. Please say, you forgive me" Jay says, taking ahold of his fiancΓ©'s trembling hands.

"I want to, Jay. I really do, because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I just need time"

"Okay, yeah, I get it. I'll just, um, be at Will's" Jay says, kissing Sam's forehead, then standing up. Sam stands up and says, "Uhm, you can stay in the guest room if you want. I'd prefer that. Gracie misses her father"

"Okay, yeah" Jay says, leaving the room and heads to his baby girls room to watch her sleeping form, getting tears in his eyes.


"This guy in the video is Steven Childs, Sarah's ex." Sam says, pointing to his picture on the board, "He's 35. No priors. Works as an art curator. He's abroad, currently, but we're tracking him down"

"I got Bobby's financials." Ruzek says, walking onto the unit with a file in one hand and a coffee in the other, "So this month, Bobby made three cash deposits into his bank account in three days. Each just shy of 10 grand. Last month was the same thing. Most a news affiliate ever paid Bobby for his footage was 1200 bucks"

"Someone's paying him off" Jay says.

"Run with it. Track the dates of the payments with his email and phone records, and dig into Steven's financials see if it came from him" Hank says, walking into his office. Sam follows Voight and closes the door behind him and says, "Can we talk?"

"What's up?" Hank asks, sitting at his desk. Sam sighed, sitting in a chair in front of the desk and says, "I'm sorry, about yesterday. Me and Jay are going through something and I didn't mean to bring it into work and it won't happen again"

"Should I be concerned?"

"No, uh, everything's fine"

"Okay, good cause if this keeps happening, one of you has to leave"



Sam hangs up her desk phone and says, "Sarah's in the wind. Patrol went to the address she gave us, and she cleared out."

"The second file on that drive has gotta be our missing piece. Bobby removed it from the drive an hour before he died. So if it's another interaction with her dad, or a continuation of what's on the video, Bobby could've been using it to blackmail him" Jay says.

"Blackmail for what?" Al asks.

"Maybe he follows her, he roughs her up, uses with her. We gotta bring him in to find out"

"No, you don't bring a man like that in to chat. I mean, you know, you'll get nothing, and while you're chatting, his team is scrubbing any evidence"

"So find Sarah first, okay? Tap into cameras, circulate her photo, get every copper on the street looking for her. And get a subpoena on Calvins financials, but make sure it includes a directive not to disclose, you understand? Till we know what's on that second file, we step light. Find her" Hank says.


Once Adam and Al find Sarah and bring her in. Sam and Brayden bring her into interrogation to question her.

"Penthouse suite. Big upgrade" Brayden says, sitting across from the blonde, while Sam leans her back against the wall.

"My dad booked it"

"Well, yeah, we figured. Why?"

"I told you that I'm making amends, so my dad's gonna let me come home. We were meeting to talk"

"Or maybe you called him for help. We know someone was paying Bobby off. Were you and Bobby blackmailing your dad?"

"What? No. Of course not"

"Sarah, you and your dad both lied to us" Brayden says, taking a few photos out of a file and placing them in front of the blonde, "That's him in the video. That's not your ex"

"Oh...I'm sorry, I...I thought that was Steven." Sarah says, as Sam rolls her eyes, "I've been to this park with Steven before. I forgot that I took my dad there. Look, I didn't know Bobby was filming me. Why do you think that I'm lying to you? Because I'm an addict?"

"No, but it makes you good at it." Sam says.

"Look, I've apologized to a hell of a lot of people. I..I thought that was Steven"

Sam leans her hands on the back of the chair and says, "No, you didn't. And Bobby wasn't just your buddy from meetings. You broke his heart"

"No. I...I didn't think that, that was worth mentioning. Just...look, we fell into bed a few times. We were both desperate and trying to get clean. It burned out quick"

"Sarah, you lied to us then, and you're lying to us now. Four hours after we spoke, you packed up and you moved to a suite that your dad paid for. You think we're just gonna believe that that's a coincidence?" Brayden says, "Were you and Bobby blackmailing your dad?"

"No! No, Look, I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you, But I...after you showed up, yes, I called my dad because I was scared."

"We can hold you for 48 hours. Get comfortable" Sam says, before leaving the room.


Sam is in the break room, getting another cup of coffee when Brayden walks in getting a water bottle out of the fridge and says, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"I kind of overheard your conversation with Lindsay earlier in the locker room. I don't mean to pry, I guess, what I'm saying is, I'm here if you wanna talk"

"Thanks, Brayden"

"Sure" Porter says, before leaving the break room.


After finding the other half of the video, which was audio to match with the video, about Sarah confronting her father of raping her when she was 9, then when Sam goes to show the video to Sarah again she still says, she doesn't know anything.

"I can take a run at her but I don't know that we're gonna crack through whatever loyalty or fear he built in her without more" Sam says, leaning her hands on Kevin's desk.

"Then we move without her. Bobby's sleeping with Sarah, he finds out who she really is and what happened. He convinces her to confront her father, films the whole thing without her knowledge, and then he goes to shake Calvin down. He reaches too high and Calvin takes care of him" Brayden says.

"We don't have evidence for that in Calvin's financials, not yet. I mean, we're trying, but the company's got over 300 accounts" Adam says.

"We got the guy on tape admitting that he raped his daughter" Jay says.

"Alright, bring him in. But you all understand what this'll be. We can't have 99.9. I mean, we need 100%" Hank says.


"His lawyer's playing it right. Even if Sarah gave you a statement for the rape, which would've been necessary for a charge, the abuse occurred 22 years ago in a state where the statute of limitations is 20. You have to get him on the murder" ASA Kot says.

"Calvin's financials show that his assistant withdrew the 60 grand from Calvin's son's college fund and FedExed it to Bobby" Adam says.

"The albi's airtight" Erin says, walking onto the unit, "Both Jessica and his friend Miles Confirmed that Calvin was home all night"

"Could the killer have been hired?" Kot asks.

"No, it was too sloppy. The killer was in the car, gave Bobby time to struggle." Atwater says.

"Sergeant, uh" Kim says, covering the receiver, "Calvin's lawyer Williams is downstairs insisting Sarah see a lawyer"

"Well, he can insist all he wants. He can't be her lawyer" Hank says.

"It's a conflict of interest" Kot says.

"Yeah, he's got another attorney with him. Insists Sarah's her client"

"You have to let her lawyer upstairs then"

"We need to talk to her first" Hank says, then looks at Sam, "Stall them"

"You can't do that, Hank"

"Stall them"

Sam walks into interrogation and says, "Your lawyers downstairs or should I say your dad's lawyer. Your dad is in the next room. By law, I have to let your lawyer up here unless you tell me not to, or" Sam hands her a paper and a pen, "you can sign this waiver and only talk to me"

"I don't understand"

Sam sits down in front of the blonde and says, "Sarah, you could've asked me for a lawyer at anytime, but you didn't"

"I told you all I know"

Sam sighs and says, "It's family. It was always just me and my mom. My dad left when I was 10, come to find out, he had another family. When I was 17, my mom was killed in the line of duty and I became depressed. I pushed everyone away, I started using cocaine, I was a mess for a couple years, but then after I overdosed, I was saved and every since then I've been trying to make amends with everyone, then come to find out, a couple months ago, actually, my dad had ordered my mom's old partner to kill her. So, I look at you, and I look at what you're going through, and I think to myself, 'There's gotta be a time, where we stop standing up for more'"

"He's gonna let me come home, to my brother and my mom, It's my family. I'll lose all of them"

"Did you really ever have them? Sarah, did your dad kill Bobby?"


Once Sarah signs the waiver, Hank brings Calvin and his lawyer into the viewing room, where Al is watching Sam talk with Sarah. Al turns the volume up so Calvin can hear what Sarah is saying.

"I knew as soon as I saw the tape, but I just...I called my dad right after you showed it to me. He sent me a car, and took me to the hotel, and he met me there"

"This is ridiculous" Calvin scoffs.

"I confronted him. I accused him, and he said that he killed Bobby for our family." Sarah says, then Al turns the volume off.

"You're done. Turn around" Hank says, getting out his cuffs.Β Β 


Sam finishes washing her face when she sees Jay leaning against the door frame of the bathroom, who says, "How was getting Sarah into that rehab?"

"As well, as expected" Sam says, drying her face with a towel, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to say I love you, before I head to bed"

"I love you too" Sam says, turning the light off and walking past Jay over to her bed, then sits down and starts putting lotion on her legs. Jay sighs and follows her and sits in front of her, "I sign the dicorce papers tomorrow and everything can go back to normal"

"No, it can't Jay. You lied to me about being married before, when I told you everything about my past, bad and good. And you walked out on me with your daughter, again"

"I know and I'm so sorry. You know, I was just trying to process things and I wasn't thinking straight"

"Have I ever walked out on you? Have I ever needed to process things when...when I got kidnapped by Hernandez, and I shot him or..or when I had that bounty on me and it got my friend shot and her blood was all over me or when I got shot by Yates, or when I found out who really killed my mom or when Justin died! Huh? Did I ever need to take a break from my family? No! I didn't" Sam says, tears now streaming down her tan cheeks, "I was here, for my family, while I was going through some of the worst times in my life! And...and you left to 'process' things at your brothers because some girl who never signed your divorce papers walks back into your life, I mean, come on"

Jay looks down at the bed, not knowing what to say, "I know, and I'm sorry"

"It's getting late and I'm tired. So.." Sam says, and Jay stands up to walk back to the guest room and says. "I love you"



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