𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲.

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chapter twenty. last minute resistance.

Sam wakes up to her alarm, and slowly gets up to go check on the kids, but when she couldn't find them, she checks the guest room where Jay is staying and he wasn't there, so she heads downstairs and into the kitchen to see her fiancΓ© cooking breakfast.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"Making pancakes, you want some?" Jay asks, flipping over a couple flapjacks.

"Coffee's good" Sam says, walking over to the coffee maker and getting a mug down to pour herself a cup.

"They're really good, mom" Wyatt says. Denise nods her head and says, "It's true. Even Gracie likes them"

Sam looks over at her daughter, who is in her high chair stuffing pancakes in her mouth and smiles.


Sam and Jay walk onto the unit when Erin tells them about what's going on with Kim's sister, Nicole, who was attacked last night.

"What do we know about Burgess' sister?" Hank asks. Kevin walks over to the whiteboard and tapes up her picture and says, "yeah, uh, Nicole Silver. She's in surgery right now with injuries sustained from what appears to be a brutal rape. Uh, she has no recollection of the attack or who attacked her"

"We do know that Nicole was out with girlfriends last night. They were celebrating a friend's birthday." Ruzek says.

"Burgess said that her sisters going through a nasty divorce. She's fighting for custody of her daughter." Erin says.

"We look at the husband?" Al asks.

"Jordan Silver. He's flying back from Pittsburgh right now"

"Hey" Hank says, as Kim walks up the stairs of the unit and everyone stands up, "how"s Nicole?"

"She's still sedated. Doctor said she was sodomized. That's why the blood.."

"Tox report came back" Brayden says, opening the file and trying to move the tension somewhere else, "her blood alcohol level was .12, which is not enough to make her black out, but she had enough ketamine in her system to knock out a horse"

"Alright, get the names of the woman at the birthday party. Find the bars they hit. Let's go" Voight says, heading to his office.


When Kevin and Adam come back from the bar, Atwater prints out a picture of an older gentleman and tapes it the whiteboard and says, "we were able to get one clean image from the surveillance footage to run facial recognition, and found Arlen Pfister"

"Got two priors for domestic abuse. He beat a man into a coma in a road rage incident on the Dan Ryan expressway, did a year for aggravated assault" Adam says.

"We showed a photo array to Jasmine and the bouncer at Jinx's bar, and they both ID'd Pfister" Erin says.

"Any other women at the birthday party?" Hank asks.

"Uh, we spoke to everyone except for Denise Miranda. We left her a message. They all said that they saw an older guy wearing a hat at the pump room" Brayden says.

"Alright. Call the states attorney's office. Get a sneak and peek warrant. We do not want this guy to know he's on our radar" Hank says, walking to his office.


After interviewing Arlen Pfister who says he was hired by the husband to dig up dirt about her, he says their groups of friends left, leaving Nicole and her friend Denise alone. And realizing that Denise could be another victim, Erin and Kevin go talk to a friend of hers who was at her house and shows them a video that Denise has sent him at around 1:30 in the morning.

"Alright. We've got a possible second rape victim. This is Denise Miranda" Jay says, taping her picture onto the board, "she's 34 years old, works at Macy's, did not show up for work today, and we're pinging her phone, so far nothing"

"After Jinx's they went to thirsty raven. That's where they did the video message at 1:42 a.m. the cars a black Audi Q7. The license plate isn't visible, but somebody's motioning to get them inside. Can't see his face, but it's a white male" Adam says.

"What about Mr. Shutterfly?" Al asks.

Erin sighs, hanging up the phone and says, "Arlen Pfister's alibi checks out. He put 500 dollars on a visa at gentleman's choice, and the therapist confirms he has a treatment at 1:30 a.m. plus, he drives a Pontiac aztek."

"Alright, lodge a BOLO, file a missing persons report on Denise Miranda, and get the DMV list of all black Audi Q7 owners in the region. Run it against known sex offenders. Look, Nicole was attacked and she was left for dead. Let's hope her friend is still out there." Hank says.

"Whoa. Hey" Kevin says, "we got a ping on Denise's phone. She's at 1227 Langdon street. Real strong signal. It's not moving"

"Hit it"


"Nicole and Denise were at the thirsty raven at roughly 1:30 a.m. they were approached by two white males, 20s, 30s, one dark hair, one blonde. Which doesn't narrow it down much." Kim says, standing next to the board.

"Atwater and I found Denise's phone about a mile away from thirsty raven. It was wiped clean. No prints. Patrols canvassing the area looking for witnesses, but they got nothing yet"Β  Adam says.

"Yeah, they tossed the phone, so she couldn't call for help" Kevin says, walking from the printer back over to his desk.

"Burgess, your sister said she saw sparks from a train, right?" Jay asks.

"Yeah" Kim says.

"I worked a beat on Lake street, and the L train there throws sparks. It's the same line that runs to the station where we found your sister."

"Alright, run all in service calls around Lake street" Hank says, "we got anything on those cars?"

"Yeah, the DMV lists 18 black Audi q7 owners in Wicker park, one was accused of aggravated rape last year." Sam says, pulling his picture up onto her computer screen, "guy by the name of Rex Goldwin"

"Goodwin. No, I've heard about that douche bag. He's like a local pick up guru. He teaches guys how to get laid" Adam says.

"well, he was arrested by Area north. The victim said that Goldwin approached her in a bar, slipped ketamine in her drink and then took her phone."

"Same M.O" Al says.

"Yeah. States attorney couldn't make the case, so Goldwin beat the rap."

"Alright. Dig up everything in this Goldwin. I want to pay this guy a visit" Hank says.


After Jay, Erin, Sam and Brayden find Denise's frozen body in an abandoned car lot, Jay tapes a picture of her frozen body that is covered with a blue tarp onto the whiteboard and says, "alright, the M.E came back with the preliminary exam in Denise Miranda. Unlike Nicole, no signs of sexual assault. No defense wounds. But, like Nicole, alcohol found in her blood and high levels of ketamine"

"How'd she die?" Kim asks.

"Hypothermia. She got knocked out by the ketamine, and then she froze to death"

"Hiding from the predators" Al says.

"I'm telling you, this has Goldwin written all over it. I've been reading blogs written by other women who have been victimized, and they all have the same story. They get taken to apartments, drugged, their phones disappear, and after that they're assaulted, they get dumped at subway stations." Erin says.

"I hear you, but the crime lab went through Goldwins car. It's clean, and his alibi checks out for last night." Adam says.

"Right. I'm not saying he's personally responsible for this assault" Erin says, walk over to the board, "but he's trained an army at these seminars of his. Whoever assaulted Nicole was following Goldwins blueprint."

"Put a microscope on Goldwins organization. Get a list of all the men who attended his seminar." Hank says as Trudy walks into the unit.

"Kim, Zoe's father is here"

Once Kim heads downstairs, followed by Trudy, Adam says, "so we went through the effective pick up online forums. Some really dark, nasty stuff in this thing. I should've been typing with rubber gloves on."

"It's really just a bunch of anonymous guys bragging about how they got women to have sex with them." Kevin says.

"So, a lot of this might be bluster, but there is this one post. 'At the thirsty raven at closing time last night. Cougars running wild. I piled a drunk one, dragged her back, took her anal virginity'"

"Which sounds like what happened to Nicole. When was that posted?" Sam says.

"This morning. The bloggers handle is 'Manslut'"

"We can locate him through his IP address" Jay says.

"Get an expedited warrant. Let's find this guy" Hank says.


Sam and Brayden walk into the office building where this 'manslut' works and someone then points him out to the detectives who walk over to him, who is currently on the phone and Sam says, "Harry Klinsman? Chicago PD. We need to talk"

"About what?"

"Manslut and what you were doing last night."

"Sorry, I'm in the middle of something, but if you leave your card, I'll get back to you" Harry says, then going back to his phone conversation. Sam raises her eyebrows in shock and looks over at Brayden who says, "are you sure that's how you want to play this, man?"

"I went to law school, okay? I know my rights." Kilsman says, then goes back to phone conversation yet again.

Brayden shows everyone his badge that's around his neck and shouts to everyone that can hear, "um, excuse me. Chicago police. Was anybody here with Manslut last night? Anybody? Manslut?"

"Who's Manslut?" A guy asks.

"It's, um...what do you call it, it's like his alter ego. Anybody? Manslut?"

"Alright, let's talk. Just don't do that" Harry says, getting up from his desk, leading the two detectives to another room.

"Do you know these women?" Sam asks, placing Nicole's and Denise's pictures in front of Harry.

"Yeah. Well, not their names. I didn't get that far."

"How far did you get?" Brayden asks.

"'Can I buy you a drink?'"

"That's all the game you got for 500 bucks?"

Harry scoffs and says, "I paid a lot more than that. I hired two instructors for a field session"

"Personal coaching" Sam asks.

"Yeah, my assignment was these women. They told me I needed to push through their resistance, but I couldn't get there, so they swooped in and showed me how it was done. After that I went home"

"You posted online that you took a woman's anal virginity." Brayden says.

"That just gets the most points."

Sam shakes her head and says, "what are the instructors names?"

"Andrew and Keith. They'll be at the thirsty raven tonight."


"Keith Tasker and Andrew Latimer. We got their names off the effective pickup registry." Sam says, taping their pictures onto the board, "Latimer is a barista, and Tasker works for a tech startup and leases an Audi Q7"

"Yeah, just like his hero, Rex Goldwin." Al says.

"The effective pickup organization only has four official employees. These guys are not among them. But they acknowledge that so 'graduates' take on side jobs mentoring other men" Brayden says, as Hank goes over to a woman coming up the stairs.

"You all know Anna Valdez. I brought the states attorneys office up to speed. We want to make sure we can make this case." Hank says.

"Wait a second we own these guys. Why don't we just grab them?" Kim asks.

"You could certainly question them, but short of a confession, it's a very high bar to prove rape when alcohols involved." Valdez says.

"They were drugged"

"Or they willingly took a party drug."

"Willing? My sister wasn't willing. She didn't.." Kim gets interrupted by Ruzek who whispers. "Hey, Kim. She's on your side"

"Look, this whole case turns my stomach. I'm just making the argument their lawyer would make. We have two victims. One of them dead, and the other one can't ID her attackers, and there's no physical evidence tying them to Nicole's rape."

"Okay. This is not a first time for these two." Erin says, "I mean, they have an M.O."

"Great. If we can prove an M.O, it's easier to hang assault charges on them."

"You know, one thing about these guys is they don't know that Denise is dead. I mean, she ran from the car. As far as they know, she went home." Al says.

"That's true, O. I mean, these cats can be out right now or tonight in the hunt like nothing ever happened, Sarg" kevin says.

"Erin, you and Sam, are gonna partner up. The rest of you meet in the roll up. We're going undercover" Hank says walking to his office.

A couple minutes later when Kim leaves Voights office, Hank tells the brunette, "Sam, Kim is gonna take this undercover with Lindsay. You hang back, okay?"

"Uh, sure, Sarg"


As the team goes undercover at the thirsty ravens, they keep an eye on Lindsay and Burgess as Kevin says the suspects have arrived.

Sam and Brayden are sitting on a couch, drinking a beer when Sam says, "can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"Jay and I had a big fight and it's been going on like a week and a half now and he just doesn't seem to understand that he walked out on me twice while I've stayed committed to this relationship for two years"

"When was the first time he walked out?"

"When I told him I was pregnant with Gracie. I don't think he meant to, he was more shocked but it still hurt, ya know."

"I'll tell you what my mom would always say to me and my brothers, 'if you ever walk out on a woman, you never deserved her and you're going to hell'"

"Wait your mom said that?" Sam chuckles. Brayden nods his head and says, "yup. I think she was just trying to scare us, so we didn't ruin any relationship we were in, but it helped"

"Smart lady"

"She is" Brayden says, taking a sip of his beer.

Jay looks over at his fiancΓ© who is hugging Brayden and turns to Ruzek and says, "You think Sam and Brayden are getting a little cozy?"

Adam looks over at the two and says, "Nah. Don't worry. You're getting married next week, and Sam loves you to death. She's told me multiple times"

"Right. Um, speaking of, since Mouse isn't here, I was wondering if you wanted to be my best man"

"Wait really?" Ruzek smiles. Jay nods his head and says, "yeah"

Adam pulls Jay into a hug and says, "hell yeah, man"

"Good" Jay says, detaching from the hug, then looks over his shoulder to see the two suspects approaching Lindsay and Burgess and says over his hidden mic , "they made contact"

"Last call!" The bartender yells.

"Party's on the move" Brayden says over his hidden mic. Then the team follows them out and to the suspect's apartment where Burgess set up her purse cam so the team can see what's going on.


After arresting the suspects and questioning them, they practically confessed. Sam heads back to her desk from watching both interviews and sits down when Brayden walks over to her desk and sits down on the edge and says, "So, I'm glad we got those scumbags off the street"

"Yeah me too"

"So, um, you gonna be okay?" Brayden asks, putting a hand on her shoulder. Sam smiles and says, "yeah, I think I'm gonna be okay. Your mom helped"

"I'm glad. And I'm also glad you trust me enough as your partner to talk to me"

"Yeah, me too"

Jay walks over to his desk watching theΒ  interaction and grabs his coat and says, "Sam, you ready?"

Sam nods her head and says, "yeah, sure" before getting up and grabbing her coat, "thanks again, Brayden" then follows after her fiancΓ©.

Flash forward to
April 22nd, 2017

The man punches Porter in his face multiple times, almost breaking his nose, who is chained to a wall. Sam screams, "stop it! He hasn't done anything!" Struggling against the chains that are her holding her wrists still.

"He's your partner, right? He must've done something wrong"

"You don't want him, you really want me right? This is what this has always been about? Getting me arrested at my wedding, kidnapping me and my partner. What's your endgame?"

The man laughs and says, "I want you dead. That's my end game"

"If it thats really true. I'd be dead, but I'm not"

"Yeah, cause I want you to see all the pain and suffering you cause everyone around you" the man says, taking his knife and holding it up against Sam's throat.


Guess what chapter is next..?

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