𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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chapter twenty one. the wedding.

"I said the alter goes in front of the big tree, gosh guys, let's get it together" Sylvie says to the movers, clipboard in hand, then starts reading down the list of things she has left to do, "7 rows of 5 chairs, not 5 rows of 7 chairs! The wedding is in 6 hours, people, chop chop!"

Erin looks out the window from the window of Sam's room to see Sylvie yelling at everyone, while Kim sits on the floor playing with Gracie and says, "Well, at least we know everything will get done"

Sam chuckles and walks into her bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror and takes a couple deep breathes then says, "You can do this. They're just wedding jitters"

5 days ago

Sam looks at herself in the mirror taking a couple deep breathes, then she feels arms wrapped around her waist.

"Hey" Jay whispers, kissing the brunette's bare shoulder.


"We're gonna get past this right?"

"Mmm" Sam hums.

"Good, cause I can't wait to marry you in 5 days"

Sam smiles to herself and says, "Me too"

Flashback over...


Jay, Wyatt, Will, Adam, Kevin, Antonio and Matt are in the middle of getting their tuxes fitted when Kelly walks in and over to the group and says, "Halstead, can we talk?"

"Yeah" Jay says, standing up and follows after the fire fighter near the front of the room, "What's up?"

Kelly takes a deep breath and says, "I'm sorry about punching you. I shouldn't have and I was wrong. I just got angry and I should've just listened to Sam"

"We're cool, man"



"Alright" Kelly smiles, shaking hands with the detective. Jay and Kelly walk back over to group, who are all now in tuxes and joking around.

"Severide" Matt smiles, "Hey man, you here to get your tux fitted too?"

"No, mine's good. I just came to talk with Halstead" Kelly says, taking out his ringing cell phone, looking at Erin's name pop up and answers it, "Hey, Erin"

"Kelly, you need to get over here right now. Sam locked herself in the bathroom and won't come out unless she talks to you"

"Alright, I'm on my way" Kelly says, before hanging up his phone.

"Everything okay?" Jay questions. Kelly nods his head, "Uh, yeah. No worries man"


Erin knocks on the bathroom door and says, "Sammy, Kelly is here"

They hear the door unlock and Kelly walks in and sits next to his best friend, in front of the bathtub and wraps an arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him and says, "What's wrong?"

"We're not rushing things right? This is the right time"

"This is the right time, if you believe it is. Do you love Jay and want to spend the rest of your life with him?" Kelly asks and Sam nods her head, "And do you love the family you've built with him?" and Sam nods her head again, "Then that's all that matters. And you have all your family and friends around who love you and support you"

"You're right" Sam says, snuggling in closer to her best friend, who kisses the top of her head, "I don't know what I'd do with out you Kells. I don't think I would've made it this far"

"You made it this far because you're strong. Look at everything you've been through. You've passed every obstacle god threw at you. I was just here to support you, and now you have Jay"

"I love you so much, Kells"

"I love you too, Sammy"


"Sylvie, this place is looking amazing" Kim says, as her and Gabby walk out to the backyard.

"Thanks. Uh, Gabby, Molly's is still cool with supplying the liquor and drinks?"

Gabby nods her head and says, "Definitely"

"Awesome, and can you go and check to see if the caterer is here and Kim can you go see if the florist is here"

"Copy" Gabby and Kim say in unison, walking back into the house.


Jay looks at himself in the mirror of his brothers bathroom, fixing his tie then checks his phone, after hearing it ring in his pocket and sees a text from Sam that says, 'I love you Jay Halstead and I can't wait to marry you in a few hours' then he smiles and texts back, 'I love you more, baby. I can't wait for you to take my last name'

"Jay" Will says.

"Huh?" Jay says, putting his phone back in his pocket and looking at his older brother at the doorway.

"You okay?"

Jay smiles and says, "Never better"

"Cool. We're gonna start heading to the house"

"Alright. Just give me a couple minutes"

"Sure thing" Will says, walking away. Jay takes a couple deep breaths and says, "You're marrying the most gorgeous woman you've ever seen. You got this"


Sam sits in front of the vanity, in her dress, while Erin curls her hair and pins it back, after doing her own makeup.

"Hey, did you ask Hank yet?"

Sam sighs and says, "No, I'm scared"

"What, Sammy you're getting married in 2 hours" Erin says, then takes out the walkie from her back pocket and says, "Can someone find Hank and send him up to Sam's room please"

"Copy" Sylvie says through the walkie.

"You guys have walkies?" Sam asks, raising an eyebrow. Erin shrugs and says, "I thought it'd be easier and Platt let us use them...and done"

"Wow, you did great, E" Sam says, standing up and pulling her sister into a hug. Erin smiles and says, "Now I have to get changed. Hold my walkie" then hands the brunette her walkie, before grabbing her dress from the bed and walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Sam walks over to her 1 year old, who is on the floor playing with her toys, in her dress when there's a knock at the door and she says, "Come in, unless you're Jay"

The door opens to reveal Hank Voight in a nice shirt and coat, who says, "Hey"

"Hank. hi"

"Wow...you look beautiful" Hank smiles, bringing the brunette into a hug. Sam smiles and says, "Thank you"

"So, I was told to come up here"

"Right" Sam says, picking Gracie up, "Um, I was wondering, since I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle, that maybe you wanted to?"


"I mean, yeah. You're more of a real father to me than my actual father"

"It would be an honor" Hank smiles. Erin walks out of the bathroom and says, "God, I hate dresses"

"You look great, Erin" Sam says.

"Thanks...did you ask him yet?" Erin says, walking over to the bed to put her clothes in her duffle. Sam nods her head and says, "I did"


"He said no"

Erin glares at the older man and says, "Hank.."

"She's kidding" Hank says.

Erin glares at the brunette and says, "Sammy...why?"

Sam chuckles and says, "Cause your reaction was funny"

Erin rolls her eyes and takes Gracie from her mom and says, "Well, I'm gonna take my goddaughter and show her off" then she opens the door and leaves.


"It's almost time people! Last minute touches!" Sylvie yells, "And where the hell is Otis? He's supposed to be marrying them" then she walks inside past Jay and Will who walk outside and are amazed at what they're looking at.

"Wow" Will says. Jay smiles and says, "This place looks great"

"It doesn't even look like your backyard. Brett did great"

"You think dad's gonna show?"

"Do you want him to?"

Jay shrugs and says, "I don't know"

"You Halstead boys clean up nice" A voice says. Jay and Will turn around to see Erin holding Gracie in her pink, fluffy dress. Jay chuckles and grabs his daughter from Erin, kissing her chubby cheek and says, "You look beautiful, babygirl"

Gracie smiles, putting her head down on Jay's chest.

"Don't hog her, I want to see my niece" Will says. Gracie lifts her head up and puts her arms out so Will can grab her.

"How's Sam doing?" Jay asks. Erin smiles and says, "She has pre wedding jitters but she's good and she looks amazing"


Jay opens the front door to see Fin and Olivia and he smiles, "you guys made it"

"Of course we did" Fin smiles.

"We wouldn't miss it" liv states.

"It's still a surprise, right?" Fin asks, as he and Olivia walk inside the house. Jay nods his head, "yeah. She's still up stairs getting ready"


As all the guests begin to fill in the seats and Jay stands at the altar, who takes a couple deep breathes.

"You okay, man?" Otis asks. Jay nods his head and says, "Yeah, just nervous"

"There's nothing to be nervous about. You're marrying a great girl"

"I know and I don't deserve her"

Meanwhile inside the house, Sylvie says, "Places everybody"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Once the song starts playing, Mouch and Hermann open the double doors to the back door, and a couple seconds later, Adam and Erin walk down the aisle, and once they stand at the altar then Denise and Will slowly walk down the aisle, then Kim and Kevin, Gabby and Matt then Sylvie and Antonio.

Once all the bridesmaids and groomsmen are standing at the altar, then Wyatt walks down the aisle as the ring bearer, followed by Kelly who is carrying Gracie in his arms and helping her throw flowers onto the grass.

Once Kelly and Gracie get to their seat, everyone stands up as Hank and Sam slowly make their way down the aisle, arm in arm. Jay wipes the tears from his eyes and smiles, as Adam pats his shoulder and smiles along with everyone else. Sam holds back tears, watching Jay cry.

As Sam and Hank approach the altar, the song starts to die down as Jay walks over to them as Hank kisses Sam's cheek and whispers, "I'm so proud of you" then goes over to his seat, as everyone also takes their seats.

Jay and Sam takes ahold of each other's hands and Jay mouths, 'You look beautiful'

Sam smiles and mouths, 'Thank you'

"We are gathered here today to celebrate two lives, Jay Halstead and Samantha Miller. If anyone cares to object, say it now or forever hold your peace." Otis says.

"If someone says anything, I'm locking you up" Erin says, making everyone laugh.

"Alright then. Now the couple would like to recite their own vows. Jay"

Jay clears his throat and says, "Sam, since the first day we met and we shook hands, I felt a spark and I knew from that moment I wanted to know everything about you. You always put everyone before you, and that's one of the many reasons why I love you. You've never been invisible in my eyes. You've always been the one to stand out and make everyone else disappear. We're each other's, other half. Soulmates, if you will. You're the best part of me. The part that makes me look at things from a different angle. The part that makes love seem so real. You're so damn colorful in my eyes, and everyday that color grows brighter and everyday I fall further in love with you, for everything that you are. And you gave me a very sassy daughter and I can't thank you enough for that. And there is not one scenario where I don't love you or not want to spend the rest of my life with you"

Sam wipes the tears from her eyes and clears her throat when Otis says, "Sam.."

"Wow, how do I top that?" Sam says, making people laugh, "Okay, I've been through a lot of things in my life, more than one person should go through. A wise man once said I've dodged every obstacle that god has thrown at me, to get to where I am now. And that's standing right here, marrying you, the love of my life. Yes, I've been in love before, may he rest in peace, but not love like this. Pure love, love that feels good, love that hurts, love that makes you wanna do anything for the other person. And I would do anything for you, Jay. I'm so in love with you, that it makes me go crazy sometimes. We have an amazing family, that I wouldn't trade the world for and I can't wait to be your wife"

"Wow, you guys are good" Otis smiles, "Now, do you Sam, take Jay as your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

Sam smiles and says, "I do"

"Jay, do you take Sam as your lawful wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"Oh hell yeah" Jay smiles, making everyone laugh.

"Alright, may I have the rings please?"

Wyatt gets up from his seat with the rings and walks over to his mother and Jay who picks up the other's ring.

"You look really pretty, mom" Wyatt says. Sam smiles and says, "Thank you, sweetheart" then kisses his cheek.

As Jay slides Sam's ring onto her ring finger, she says, "I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness and I promise that I will love and cherish you and will deny all those that come between us. I make this promise for eternity. A promise that I will keep forever, until the end of time. Till death do us part"

As Sam slides Jay's ring onto his ring finger, he says, "I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness and I promise that I will love and cherish you and will deny all those that come between us. I make this promise for eternity. A promise that I will keep forever, until the end of time. Till death do us part"

"Now, by the power invested in me in the state of Illinois and how to be ordained .org, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now..." and before Otis could finish, Jay leans in to kiss Sam, who places her hands on his scruffy face, "kiss the bride"

Everyone stands up and cheers.

Jay grabs ahold of his wife's hand and they walk down the aisle and smile as everyone claps and cheers.


Once the reception starts going and everyone starts laughing, talking and enjoying each other's presence, the DJ sounds the mic and says, "Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please. For the first time as husband and wife, Mr and Mrs. Halstead" then he plays, 'P.Y.T. by Michael Jackson'.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jay and Sam hold hands walking out of the house and smiling, as everyone claps.


As everyone is sat at their tables, talking, drinking and eating. Kelly takes his champagne glass and hits the side of it with a knife and says, "Toast time. Alright, I've known Sam since we were 4. If anyone knows us, you know that we're best friends and nothing can sever that bond. We've been through a lot together and I'll always have your back, Sammy. It's not just the two of us against the world anymore. You have Jay now and a family of your own, and I know he'll make you happy, well, he better or else"

"My turn" Erin says, standing up, "When Sam and I first met, we were 15 and I thought to myself, why is she so happy?" making everyone laugh, "Once I got to know her more, I understood then we became friends. She's like a sister I've always wanted. And I will protect you until the end of time and beyond. I love you Sammy and for Jay's sake he better love you for beyond too"

"I love you too, E" Sam mouths to her sister.

"Alright, I guess it's my turn" Will jokes, standing up, "Jay, as your older brother, I'd like to say for sure, that Sam is to good for you" making everyone laugh, "But she makes you a better person and I've noticed that since I've moved back here. I'm glad you found her, I'm glad to have my niece Gracie. And Sam I'm glad to have you as my sister in law"

"Saving the best for last, I suppose" Adam jokes, standing up as Will sits, "I've never seen two people more right for each other then these two right here. You guys are my best friends and I'm happy for you two. Seeing you guys in love, gives hope to the rest of us that true love is real and it's out there somewhere"

Everyone claps when the DJ turns his mic on and says, "Now it's time for the first dance"

Jay grabs ahold of his wife's hand and they head to the dance floor, when the DJ plays, 'Then by Brad Paisley'.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"You look so amazing" Jay whispers. Sam smiles and says, "Thank you baby. You look amazing too" then they lean in for a kiss.

A couple minutes later, all the couples join the husband and wife duo on the dance floor.


As the DJ puts on some upbeat music, Sam and Jay are on the dance floor with Gracie, Denise and Wyatt and dancing all around, smiling and having fun and are joined by Erin, Kelly, Adam, Gabby and Matt.

"Samantha Miller" a voice says.

"It's actually Hal-" Sam stops mid sentence to see two detectives and a few patrolmen with them, "What's going on?"

"You're under arrest, turn around" one of the detectives says.

"What?" Sam says in disbelief.

"What for?" Jay questions.

"Turn around" the detective says.

As Sam turns around the DJ shuts the music off and everyone goes quiet.

"Sergeant Hank Voight. Intelligence" Hank says, walking over to the detectives, and showing his badge, "What's going on here?"

"Well, Sergeant. We were just handed evidence from an anonymous source that says they can place our suspect here at the scene of a murder"

"And what murder is that?"

"Can't say"

Sam scoffs and says, "this is ridiculous"

"Lets go" the detective says, dragging the new bride away in silver bracelets in front of everyone. Wyatt grabs ahold of Denise's hand. Gracie's bottom lip trembles, about to cry.

"Hank.." Erin says.

"We'll get her out" he states.

"What the hell is going on?" Kelly asks. Hank shrugs and says, "I don't know, but we're gonna find out"

authors note;

I only cried about, I don't know, a lot! ❀️😭
My favorite couple πŸ’“πŸ¦‹

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