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the year was 1999

holly sander was a nobody, living off trash cans and cheap plastic bags that held nothing but her hopes and dreams. She walked along the same sidewalk every single day, and she never left until the moon was out.

Locals called her a freak, claiming she didn't belong. She was quite an eyesight when Roman Bridger first caught sight of her. It was the middle of the night and the man had just finished his script for stab three.

He was exhausted and in a bit of a mood due to personal reasons. He walked along the sidewalk, his hands in his pocket as he approached his car.

It beeped as he unlocked it, that's when he saw her. She looked distressed as she pushed her jacket against her chest, her hands trembled as she blew on them.

The cold air wasn't very kind tonight and half the time Roman ignored women who wandered along the sidewalk and streets. They were always asking for money and begging him for help. This time felt different, the woman didn't even look at him once as he watched her with a close glance.

She was in her own little world as she hummed to herself, her hands stopped trembling when she pushed them into her pockets. Yet he could see her teeth chatter together, she didn't flinch when people would speed past in their flashy cars.

She didn't even pay attention to her surroundings as people walked along the sidewalk. She clearly didn't care about her wellbeing, this made Roman annoyed.

How could someone so beautiful be so helpless? Part of him would've just driven off, ignored the woman all together as he went back home. Yet somehow he found himself drawn towards her, getting her into his car wasn't hard. She didn't hesitate when he offered her a ride to somewhere less cold.

He knew she likely had other ideas on her mind, but he drove in silence as rain began to pour down. Even with the warmth of the car she still held onto herself, she looked outside the window and sighed.

She didn't speak, of course Roman didn't mind the silence it made him latch onto what was left of his sanity. If he could see himself right now he'd laugh, picking up a stranger off the street was stupid.

Maybe the loneliness was really getting to him, he didn't blame himself for making such a ridiculous decision in the heat of a moment. He walked past that sidewalk every single night and yet he never saw her until now, why was it tonight that he noticed her?

He turned and looked at her, the bright street light reflected off her face. He could still see her teeth chattering, "so what's your name?".

She looked at him for the first time since she got into the car and he didn't notice how bright her eyes were. "Holly Sander" she pressed her hands into her lap as she looked outside the window. Light patches of rain began coating the surface of the window but she didn't look phased by it.

"Im Roman Bridger" she nodded weakly as she leaned more into the seat. He let out a soft breath "so how'd you end up on the street anyways? A pretty girl like you doesn't seem the type who'd be homeless".

She didn't look offended by his words and he was glad she wasn't sensitive like half of the other women he's worked with. He wasn't an asshole, but he needed people to take their jobs seriously.

He wanted people who actually cared about what they worked on and not ones who half assed it for the cash. "What can you say, I came here hoping to follow my dreams, but it didn't stick and I lost everything. But it's not so bad when you get used to the cold weather".

Roman hummed slightly as he turned down the road that lead towards his house "most woman who come here are seeking dreams of acting. Hollywood has that effect on a lot of people, you know I happen to direct music videos, it's nothing special but it's a passion of mine and it took years to make happen".

She smiled "I bet that can be fun, having control over people and being able to hold all the power". He nodded "you know I didn't just pick you up to talk, I saw you and I just couldn't help myself, you'd be perfect for a role in one of my videos".

He saw the way her eyes brighten, she looked almost normal "really? But you don't even know me... and I mean I can't just accept, there's so many other people out there who would be so much better".

Roman stopped the car in front of his house and smiled "sure I do, you're a girl who was hoping one day someone would help you finally get a head start on your dream. Stick with me and you'll become a star in no time, better yet maybe you'll blossom into your own career and it'll all be because of me".

the year was 2000

Holly Bridger hated every second of her life, she felt like a doll behind a glass panel as she walked through the set gate. She was exhausted but she made herself look presentable as she pushed her hair away from her face. Stab three was going to be this big Hollywood production that her husband somehow managed to put together after months of drafts.

She would've said no to being in it seeing woodsboro gave her the creeps. The set looked just like the old neighborhood she remembered driving past every weekend. She hated her past and it was right in front of her every single day of production.

Her character was small but she enjoyed the thought of playing someone's life story. Tatum Riley was this perfect girl and Holly would do justice for her character. Half the other people on set didn't do enough research on the characters they played, all except Jennifer.

That woman walked around everyday in character and it made Holly smile. At least someone else cared about this movie, even if it would be a different story from what really happened. Like every morning Holly walked towards the trailers to pick up any new scripts.

She was stopped by the loudness of bickering behind her "this is stupid, what kind of person hates soy milk, after they asked for soy milk! Sarah, take the coffee that you told me to get for you!".

Sarah Darling rolled her eyes as she smacked the coffee out of the boys hand. It hit him and stained his shirt and boots, he winced at the sting of it. "Maybe if you did your job right I'd take it! I said oat milk not soy milk you moron".

She walked off and Holly sighed deeply as she walked toward the boy. "I'm so sorry about her, she's kind of a bitch, let me help you clean this up". The boy groaned in annoyance "I thought it'd be fun working here, because giving coffee to strangers really makes Hollywood all that better. Should've just stayed working at that car shop down the road".

Holly picked the empty coffee cup off the ground "I'm kinda surprised you're not in the movie, I mean your character is in it, don't you want Roman telling your story the right way?". The boy rolled his eyes "yeah right, I hate the stab movies, I haven't watched a single one and I definitely won't be in one. Besides Roman let me have this lame coffee job, and I help with the script sometimes. Seeing I was there and all it's important I give details on the truth".

Holly sighed "I bet it was awful, I can't imagine going through that. And it happened twice for you that must've been even more painful". He shrugged "can't help it I guess, I'm an easy guy to kill. You don't see the type who wants to be here either, I see you every morning looking annoyed half the time by the script and your husband".

Holly cringed "Roman is amazing, when he wants to be at least. He gets really caught up in this movie so I don't really expect to have him care about me. He does care about you a lot though Corey, it doesn't bother me by the way, I don't love the guy".

Corey chuckled "I think everyone on set could guess that, it's all an act for the camera for the public. Kinda of a dick move on his part, he's using you basically and he's likely using me too, but I guess we're both alike, we don't care about how someone treats us if it means they show us attention or help us".

Holly hummed "you're right actually, I never noticed that before. I guess woodsboro really does that to us, breaks us into something we're not but we latch onto it anyways. It's all we got left in us, dreams and hopes. Don't worry about the coffee by the way, I'll blame it all on Sarah if Roman asks".

Corey smiled "I was gonna blame it on a wild lion, can't believe it got on set and attacked me, you know it'd be helpful if you actually asked for coffee sometimes. Gets me off this set longer".

She nodded as she grabbed the empty tray from his hand "I hate coffee, but you look like you need a break so go all the way across town and take your time getting back. If anyone asks I'll say you had to keep running around to coffee shops because of shortage or something".

Corey sighed "I can't believe you hate coffee, everyone here loves coffee, yet they never drink it when I give it to them. I think they hate me or something. It's not poisoned, it's coffee".

Holly laughed "yeah this place is a mess, but don't tell anyone I said that" she reached into her pocket "here, get yourself something to eat for once". She placed the cash into his hand "thanks Holly, I'll be sure to grab you an extra large cup of nonexistent coffee on my way back to set".

She smiled as he walked off past her, he looked grossed out by the coffee that stained his shirt. She sighed as she walked towards her trailer and walked inside. Once again she was greeted by a new script and she couldn't help but shut down into despair.

Not edited!

authors notes:
I was supposed to update this yesterday... girl it's 6AM, I don't passed out on my couch at midnight, I was gonna write everything around then too but welp, clearly didn't happen so Friday updates are coming today instead lol. I'll slowly get updates out throughout the day, I have to shop and do a few other errands so it'll be awhile. Plus I'm trying to not be on my phone too much this year, anyways enjoy!

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