final girl

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final girl;
she was a star, yet deep down she was in agony, she was suffering and no one cared enough to help her, not even her so called husband who was the man who helped her get this far

Published: December 21st, 2023
day four of bookmas
Republished: May 3rd, 2024

Holly had spent her entire life alone, her parents had given her up when she turned two after they discovered they didn't love her anymore. She was sent to foster home after home, and somehow she always ended up back in woodsboro.

When she was finally able to fend for herself she left the town all together, and proceeded to follow her dream of becoming an actress. Of course no one ever told her it was going to be a nightmare.

No one took her seriously when she would tell them her dreams and hopes. She was struggling to keep her home and her dream was fading away by the day.

She had so many secrets on how she managed to survive another day. Despite all her efforts she lost her home and was left wondering about Hollywood.

Then by some miracle she was saved, Roman Bridger was a troubled man and she could tell. He offered her safety in his home in exchange for her being in his music videos. She hated every second of it, but she would do anything to reach her dreams.

Even marrying the guy if it means he'll keep giving her jobs and opportunities. It wasn't a marriage out of love, she knew that and so did he. She would help him by making his work look good and he'd help her by giving her a home and a job.

When he tells her about a new movie he's working on she's the first person to agree to be in it. Even if her character was a side one and not in many scenes she would savor the moment.

Her dream starts to crash and burn when cast members start to be murdered on set, she knows she's on the list of people who could be next.

So she does what any scared person would do, she latches onto the safety of her husband. Except in the end turns out he was the one holding the knife that was cutting deep into her heart.

Margot Robbie as Holly Bridger
Hayden Christensen as Corey Becker

Not edited!

authors notes:
I think I have a problem with making up scream plots on the spot. I kid you not I saw one little edit of Roman on Tik Tok and started making this. After I picked Margot for the faceclaim everything molded together perfectly, the whole Hollywood star vibe is iconic and the marriage mainly out of status! Don't expect these two to be all couple goals, they're the complete opposite, plus Roman doesn't give af about her ass, sure they're married but this man will literally murder her if she walks in front of him. I do kinda wanna make it to where maybe they have a few moments along the way but Roman will be to focused on the whole ghostface drama to even notice he might actually care about her. I mean she's a final girl, I guess that means she gets to join the final girl squad, I will literally get that line mentioned in here somewhere, even if Corey's ass appears in the last chapter to say it. Also Corey will just be a side character in this story, a little coffee errand boy just like he is in every single scream 3 act. Anyways this is long asf, I'm rambling for no reason. I'm gonna make this book a short one so it's only scream 3, might make a separate book of this character in scream 4 or 5 not sure yet but most likely lol if I do end up making a second book for Holly, Corey will be a main character in it with her because I have some big plans set if this book goes the route I want it. Also ain't no way Christmas is four days away, anyways sorry for this long ass paragraph. First chapter of this will be out sometime today if I remember, been busy with Christmas shopping and what not so we'll see.

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