prologue pt.1

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a burning sensation

location unknown;
February 16th, 6:00pm

"Current status of the experiment?" The man's glasses overtook half of his face as he pushed them up the bridge of his nose. His hands were covered in thick blue gloves as he looked down at the clipboard he picked up before entering the room. The area, while covered with thick plastic sheets and caution tape, still held almost a brightness to it as he listened to the lines of screams and tears. It made his lips rise in almost a grin as he set the clipboard between his armpit.

"Why hasn't experiment H47 been processed for the next step of her operation? She should be alongside the others who have been processed". His assistant, a short young boy who looked scared half the time, smiled weakly "sorry sir, the first dose wasn't given to her properly... so we've had to give her a higher dose to overpower the cells inside her body. She should be going through the procedure now if you'd like to see her. I imagine it'll take effect this time".

The man hummed as he started walking along the small pathway, "so what's the status of the others?" the young boy nearly tripped over his feet as he looked down at the charts in his hands. He stumbled over his words as he pushed his glasses up his nose "uh currently they're all in the last stage, except for H47 who's in the first stage. She'll be ready by tonight of course, I've calculated all the possible outcomes and hers is the highest successful rate. This is the fifth batch of people we've tried the chemical on and so far only five have made it through. Of course once H47 is processed it'll be a full taskforce we can use".

The man chuckled "good, we can finally be rid of those pesky x-men. I'll have another batch ready if this one fails, of course I hold great hopes for this one. They're all withstanding the chemicals and no signs of heart attacks or diseases overtaking them. Be sure you take away all those human emotions, can't have our task force hesitant even once".

"Sire, are you positive you wish to take away their emotions? Given the last batch killed each other and we had to terminate the last of them. Can we truly afford to lose another team on such short notice?". The man rolled his eyes "I don't pay you to question me! I'll take half the human race if it means I get what I want! Take the emotions away! Take all of it away! I will not have anything jeopardized my mission".

He angrily stormed off, pushing through a thick layer of plastic as he approached a small table. Numerous syringes and vials laid neatly in rows, each containing different colors of a chemical. "Which is this one?" He picked up the first two vials, placing them into a chamber that rested over the head of a girl.

She was going in and out of consciousness as blood ran down her forehead. "This one should be experiment H47, we grabbed her from a parking lot. Her success rate is extraordinary". The girl blinked slowly as she looked at the two men above her.

They looked down at her with such disgust "why don't we triple the dosage for this one. If she's so extraordinary, then we'll see if she can handle it". He put the rest of the vials into the chambers "but we've never done all of the chemicals at once, what if she dies before we can even process her forward".

The man huffed as he pushed the last chamber shut "then we'll find another, go and check on the others. I want this batch done by tonight so I can go home and sleep without all that paperwork". The young boy nodded before he quickly walked off towards another section of the laboratory.

The man moved back pushing onto a small red button that rested on the side of the machine that hovered over the girl's head. It flashed green before the harsh metal smacked down into the girl's skin. She screamed as her body began to shake, the metal sunk into her flesh as needles pierced into her brain.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as foam began to roll out of her lips rapidly. The chemicals ripped apart everything that made her human as they latched onto her cells and began mutating them. With a loud hiss the machine's light turned green and the metal sheets moved back. The girl's eyes ripped themselves open and she screamed as she clawed at the chair desperately. The man looked down at her watching as her eyes began to glow a bright shade of pink before they turned red.

"Phase one is complete, bring experiment H47 to the second phase! What's the status of the others of this batch?" The man turned when he saw the young boy walk inside. "They're waiting for the final phase, of course we need the last of the batch before we can take away memories and emotions. I'll process H47 quickly so we can continue our work".

The world felt so dizzy, the girl's eyes could barely stay opened as she felt herself being rolled towards a large metal table. She groaned as she felt the sharpness of needles poking into her arms, the burning sensation of them running along her veins made her scream as a thick metal mask was pushed over her head. She let out heavy breaths as she saw five others being rolled in beside her, all being forced to wear the same thick metal masks as her.

They were linked to a massive computer as the cords ran along the walls. "Phase three in route, on my count gentleman proceed with the mind wipe!". The girl felt such fear as she tugged at the restraints around her wrists and ankles. She pinched her eyes shut when a bright light flashed in her face.

"In three..." she gasped for air "two..." she could feel her chest going heavy as her body began to sink into the chair. She didn't even hear the last number, her vision was going out and the sounds around her were so chilling she wanted to sob. "They're crashing! For goodness sake! We've gotten another failed batch!".

The world had gone silent and the last thing she had felt before her heart stopped was her own scream.

Xavier's school for gifted youngsters
February 18th, 10:00am

The inside of the school was silent aside from the constant noise of someone aggressively smacking the shit out of a Microscope. "Come on! Work!'' The room was dark aside from a few streams of sunlight entering through the window that was covered by thick pieces of cardboard. Another smack and the boy let out an annoyed breath as he looked away from the microscope. He pushed his goggles upwards letting them rest along his forehead as he pushed his hands on his hip. "I've invested half of my piggy bank savings into this thing and it doesn't even work".

He scratched at his head as the door opened slowly "aww is your little brain having a hard time understanding what a microscope is? I could always sing that one song you like". The girl skipped inside the room with a bright smile on her face, her headphones were wrapped around her neck and she grabbed them when the boy smirked at her.

"Don't even think about it headphone jack" the eye giggled as she pushed the headphones over her ears "alright maxi pad. Since you wanna stay here in this dark sex dungeon, why don't I brighten the place up!". The boy ran forward quickly as the girl aimed her hand towards the windows, before she could open her lips to sing the windows shattered.

She gasped when Maximus wrapped his arms around her and they flew towards the ground. He groaned as the sunlight entered the room and glass laid all over the ground. He acted quickly by making his face twist slightly as his appearance changed.

"Max don't...." the boy's metal like skin appeared more human as he stood up in a fighting stance. His gaze looked towards the window where he saw a brick lying along the rubble. He walked forward picking it up and looking down at it "what is a.... Cupid?" he frowned deeply as his words stuttered.

Susie grabbed the brick from his hand "you're malfunctioning" the boy huffed "I'll manage another hour before I need to charge. The sunlight will affect it anyways, seriously what is a Cupid? Is it another human term I'm not familiar with?".

The girl looked disgusted by the word human as she pulled a heart shaped ninja star out of the brick. "It's some creature they've made that shoots two people and they fall in love. At least that's the version I've learned from Christina". The boy looked down at the ninja star with an anxious expression as he looked outside the window, in the distance he could see the silhouette of people emerging from the distance.

"Susie, perhaps it's time we get a hold of Ms Kingsley, I've got a bad feeling about this".

authors notes:
I have no self control and I'm already writing for this story, I don't even care if opinions aren't fully out yet I have no patience. Figured I'd get this out for now, I was gonna make it longer but unfortunately I work tomorrow so I need to sleep. Part two of the prologue will likely be out tomorrow and I'll likely work on the first chapter slowly through the week.

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