prologue pt.2

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taskforce x

location unknown
February 20th

"We've lost contact with them two days ago, apparently they've gone into hiding". The man looked down at his watch before he looked back up at the sound of footsteps "we'll find them, and kill every last one of those failures. You said it yourself Psyche, there's only so many places one can hide".

The man chuckled "perhaps I've underestimated them, of course given they're walking corpses it's gonna be pretty damn satisfying ripping them apart". He flexed his hand making a line of blood trail out of his fingertips "I'll drown them with their own blood and give them a reason to feel like a reject from society".

The strong stench of smoke and blood coated the air as the man let the blood flow back into his fingers. Given they spent two days trailing the failed experiments he tended to cause a scene at every single location they were spotted. "What exactly is a diners purpose? Aside from being really good at blowing up into a thousand pieces".

Psyche rolled his eyes at Spike's comment as the woman held onto herself. She shivered and despite being right beside the flames she still felt cold. "Doesn't matter, they saw them here the first night they disappeared from the cemetery. Which means they couldn't have gotten far from this location".

Petal Jack chuckled "you said that about the last location and the one before that, they're clearly running around clueless. They probably don't even know they're dead let alone have powers".

Goldie Locks hummed as she picked up a heart shaped ninja star from beside a broken window "I'd say otherwise, looks like one of those failures left us a little present. I'd almost say it's cute given the heart shape but I'd rather gouge my own eyes out".

Her fingers touched the weapon with ease as it slowly began to shift from a bright pink color to solid gold. "What's around here? First we checked the cemetery and then that hotel and gas station. Then here, where else could they possibly be? The signal we had with them vanished two days ago in this general area".

Psyche grabbed the ninja star from Goldie Lock's grasp "they're leaving clues, or they have no idea we're even going after them. Which is the best part of this all, they're like rats in a cage and we're the ones who are gonna put them down once and for all".

Petal Jack looked around his gaze watching closely for any small details they could've missed. He pushed his hands into his pockets as he turned "you know, this place oddly looks familiar for something. If I'm somewhat correct then they did the one thing they were programmed for before they died".

Spike gasped "the x-men! You mean to tell me that's where they could've gone? That dreaded school is around here, but the location is hidden". Petal Jack shrugged his shoulders as he began to walk towards the car "and we were created to take down the x-men, I guess the odds are in our favor. We get to kill two birds with one really big ass stone".

He could hear the muffled voices behind him as he pulled open the car door "Goldie Locks, me and you can figure out the location but we'll need someone willing to get inside the school undetected".

Psyche rolled his eyes "I'll do it, I'm the only one here capable of holding myself from any prying eyes. I'm also the only one who looks like they'd blend in with those freaks". Petal Jack chuckled "you can't kill the entire school just to not get caught, it's important you don't get caught. We need to make sure the failures are even there first before we make our plan of attack. Which I'm hoping you figure out on the inside genius".

Psyche scoffed "you guys are all lame, I'd murdered you if I could. Obviously I'm not gonna kill anyone, not unless they provoke me. I'll find the targets and get word out about any possible weaknesses we could use against them. It'll be an easy mission".

Goldie Locks looked down at the screen in her lap "I'd say otherwise, the security measures on this school are outrageous. We'd be killed on impact if we were even spotted. Which means once Psyche is in, he's alone until further notice. No contact and keep your mind blank in case anyone's listening in".

Psyche pushed closed the passenger door as he looked at Goldie Locks who sat in the back typing rapidly onto her tablet. "What about Petal Jacks flowers, could we use it so you can listen in?".

Petal Jack looked away from Goldie Locks screen and looked at Psyche "what part of you have to go in alone don't you understand? No contact for a reason these people have had powers their entire lives, they'll literally murder us the second they spot us. So don't get caught and once you find the targets get out of there and meet us back at the base".

Psyche chuckled weakly "how hard can it be to get inside a top based mutant school? I'll find the targets before they can even figure out who we are". The car came to a stop and Spike turned slightly "I get the feeling this is the place, I've driven past this sign like six times and surely it was for a reason".

Psyche looked at the sign and then towards Goldie Locks and Petal Jack, the two nodding almost as if they could sense the off feeling in the air. Psyche huffed as he pulled open the door "I'll find you when it's done, don't get yourselves killed in the meantime, and don't think just because I'm gone you can all do whatever you want. Stick to the mission".

He stepped out of the car before slamming the door shut harshly, his gaze looking at the bold sign and it clicked inside his head. They had driven past it six times, and they hadn't even read the bolded letters on it until now. It was like something inside was calling them and making them see the big picture.

Psyche felt such an intense pressure in his chest as he walked along the grass and kept his hands hidden inside his pockets. He was tempted to use his powers and get this mission accomplished but he knew he'd die before he even stepped inside the school.

He could see numerous children and adults walking around outside and a few showing off their powers. He practically scoffed beneath his breath as he slowly walked along the steps. The big doors in front of him were heavy when he opened them, despite his abilities he was weak when it came to strength.

The energy of the outside world was so much more dull on the inside. Rarely any students were seen along the corridor, they were likely off in classes or hiding away inside rooms. He walked along the school keeping his mind blocked off, finding a group of people who weren't meant to be here would be a difficult task. Especially when he's alone inside a massive school with dozens of mutants.

authors notes:
just another basic intro to characters, I was supposed to publish this a few days ago but I got so sidetracked I forgot. Regardless I'm finally able to start writing for this story! This book is definitely one I'm taking my time with for the sake of the abilities being written properly. I have a lot of different ones to write for so I can't mess anything up! As for timeline it's not really said when this story takes place but you can imagine when it does based on clues and such. Anyways I don't wanna drag this and make it long so bye!!!!

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