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> he is not very used to the intimacy of affection due to... ya know, trauma

> > because of that, at the beginning of your relationship, he would show you affection if you initiated it

> > >  if you reach for his hand, he'll grab onto it; if you outstretch your arms, he'll scoop you up in a hug; if you tell him you're feeling down, he'll do whatever it takes to bring your mood up

> he will not do laundry until he literally has no clean clothes and he won't do the dishes until he's drinking coffee out of a bowl

> > he needs you to remind him to do those things and be a reason to have clean clothes and dishes to eat off of

> > > when you're away, he sorta doesn't know what to do with himself

> deep down, he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, but he's still extremely hesitant to pursue something like marriage 

> > he has a lot of issues he wants to work out first so you can marry the best version of him (if you want to, that is)

> Jason knows he's a mess--a wreck--and that trauma affects aspects of your relationship

> > don't you want a man more put-together and stable than he is? don't you know you can do better?

> these insecurities will display themselves, sometimes obviously other times it's more subtle

> > he might grow a little distant or become less talkative and you can just feel something's wrong (subtle)

> > > he might outright ask why you even love him (obvious)

> he usually masks his more vulnerable emotions with anger

> > but sometimes he just needs some reassurance like we all do

> he knows it's not your responsibility to be his therapist and he would hate it if that's what you became

> > he'll start to feel like he's a project, not your boyfriend and he'll begin to wonder if the only reason you're with him is to try and fix him

> > > he knows he needs help, but when he's ready for it, he'll seek a professional who is not the love of his life

> as Damian so tactfully pointed out, he is the most emotional of the Robins, which isn't all bad!

> > there are occasional outbursts, but if he ever raises his voice at you, he instantly regrets it

> > > he'll feel so guilty, even if he thinks he was "in the right"

> > > > he needs a minute to cool off after you argue--sometimes he'll leave mid-fight because he doesn't want to risk saying something stupid

> he doesn't particularly enjoy talking about his past because it's difficult even if you trust someone with your life

> > you know enough, though, he's been through hell and came back kickin'

> he has a lot of regrets, but he isn't sure if he would go back in time to change things

> > every mistake, every regret, every action he wishes never happened--it all led to where he is now and that's with you

> > > so maybe, even if he had the opportunity, he wouldn't change anything

> though a heavy sleeper, there are nights when his mind is plagued with nightmares

> > when you're fast asleep during a nightmare of his, he'll sit against the headboard and just breathe, but he won't fall back asleep and he might start to play with your hair or try and distract himself

> > > if you catch on, you wake him up instantly; calming him down can be tough, though, sometimes he needs air and you'll go for a midnight walk through the city while other times he just wants you to hold him and tell him he's safe

> ANYWAY, enough of the angst...

> Jason would never admit it, but he really wants his family to like you and you to like them

> > no surprises here, you have a good relationship with his brothers and so on

> he enjoys playfully insulting you

> > he would also play fight with you if you start it

> he stumbled home one night, bleeding, and in desperate need of your help; that night was when he first told you he loved you

> > you didn't necessarily hate what Jason did at night, but you sure hated the state it would leave him in

> > > "Do you have any idea how worried I was? You can't keep throwing caution to the wind like this! Jason, I love you and I can't--" "I love you too. And I'm sorry."

> he is unapologetically jealous, though, he's very straightforward about it

> > he'll tell you what he's feeling and what you can do to remedy it

> > > primarily if you ignore him or other guys start giving unwanted attention

> > > > letting him boil can be fun too

> there is part of him that wants to carefully kiss you, slowly, softly, and as innocently as he can

> > but, there is another part of him that wants to grab your face and passionately kiss you until he can't breathe, biting your lips to leave them swollen in his wake

> he loves little sweet gestures to just let him know you're there, and you care for him

> he will randomly bring you home little trinkets he thinks you might like

> > he'll stumble upon a cute little keychain and pockets it and when he gets home, he'll just toss it into your lap without acknowledging it

> > > he might get thrown into a wall of merchandise during a fight but realize the shelf was stocked with vinyl records from your favorite band and bring one home for you after he kicks the criminal's ass

> he really only works at night so sometimes he'll sleep until 11 am and if possible, he'll keep you in bed with him

> > if he wakes up at a decent time, he makes breakfast for you and he is really good at cooking

> you have a mini book club, just the two of you

> > you take turns picking out a book and working through it that month and then discuss it in detail over take out

> > > you have a rule that you cannot discuss the book before the official discussion (because once, he accidentally spoiled the ending and you nearly disbanded the club)

> > > > so take your notes, use ticky tabs, and annotate the margins because you're going to be up all night picking apart the piece of literiture

> on a similar note, he will reference classic works in passing much to your amusement

> > who would have thought such a violent and bulky man would be such a nerd

> Jason is also hilarious, if you didn't already know, he has a very good sense of humor

> he can't remember shit, aside from your birthday and anniversary

> his romance comes and goes like the wind; without warning

> > his attempts to sweep you off your feet often backfires, usually ending with you explaining that you don't need twelve dozen roses on Valentine's Day to know how much he loves you

> > > when he hits the mark, however rarely, you two usually find yourselves doing something cute: milkshakes at a retro diner, a walk along the beach, etc.

> he has very diverse music taste and would probably like whatever you would play for him

> he has a habit of, well, getting into trouble--whether it's getting shot and/or pissing you (or someone else powerful) off

> > he's good at his job, maybe even the best, but that man just throws caution to the wind sometimes

> > > you have to remind him he has to live just as long as you do and promises he'll be more careful every time, but you always end up stitching his wounds

> he absolutely adores it when you take his clothes

> > hoodies, t-shirts, sweatpants, take it all! Please, he's begging you!

> > >  you look so cute in things that are too big for you, but with that being said, he will tease you when he catches you

> > > > plus, it's a bonus that when he gets them back they smell like you

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