𝘵. 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘬𝘦

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> he can be pretty affectionate, but he isn't huge on PDA

> > he doesn't want to make anyone else uncomfortable, plus he is a little shy, especially when you first started dating

> he gives you piggy-back rides

> > if your feet hurt, if it's late, if you're not in a good mood--any excuse, really and for such a massive dork, he is incredibly strong

> unfortunately, he is far too dependent on you

> > the boy will work every hour of every day that you are not reminding him to take breaks and he'll start skipping meals and consuming only coffee to keep himself awake

> > > he's a workaholic and it only gets worse when you're not around

> he knows it's unhealthy, but it helps him cope with missing you

> if you were to ever break up with him, Tim would just kinda... shut off

> > if he was a workaholic before, there isn't a word to describe what he would become--for months, it would be nothing but his job as a way to distract himself so he wouldn't have to face the pain

> > > > his brothers would have to sit him down for an intervention

> he would only resist cuddles if he's "trying to work"

> > notice I said resist, not deny

> > > if you're clever, you could weasel your way into his lap as he sits in front of the computer and he will even play with your hair or draw patterns on your skin

> Tim used to keep you at arm's length when it comes to his family

> > once he was comfortable enough to introduce you, Bruce and Dick appreciated that he had a healthy relationship to turn to outside of work

> he is oh-so-soft with you and it makes your heart melt

> when Tim thinks about a safe place, his mind conjures this image of you standing in front of a large window in a nice penthouse in the city

> >  the sun is setting over the city skyline and there you are, with his arms around your waist snugly

> you said the three magic words when Timothy was once again working late and in dire need of a break

> > you approached him and smiled and he said hello, but didn't pay you too much mind so you kissed his cheek and said,

> > > "I love you." "... I-I love you too, (Y/n)."

> he only ever really gets jealous when you spend an abnormal amount of time with someone else (more than the amount of time you spend with him)

> > his jealousy clams him up, and he will not talk about it and focuses all his attention on something else if he can

> > > he doesn't particularly like to talk about it when he gets jealous, even if it is really bothering him, and you usually have to pry a little bit to get him to admit it

> he likes to kiss your cheek the best; to get your attention or just because he loves you

> when you take his face in your hands and kiss him deeply, it certainly catches him off guard 

> > you'll pull back and his face will be painted bright red, his brain unable to form coherent words for several seconds

> his love language is quality time and he really doesn't care how he gets that time

 > > you could be on the other side of the room, doing something completely separated from what he was doing and he'd feel at peace just knowing you were there

> > > carving out dedicated time is the epitome of love in his eyes, even though he sometimes struggles to do so

> he is not a morning person

> > after he sits up to turn off his alarm, he just sits in bed for a few minutes and stares endlessly at the wall

> > > it's a little scary to see him zone out so intensely, but he'll snap out of it soon

> the first thing he does in the morning is (after kissing you good morning obviously) coffee and he will drink an entire cup before he starts anything, black as the night itself, even when it burns his mouth

> >  he usually doesn't eat breakfast unless you physically force him to

> he calls you honey/hun primarily

> > you picked up a few of the nicknames Jason has thrown at him, so you'll call him Timmy, Timbers, etc.

> > it drives him crazy, he hates it (which is why you do it)

> Tim is a genius, legitimately, his IQ is like 142

> > but, there are times when he is a bigger idiot than you are, specifically, when it comes to normal people things--things that aren't intense cases, hacking into government databases, or developing a fool-proof plan to apprehend a master criminal

> if he's had a healthy amount of sleep, he will have a very good amount of patience

> > if he hasn't, he is a lot more susceptible to making snarky comments

> > > which is usually what starts arguments, but matter how under his breath he thought the remark was

> he remembers literally everything, it's inhuman

> > the names of your friends, your anniversary, your favorite place to eat, your pet peeves, products you mentioned you needed to replace or pick up, off-handed stories, etc.

> > > his brain is just wired for remembering and categorizing stray pieces of information that could prove to be useful, like the true detective he is

> he desperately wants to be everything he knows you deserve, but stereotypical romance is not built into his nature

> > the moments that he loves are the quiet intimate moments, like gently playing with your hair while you're falling asleep or staying up till three in the morning just to finish a TV show--that's his idea of romance.

> certain emotions he calms up about like when he's jealous, angry, horny, or worried

> > others, he can easily open up about like stress, contentment, sadness, or love

> it's a major ick, but he forgets to clean up after himself sometimes

> > it's nothing egregious, but there will be empty mugs on the massive desk of the "bat computer" that he just forgot to take up to the kitchen

> > > he'll forget to put his toothbrush away, not make the bed, or leave the dishes in the sink overnight

> > > > he's not gross, just forgetful when it comes to maintenance of the house

> he has very nice hands

> he is incredibly observant, so if he's paying attention, he will know precisely when you're not feeling well

> he often regrets letting himself forget how important you are and how lucky he is

> > at the time, whatever he was working on felt more important, but looking back, he was stupid for believing that

> Tim could care less about your average maths scores, but he does want his partner to be able to carry on a mature conversation with him

> > it's no big deal if you're goofy or not very book smart, but if you're also not emotionally intelligent, he does not know if he could maintain that relationship

> > > EQ is just as important, if not more than IQ 

> > > > intelligence is sexy, but intelligence also comes in many different forms

> you often have to drag him to bed, knowing if you don't he would not go to sleep until four when he has to be up at six

> > once you get him in bed, he falls asleep very quickly and he's a sound sleeper too

> > > he likes to have you close enough to know you're there, but he doesn't want to be suffocated

> he smells absolutely wonderful, like expensive cologne

> speaking of expensive... his position at Wayne Enterprises pays very well

> > he only spends money on a few things and you are one of them

> > > so you get very nice birthday presents

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