𝘥. 𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘦

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> you love to kiss his nose because Damian will scrunch up his nose half-in disgust and half-in surprise and it's adorable

> buys you flowers regularly

> he loves to act all tough and independent, but he hates whenever you're not around

> > he will constantly miss you if you're gone for more than two days, every other thought has to do with you and how much he despises not having you with him

> > > he will probably spend more time out on the streets at night and his bickering with his brothers will most certainly increase

> Dick, Jason, Tim, Alfred, Bruce--they were all fascinated by the way you could defuse in a teenage Damian with a few words

> > Damian and Tim had been at each other's throats (again) when you had softly touched your boyfriend's arm, positioning yourself slightly between the boys

> > > "Come on," had been all you said as you had gently pulled him towards the door

> > > > Damian had hesitated, glaring at Tim for a moment longer... before trailing behind you into a different room, leaving Tim stunned

> they don't know how you can stand him, but if it makes Damian more palatable they aren't complaining

> the poor man is, and always has been, utterly whipped for you

> > no matter how perfectly crafted his genetics, how long he had been trained, or how much blood was on his hands--you brought him to his knees with that smile

> he listens to Hozier, claiming it's some of "the only eloquent music of this time"

> > From Eden, Work Song, In a Week, and Cherry Wine are his favorites and it just so happens that all those songs remind him of you

> when he was little he had thought it was silly, but his grandfather had always insisted that the ancient samurai spend just as much writing poetry as they do studying the blade 

> > so he had developed a certain love for flowery language and often recites what he can recall for you

> a young Damian would never admit it, but he loves it when you cuddle together

> > it would take a few minutes for him to relax and maybe start combing his fingers through your hair, or begin to draw mindless patterns on your skin

> > > he is not used to the intimacy, the gentle kindness of your soft touches

> he likes it--he loves it when you're all sweet on him

> > he also loves the prospect of being able to protect you and wrap his arms around you snugly while you doze off or just be in silence

> when he was young, Damian was very hesitant to engage in any form of affection with you

> > those kinds of emotions were beaten out of him at a very young age

> > > it took some time for him to warm up to the vulnerability that came along with a relationship

> > > > you had been his first everything

> once he grew older and more mature, he became more comfortable with affection

> > these days, he isn't afraid of PDA

> he likes to kiss the back of your hand or your palm

> he has gone to his father countless times for advice

> > Bruce can tell by his son's most subtle behaviors if he's having "(Y/n) problems" 

> > > and he is more than willing to help his youngest son, recognizing how good you are for him

> Damian also goes to Dick for advice

> > he would never admit it, like most things, but he wanted so desperately to have his oldest brother's approval relationship-wise

> sometimes, however, you worry if your normality is boring to him

> > he is more than quick to remind you that he holds quite dear your normality

> he is very gentle with you, not because he thinks you're fragile but because he thinks he is unsafe

> > and that mindset took some time to break out of

> for as kind as you are, Damian finds your moments of tenacity to be rather... appealing

> > do no harm, but take no shit--that's the kind of person he's into

> he would love to start a family with you someday but acknowledges the dangers that might come from that

> he would also love to take you to some of the beautiful places he has been

> > there are a few mountains he had climbed in his youth with some views he believes you may appreciate

> the first "I love you" happened during an argument that had become rather heated

> > you knew you needed space, so you told him, "Okay! I can't do this anymore! I'm gonna get some air." "Go right ahead!" "I'll be back later. I still love you, but I'm fucking pissed."

> > > instantly, his entire demeanor changed: "You love me? ... I love you too."

> > > > you didn't end up getting that air, instead, that little confession managed to bring the tension down to a level that allowed you to patch things over

> he is a morning person, like a crazy early morning person that comes from his routines as a youth

> > he will be wide awake by the time you wake up, but sometimes he chooses to lay next to you just to admire how peaceful you look

> he is pretty susceptible to jealousy

> > it comes from his insecurity, his dread that deep down he knows he doesn't deserve you

> > > so he can get a little protective, especially when someone else is making clear moves in your direction

> he has very reverent pet names for you: my love, beloved, darling, angel, and so on

> an adult Damian would treat you quite well, very romantic, thoughtful, attentive, etc.

> > it's karma; either he or the universe repaying you for putting up with teenage Damian

> he's still working on his temper

> he adores the mundane little relationship things

> > going to see a movie, normal dinner dates, playing with Titus and Ace, things like that

> > > they remind him he's still human

> he sleeps like a corpse

> > straight as a plank and doesn't move, it's so unnerving

> > > but if you cuddle up to him, he will mold into you

> he'll tell you the stories behind his scars if you ask, but part of you doesn't want to know

> > he's vaguely recalled the things his mother and grandfather had done to him when he was a child and it's devastating to hear

> he needs you to be a pet person, please, everything else about you is perfect to him, but if you didn't like animals?

> > that might be a deal-breaker

> > > his pets are his babies

> he sketches you

> > has entire sketchbooks filled with drawings of you--from different angles, different lighting, some of just your face, others your full body, some he never finished, others of just certain features you have

> > > he finds it therapeutic

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