horrible | rintaro suna (female-reader request)

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a/n: he might be ooc, i'm sorry

prompt: (Y/n) and Suna are "frenemies," well, at least that's what they thought it was

warning: swearing

word count: 716

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

Alas, not all friends fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces. Your and Suna's friendship was not toxic, not at all. You simply had different mindsets: he put the milk in the bowl before the cereals! Yet, somehow, you still stuck together through all the silly arguments and nitpicks. Your other friends would remark about how you would bicker like an old married couple, and they were mostly right. Sometimes you wondered why you stayed friends with him, but it became clear as soon as she entered the picture.

A pretty girl had taken an interest in Suna. In fact, she went so far as to flirt with him right in front of you. You had no reason to dislike her; she was sweet, polite, funny, and beautiful. You just hated her because Suna agreed to go on a date with her. That was when the cold ocean wave of realization crashed over you. You were jealous, and that made sense. You had wished those feelings had been easier to identify when they first arose, otherwise, Suna might not have gone out with a damn stranger. Instead, he might have been with you.

Was his frustration with you a crush in disguise?

Suna sat across from the girl who asked him out. She giggled and talked about one of her hobbies. Suna wasn't really listening. He felt bad. She was nice and pretty, anyone would like her... anyone except Suna apparently. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't connect with the girl sitting on the other side of the table. Why was it so difficult to like her?

Maybe it was because she didn't have a witty retort for everything he said. Maybe it was because she didn't have beautiful (e/c) eyes, or perfect (h/c) hair. The more he thought about it, the more he could pinpoint exactly what he wanted in a girlfriend, and this girl was none of those things. Perhaps the real reason Suna didn't like her was that she wasn't the girl he was piecing together in his head. It was a horrible thing to do, but Suna couldn't help himself.

He thought heavily. Was there anyone who could fit those impossibly specific standards he was just now coming up with? Yes, there was. Suna laughed.

"Something funny?" The girl asked, peering up at him with a smile. Suna shook his head.

"I'm sorry, it's nothing," Suna lied. He stayed with the girl for the rest of the evening. He knew he wouldn't be going on a second date with her, so he thought the least he could do was give her a pleasant dinner. Suna knew who he wanted--exactly who he wanted. Sadly, the girl he was on a date with was not her. He bid the girl goodnight.

You put down your phone, hearing a loud banging coming from the front door. You were the only one home at the moment, and you were not expecting any visitors. You peered through the window before jumping to open the door.

"Suna, what are you doing here?" You asked in confusion, folding your arms over your chest.

"I just got done with that date," He stated briefly.

"Oh yeah? Here to rub it in my face that you've got a girlfriend now?" You sarcastically asked, rolling your eyes gently. Suna shook his head.

"No, I'm not going to be seeing her again," Suna told you. He tucked his hands into his pockets, keeping his eyes on them for a moment. You tilted your head.

"Why not?" You questioned, for once not having any ulterior motives.

"Because the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about another girl," Suna admitted, taking a single step closer. You scoffed, a small smirk on your face.

"Wow, you're horrible," You remarked, placing your hands on your hips. You saw a rare soft smile grace Suna's lips as he looked up from his jacket to see your playful smirk. He leaned in closer, taking a deep breath.

"Does it make me less horrible if... I was thinking of you?"

"No, that makes it worse," You mumbled, reaching up to place your hands on his shoulders carefully. "Because I was here all night thinking I was the only one who caught feelings." You pulled him down by his shoulders slowly. You placed a tender kiss on his lips.

"Pick me up tomorrow night at seven, you horrible young man. And wear something nice."

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