oblivious | kenma kozume (female-reader request)

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prompt: (Y/n) and Kenma are oblivious to the other's feelings for them

warning: swearing

word count: 977

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

"I like someone, but I have no idea what to do about it." Kuroo had heard that exact phrase twice that day, but each time it came from two very different sources. He chuckled, shaking his head softly. He felt like a proud parent, a grin on his face as he thought about how his response to that phrase would impact the lives of his two friends. Maybe thanks to him they would finally swallow their nerves and get together.

It was obvious to Kuroo what was going on between you and Kenma, but not at first. He began to pick up on the little odd things his best friend would do whenever you were around. Kenma's shimmering amber eyes would look up at you when you were talking... and when you weren't. The tone Kenma used to talk about you when you weren't around was evidence enough; infatuation and near enchantment dripped from every word he spoke about you. The most telling sign, of course, was whenever you would sit with Kuroo and Kenma for lunch, he would always put down his gaming console and give you his full attention. That was the most damning piece of evidence.

And then he noticed your giveaways. The half-baked grin that would flower over your face when Kenma was around had clear motivations. The cute way you would mess with some strands of your hair when you looked at him from across the room. Not to mention, you carved out time to come to every one of their games and sit in on most of their practices. It was oh so clear to Kuroo what was going on between you and Kenma; you were in love. 

"What should I do, Kuroo?" He had been asked that question twice that day, but each time he gave the same answer: drop hints, make it obvious. Kuroo decided that he was going to take a step back from his best friend's side to give you a chance to swoop in. As a part of his suggestion, he mentioned walking home together, trying to subtly hold hands, and actively trying to spend more one-on-one time together.

However, those "hints" only got you and Kenma so far. And you were tired of waiting. The back and forth game was fun, but only for a little while; now you wanted a solid answer from the boy. Did he feel the same?

"Thanks for recommending that game to me the other day," You told Kenma as you walked home together. "It's been really fun so far."

"I liked it," Kenma said, nodding his head. You shared a prolonged moment of silence. The streets were mostly quiet that night. The shade of indigo that coated the night sky was beyond aesthetically pleasing with specks of bright white stars. You looked down at your hands, which were nervously fiddling with each other. You were beyond nervous, yet, you were incredibly impatient. Your pounding heart was louder than any noise coming from the passing cars.

"Kenma, can I ask you something?" You spoke up, getting his attention easily.

"Of course," He responded, glancing briefly at you. You took a bit of a deep breath, firmly planting your hands at your sides. It was now or never, you knew that much. If you chickened out now, you would never find the courage to get this close again.

"Would you--Would you want to be the Fireboy to my Watergirl?" You blurted out. You slammed your eyes shut, too afraid to look at him as he responded. Oh if you had known what you would be missing out on. Kenma's cheeks exploded in a fierce rosy-red color. His eyes, gold like honey, went wide like a cat caught in headlights. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. His throat was dry, suddenly it was impossible to form a single sentence that made sense.

"I... How--Why... You what?" Kenma stuttered awkwardly. You slowly peeled your eyes open to meet Kenma's blushing and baffled expression.

"Do you want to maybe... maybe be my boyfriend?" You asked, feeling yourself grow somewhat shy. Kenma wanted to hold your hand, squeeze it tight and never let go, but he was afraid his hands were too sweaty.

"Yes--Y-Yeah," Kenma said just above a whisper. "I-I want to be your boyfriend, (Y/n)." You grinned, the same smile that melted Kenma's heart the first time you met. Seeing you smile because of him made him so happy; he always wanted to be the reason you looked so thrilled. You quickly leaped onto the setter, wrapping your arms around his shoulders tightly. His hands tucked around your waist, a place he had been wanting to put his arms around for ages. Kenma heard you giggle.

"You have no idea how ecstatic that makes me," You told him, and he could practically hear the smile in your voice.

"I'm happy too," Kenma said in a hushed tone. He pulled away from the hug to look into your eyes. How he loved those beautiful eyes of yours, how they conveyed so much emotion so effortlessly. They were so pretty, he could look at them for so long without getting bored, or getting that sick feeling that someone was looking so intensely at him. If he was honest with himself, he could look at you all day without regretting it for a moment. Kenma watched as you leaned in.

You placed a light kiss against his lips. The kiss was gentle and it only lasted for a second or two. You slowly back up to see the blissful and dreamy aura that plastered over his face. You chuckled, holding his handsome face in your hands. He was so perfect. He had flaws, yes, lots of them. But he was perfect for you. You were so glad you took Kuroo's advice.

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