nerves | shoyo hinata fluff

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a/n: i thought this idea was cute, so i wrote it. she/her reader btw. i am in love with him.

prompt: Shoyo is beyond nervous, so (Y/n) has to give him a pep-talk

warning: like one swear lol

word count: 654

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

The floor was somewhat cold, sending a chilly feeling through your body. Your bare feet led you scampering through the halls in search of the men's restroom. As the crowd filed into the event's heart, the stray's turned their heads when they saw you. You burst through the door and then paused. You cringed, the sound of someone losing their lunch making your stomach churn. You approached the only closed stall door. You cleared your throat.

"Shoyo... " You muttered with a small smile. "You okay in there, buddy?" The only response you got was the ginger throwing up again. You sighed. You placed your hand against the stall door, waiting for him to take a breath before you continued to talk.

"I haven't seen you this nervous since high school," You admitted with a small chuckle. "What's got you so upset?" Shoyo sniffed heavily, shuddering at the repulsive taste in his mouth. He found your question rather silly.

"I thought it would be obvious," Shoyo confessed, pulling away from the toilet bowl. You felt a gentle smile make its way onto your face.

"You have nothing to be nervous about," You told him. You turned around, resting your back against the door. You slid down to the floor, not caring about whatever germs might be on the ceramic tiles beneath you.

"Everything is going to go great." You heard Shoyo shift, moving to mirror your sitting position. He peered at the gap between the stall door and the floor. He caught the smallest glimpse of the porcelain fabric of your dress. He felt his heart begin to sink.

"How can you be so sure?" He mumbled doubtfully. It was rare for Shoyo to get so down. Ever since you had met the boy, he had been your sunshine. He had been your unflickering ray of light. He had been your bright and childish optimist. He had been your cheerful and unwavering support. He had been your joyful and neverending hope. He had always been your Shoyo.

"Because I love you," You said simply.

"I love you too, but... " Shoyo was quick to respond with those three magic words, but the words that followed were more difficult for him to find. "But what if I'm not good enough?" Shoyo's confession broke your heart. 

"I'm nervous too," You confided slowly, "but I know if I don't go through with this, I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life." You reached under the door, softly grasping onto the man's hand. He was slightly startled, but the secure touch of your hand brought him comfort.

"You know damn well I want to spend the rest of my life with you," You told him confidently yet lovingly. "You are my whole world, Shoyo Hinata, and you are more than good enough." You heard him sniff, unaware until now that your convictions had caused him to cry. You squeezed his hand tighter.

"Oh, honey, please don't cry!" You chuckled lightheartedly. "It's okay!"

"I love you so much, (Y/n)," Shoyo stated, using his other hand to wipe the tears from his cheeks. "I really don't wanna mess this up."

"We're going to be just fine," You promised with an unseen smile. "I'd wager to say we're going to be amazing." Shoyo grinned, rising to his feet to unlock the bathroom stall door. Before Shoyo could open the door, you quickly pushed it shut.

"Hey! Why are you keeping me in here?" Shoyo exclaimed, making you laugh. "I want to give you a hug!" A playful smile was plastered across your face. Shoyo was always passionate about giving you affection; nearly demanding to give you all the love in the world. You only hoped you could give him just as much as he gave you.

"Don't you know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the actual wedding? I'll see you in fifteen minutes, Sho."

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