confidence | lev haiba fluff

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a/n: is this my first lev one-shot??? it's about time, geez. also, this (y/n) takes after me-

prompt: Lev tries to ask (Y/n) out

warning: none

word count: 778

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

The boy nervously tapped his finger-tips together. He anxiously waited for his captain to be done talking to one of his teammates. He was embarrassed to ask for such advice, but when he first joined the team, Kuroo said he would help him with anything. Lev supposed his current predicament was something, and therefore was covered by the term "anything."

"Um... can I ask you something?" Lev piped up, getting the third-year's attention.

"Shoot," Kuroo instructed him casually. Kuroo was much more at ease than his new conversation partner. He wondered why Lev was so nervous.

"H-How do you ask someone out?" Lev asked, shifting his weight from one foot to another. "Like on a date." Kuroo chuckled, shaking his head with a smirk.

"Ah, young love," Kuroo sighed, motioning for Lev to come closer. The half-Russian did so and Kuroo draped one of his arms around the middle blocker's shoulders.

"How well do you know 'em?" Kuroo asked.

"Pretty well," Lev shrugged softly. "She's funny and really smart. I-I like her a lot! I just don't know how to ask her out." Kuroo nodded, patting one of his shoulders.

"You have to be confident," Kuroo told Lev. "Walk right up to her and tell her what you want. Being bold will pay off, and if it doesn't, it's her loss." Lev nodded his head, although he was still rather hesitant. Lev normally didn't have a huge problem with confidence, but when it came to the girl he liked... well, things were complicated.

"Wow, you suck at this!" You taunted as Lev collapsed onto the hard wooden floor of the gym.

"You're not helping," He muttered, his voice somewhat hoarse.

"I'm giving you constructive criticism," You told him, placing your hands on your hips.

"What part of that was constructive?" Lev asked, still short of breath.

"The part about you sucking," You explained coolly, placing your shoe over his chest and leaning over your knee. "For someone as tall as you are, you're not very good at volleyball. You're like a giraffe."

"What?" Lev asked, trying to push your foot off of him. However, he lacked the strength to move you very far. Not after all the drills Kuroo and Yaku had just put him through.

"Because of your size, you can't sustain fast movements for very long," You told the boy beneath you. "How uneducated are you?"

You had a habit of playfully bullying the boy. Nothing malicious, you just liked to poke fun at him. It never kept him up at night, but your words sometimes made Lev feel his confidence shake. You were brutal, but he liked that about you. What if you made fun of Lev for thinking that you would want to go out with him? That would crush him. But what's life without a little risk?

"How hard did you have to beg for them to let you out early?" You asked with a smirk on your face.

"I'm the last one here, actually," Lev clarified, closing the gym doors behind him.

"You're not normally done with practice until later," You pointed out, folding your arms over your chest. "I know this because I've been stalking you."

"That's illegal," Lev said, narrowing his eyes at you.

"I know. I have been for six months," You deadpanned, making eye-contact. "But now that you're onto me I guess I have to skip town." Lev took a deep breath, mustering up all the courage he possibly could. Kuroo said to be confident, so he was going to try his best. Lev forced a grin, though the nerves bubbling in his stomach told him to run.

"Not before you go on a date with me."

"Are you serious?" You asked with slight bewilderment to your tone. "You want to go on a date with me?" Lev nodded his head, harshly biting on the inside of his cheek. How were you going to respond? Lev readied himself for the worst: your unfiltered squashing of his hopes and dreams of ever being your boyfriend. The breeze blew gently, your hair getting tussled every so softly. The anticipation was killing him.

"Okay," You stated briefly, a small smile on your face. Lev blinked, waiting for your snarky remarks about his request.

"For real?" Lev asked, letting his excitement spike.

"For real," You chuckled, nodding your head. "I'm free tomorrow night, let's do it then."

"Awesome!" Lev exclaimed, a real smile breaking out across his face. You thought that smile was cute. You had always thought Lev was cute. That's why you teased him the way you did; you wanted his attention and annoying him to no end was certainly a way to get it. You worried your endless insults and mocking would drive him away, but you supposed Lev knew you never meant it.

"Yeah, awesome."

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