patience is a virtue | tetsuro kuroo fluff

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a/n: this one-shot is entirely me projecting-

prompt: (Y/n) works at an ice-cream shop and a certain volleyball captain is a regular

warning: strong language, persistence from someone who wants to go out with you (personally, I wouldn't deem it harassment or anything, but we all have different comfort levels)

word count: 1291

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

What a curious character he was. Always so talkative, always so happy to see you. His eyes, sharp and honey-gold, gazed you down with a look that felt so foreign. It wasn't a dangerous stare. The only way you could explain it was with the word flirtatious. You knew that was why he kept coming back to the humble ice cream shop at which you were employed.

"Let me guess, the usual?"

"You know me so well, (Y/n)."

Almost every other shift you worked, he dropped by before it was over. You began to slightly anticipate his little visits. The bell above the door rang, and in he sauntered with the confidence of a hundred men. He had not always had that aura. In fact, the first time you took his order he could barely get it out.

"What can I get for you?"

"C-Can I, uh, can I get the, um... "

It had been obvious his nerves had gotten the better of him: his cheeks were a bright red, his eyes frantically scanning the menu above your head, his hands deep in his red track-jacket pockets. You had thought he was cute but assumed you would never see him again. But he had come back the next day and the day after that. His confidence had grown quickly after that.

"Say, you wouldn't happen to be attracted to guys, would you?"

"I am. Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to know if it's appropriate to hit on you."

And he did, does actually. Every time he buys a small bowl of chocolate ice cream with Oreo cookies, he would flirt with you. You had been shocked by his obvious interest in you. No one had ever been so forward. To your knowledge, no one had ever felt that way about you. It was nice to get that kind of attention, especially from someone as handsome as him.

"How many weeks of this is it gonna take for you to give me your number?"

"Patience is a virtue, Kuroo."

Truth be told, you expected his little fascination to die out after a few days. But he kept coming back. You wondered why. How long would it take for him to lose interest in you? Does he actually like you or does he view it as some sort of game? A challenge to overcome because you haven't agreed to go out with him yet. Well, you haven't exactly said no either.

"Could I take you out this weekend? I promise you'll have a good time."

"Hmm... Ask again next week."

It was not your intention to lead him on, you had all the hopes of giving him a shot. He was charming, funny, and the jet black hair that fell over his left eye made him look mysterious. He seemed like a good guy and like someone you could really fall for. But you desperately wanted to know how long he'd pursue you for.

"I thought I should let you know that I found it," Kuroo told you with a small smile. You handed him his ice cream, a curious look on your face.

"Found what?" You wondered aloud. You felt comfortable entertaining his musing, seeing as how there were no other patrons in the shop.

"The place I'm going to take you for our first date," His small smile morphed into a cocky smirk, speaking as though he had already won your heart. In part he had, but of course, he didn't know it yet. You let out a laugh.

"Oh really?" Kuroo nodded his head proudly. He leaned against the counter, placing his forearms onto the stainless steel.

"Mmhmm," He hummed dreamily. "There's this nice restaurant downtown, across from the park." His expression suddenly altered as an idea struck him. "Okay, picture this... " You mimicked his actions, leaning on your side of the counter.

"It's about five or six o'clock," Kuroo began, clearly on the verge of a great hypothetical tale. "I ring your doorbell. I tell you that you look stunning, doesn't matter what you're wearing. I then hand you flowers, my best guess at your favorites." You propped your chin up in your hand, awaiting the rest of his story. His eyes looked genuine like he had played it out a thousand times in his head.

"I promise your parents I'll have you home by ten and we head out," Kuroo went on in enthusiasm. "I'll drive us to that place I mentioned. I'll ask you how your day went, what you've been up to lately. The restaurant's got outdoor seating so we'll sit there." The golden hues in his eyes shimmered as he looked into yours. You wondered if he thought your eyes were pretty too.

"Over the patio, they've got these pretty lights that hang over your head and it's far enough from the street so you're not distracted by the noise. You can get anything you want and we'll talk about whatever comes up: school, work, friends, family." You let your eyes fall closed, imagining the vivid scene he was painting. You could almost feel the cool evening air.

"Of course, if you get cold I'll give you my jacket," Kuroo pointed out casually, practically reading your mind. "After we eat, I'll pay, but I won't take you home yet. Every weekend the park's got live music, so... maybe we can dance for a while as it gets real dark." You felt your heart flutter thinking about standing so close to him while his hands are on your waist or holding your own. It played out like a movie in your head.

"After a while, we'll realize it's almost ten so I have to get you home," Kuroo continued. "I'll drive you back and walk you to the front door. But, before you leave I'll tell you goodnight, and... " You felt him touch the hand that was supporting your head. Your eyes shot open and watched as he slowly took your hand and pulled it over to his side of the counter.

"I'll kiss you right there," One of his fingers gingerly touched the back of your hand. His hands were a comforting kind of warm and a heart-skipping kind of calloused. His touch left all too soon and he let you withdrawal your arm. You felt a heavy heat paint your face. Did he have any idea the kind of effect he had on you?

"The end," He said, pulling back from the counter. "That will be our perfect first date." He paused, withholding a sigh. "If you ever agree to go out with me, that is." You resisted every urge to grab his collar, pull him over the counter, and kiss him right there. Kuroo nibbled on the corner of his lip as his eyes nervously shifted from object to object, skilfully avoiding your gaze.

"If you don't mind me asking, (Y/n)," Kuroo spoke after a moment of silence. "Why do you keep turning me down?" The doubt that seeped into his voice made guilt pour over you. "I-I mean, if you really don't feel that way about me, just tell me to fuck off and I will!" Kuroo knew there was potential that he would come off a creep by coming back, but it was something about the way you said no that made him second-guess it.

"You've never actually said no, though," He explained what you already knew. "So, part of things you want me to keep asking. But if you're like, scared of outright saying it, please don't be. I don't wanna harass you because I can't tell."

"I just wanted to know--" You felt a funny lump in your throat as you talked. "I just wanted to know how long it would take you to lose interest in me." Kuroo laughed, clearly in relief. His innocent smile remained as he said,

"I'd wait a lifetime, love."

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