the flower doodle | satori tendo soulmate au (female-reader request)

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Prompt: (Y/n) is too shy to tell her soulmate Tendo they might be soulmates

Warning: There's like one curse word lol

Word count: 879

✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚ Second Person point of view ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮

Everyone has little habits they can't seem to shake. Some are cute and harmless, while others are a bit odder. Your little habit happens to be doodling on yourself when you get bored. It would be harmless and cute if it weren't for the fact that anything you draw on your skin appears on your soulmate as well. You never saw an issue with this habit of yours, you never noticed your doodles on anyone else. Alas, life wasn't this worry-free for long...

One brisk afternoon, as summer began to fade into fall, you walked out of your classroom with a calm disposition. During class, you mindlessly drew a little flower on the back of your hand with an ink pen. It wasn't the neatest drawing, but it didn't matter. Or, at least, you didn't think it mattered.

You had some notes you intended to pass on to your friend, who was the manager of the boy's volleyball team. You entered the gym carefully, to avoid attention being drawn to yourself. The sounds of shoes squeaking filled the large gymnasium. Your eyes were drawn to the players on the court. In particular, the tall red-haired middle-blocker who leaped into the air to do his job. As his hands stretched to the sky, you caught a glimpse of an inky smudge on the back of his hand. Strange, the smudge almost resembled... a flower. Was Tendo your soulmate?

In a flash of panic, you bolted out of the gym, too shy to confront the boy about the smudge. You retreated to your club room with a flushed face and rapid heartbeat. Everyone had a soulmate, this was drilled into your head since you were a child. You supposed deep down you always feared you would be the exception. You were terrified. How were you even supposed to bring that up to somebody? What would his reaction be?

Would he not like you at first? Would he have been expecting someone different? Would he wish you were prettier? Would he not want to be a relationship yet? Would he propose to you right there? None of your friends had found their soulmate yet, and your parents never bothered to explain to you the social norms revolving around the situation yet. Who could you ask about this thing? You were far too shy and afraid to tell Tendo you suspected you were soulmates.

"(Y/n)!" Your friend shouted.

"Oh, hey," You greeted casually, pushing your inner doubts aside.

"Where were you earlier? I was waiting on those notes," They asked, poking you gently.

"S-Sorry, I meant to give them to you, I just... " You hesitated to mention the real reason you flaked out. You pulled the notes from your bag and handed them forward, a bit embarrassed. They took them and stashed them away quickly, very thankful for your help. When you handed them the notes, they saw the doodle on your hand.

"Hey, Tendo's got the same... " Realization seemed to hit and their entire demeanor and expression instantly changed, "Holy shit, you guys are-" You violently shushed them, finding their volume far too loud.

"You should go ask him out," They grinned, thrilled to know two of their friends are destined to be together.

"I don't know," You mumbled. "I mean, what if Tendo's not ready for something like that?"

"For something like what?" The boy in question asked, suddenly appearing out of nowhere to join your conversation. He had heard his name and it easily got his full attention. You nearly jumped out of your skin at his presence, not aware he was anywhere near where you and your friend were convening.

"I'll, uh, I've gotta go now," Your friend said, quickly slipping away. You and Tendo were now left alone together, a quizzical expression on his face. His cherry-red eyes peered down at you, making you more flustered than before.

"Well?" Tendo asked, clearly anticipating your answer.

"Well, what?" You fired back stiffly, attempting to play dumb. Tendo was, unfortunately, too smart for your half-thought-out tricks.

"Why were you guys talking about me?" Tendo asked with an obvious tone.

"W-Well, w-we were j-just, uh," You stuttered, your face growing as red as his hair. Unsure how to explain yourself, you presented him your hand, your palm facing the ground. Tendo saw the doodle on your hand and placed his hand next to yours. What you previously saw as an ink smudge was no revealed to be an exact replica of your drawing. Tendo looked at you with a soft expression, not surprised at all. He smiled at you in admiration and your heart fluttered.

"I like the flower, it's cute," He told you calmly. "But I think I like the puppy you drew the other day better."

"H-How can you be so cool about this?" You asked in shock. "I nearly had a panic attack!"

"Heh," Tendo chuckled lightly. "I've known for a while, (Y/n)."

"Why didn't you say anything?" You questioned, a bit upset as well as confused.

"I guess I was a bit nervous about bringing it up," He admitted. "It can be a bit difficult to talk to people as pretty as you." You smiled, unable to prevent yourself from doing so. Tendo took your hand, palm against palm. He gently kissed the back of your hand with a smirk.

"Are you free tomorrow night?"

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