eyes for you | toru oikawa angsty-fluff (female-reader request)

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Prompt: (Y/n) has feelings for Oikawa, but obviously, there's some competition

Warning: There's a swear word of two

Word count: 914

✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚ Second Person point of view ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮

If you could choose who you fall for, you never would have chosen to fall in love with Toru Oikawa. You never wanted it to come to this, the overwhelming urge to tell him how you felt was getting to be too much. But, you lacked the opportunity to hardly even talk to Oiwaka about your feelings. Every time you managed to get him alone, you were suddenly bombarded with countless girls who craved his attention and affection. In the end, you were always pushed to the back of the group, swept under the rug, overlooked; forgotten. It broke your heart. Yet, you still clung to the last thread of hope you could find.

You planned to make one final attempt to confess your feelings to the setter after school. You caught a glimpse of undoubtedly Oiwaka's chocolate-colored hair. You noticed his curious expression and began to round the corner to approach him. That was the moment you noticed someone was talking to him. Another girl was talking to him, in fact.

"I'm in love with you!" The girl squealed, her eyes closed shut. You felt your chest become heavy and a sense of panic rise within you. Oikawa remained silent, attempting to form a kind way to turn the girl down in his head. That was when he caught sight of you, somewhat lurking around the corner. His eyes widened when he saw how distressed you looked. You decided it would be better to leave them alone, and you hurried away to be alone.

You felt little tears burn in your eyes. Were you stupid to think you could ever have a chance to be with him? He constantly gets swarmed with girls of all kinds. It felt like every girl had feelings for him. Tall girls, short girls, pretty girls, cute girls, beautiful girls, sexy girls, athletic girls, smart girls, funny girls--Hell, there were even a handful of guys who have tried to get with him!

So, what chance did you stand compared to the rest of them? Oikawa had every option in the world, so why on earth would he choose you?

You felt a few tears escape, a gross lump in your throat. You decided to sit down, feeling too emotionally drained to walk any further. You rested your face in your hands, effectively hiding your weeping expression. Your pain didn't come from the fact that another girl confessed to Oikawa, it happened very regularly. The pain you felt came from the realization that no matter what the outcome of today was, the constant attention and affection Oikawa received would probably never stop.

Perhaps it was jealousy--No, it was definitely jealousy. You were jealous that dozens of girls got to pull him away from you every day and you were even slightly jealous that Oikawa was always the one fawned over. A whirlpool of mostly unidentifiable emotions swirled up inside your stomach, almost making you feel as if you were going to vomit.

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice asked softly. "Are you okay?" You cringed, instantly knowing who was speaking to you; the very person you were looking to avoid.

"Go away, Oikawa," You grumbled, not wanting him to see you cry. Although, it was probably too late for that.

"No, you're upset," He said, sitting down beside you. "And I'm not leaving until you feel better." Your heart ached again, Oikawa's genuinely sweet nature shining through. You sniffled, keeping your head buried in your hands. Oikawa placed a hand on your shoulder gently.

"Th-This may sound silly, but... " Oikawa hesitated, taking a small breath. "I feel like this is my fault, isn't it?" You shook your head, your throat scratchy and dry.

"It's not your fault," You mumbled. "You can't help it."

"But can I help you?" Oikawa asked, heartbroken that you admitted he was a part of the reason you were crying. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No," You lied partially. "I'm fine." Oikawa frown, knowing you weren't being truthful. Oikawa hated it when you felt like you needed to lie to him or keep something secret.

"(Y/n), don't do that!" Oikawa said, getting a bit irritated. "Your feelings will never burden me, so never feel like you have to lie. I hate seeing you cry, (Y/n), you know that right?" You nodded slowly, knowing it was true even though he has never explicitly stated it. "I want to make you as happy as you can be. You've always been there for me, and you've always encouraged me when I've needed it. I'm so thankful you're in my life, and I don't know what I'd do without you. I... I want to be your boyfriend."

"You wh-what?" You asked, utterly shocked at his bold words. "I-I don't understand."

"I have feelings for you," Oikawa confessed, using his hand that was on your shoulder to guide you to look him in the eye. "Do... you have feelings for me?"

"Of course I do!" You nearly exclaimed, a grin breaking out on your face. "Why do you think I was so upset? I always get so jealous whenever I play second fiddle to all your fangirls."

"Wah, well why do you think I reject every one of them?" Oikawa asked overdramatically. "You're the only one I want attention from, (Y/n)."

"Oh, I don't believe that for a second," You jested, nudging his side with a chuckle. Oikawa laughed as well, deciding it wasn't the time to fight you on it. He put his arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek.

"I only have eyes for you, trust me."

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