realization | daichi sawamura lime (female-reader request)

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A/n: "(Y/nn)" stands for your nickname, it's not a typo and also I SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMP FOR DAICHI AND I'M NOT ASHAMED

Prompt: Daichi has feelings for his friend (Y/n), but she doesn't really know how he feels for her

Warning: it's a bit spicy toward the end

Word count: 977

✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚ Second Person point of view ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮

Daichi was a good friend of yours. He was not your childhood best friend whom you've been through hell with, but you trusted him and you got along well. You and Daichi regularly studied together because you had the same classes.

"What was your score?" You practically demanded with a grin.

"98 percent," Daichi stated with a confident expression. Your club just ended their Friday evening meeting, so you linked up with Daichi as you so often did. You laughed as he looked you in the eyes.

"What are you laughing at?" Daichi asked in response.

"Oh nothing," You taunted knowingly. "I just got a 99!" You were hardly one to brag, but you and Daichi always competed to see who could get a higher score on your assignments because you studied together so often. However, you'd be the first to admit you probably should have spent more time getting your work done rather than goofing off together.

"That's almost 100, and here I thought you were going to fail," Daichi remarked playfully and you laughed. "We ought to celebrate. You wanna get some ice-cream or something?"

"That sounds perfect," You said with a smile. And so, you and Daichi found a place that served a sweet frozen treat. You walked to Daichi's home together, enjoying your treats. Daichi noticed some of your almost liquidy snack sticking to the corner of your mouth. Of course, you happened to overlook grabbing napkins when you first got your ice-cream.

"(Y/nn), ya got something," Daichi said, gesturing with his hand to his own face to show you. You attempted to mimic the action, but you couldn't seem to find what he was referring to. You frown and so did he.

"Here, just let me get it," Daichi said, reaching his hand out fo gently wipe across your skin. "There." Daichi's touch was warm and comforting. It wasn't foreign to you, you simply assumed that Daichi was a rather touchy person. You were oblivious to the fact that Daichi found every excuse to appropriately touch you, but he respected your boundaries and was a gentleman about it.

"Thanks," You said with a shy smile. Soon you reached his house and hung out in his room, just getting finished with your treats. You chatted about your plans for the weekend, upcoming projects, etc. After all the small talk was covered, you just spoke whatever came to mind. You often reached this point when you hung out together, exposing your weirdest edges to one another.

"I'm being serious, I think my left index finger is longer than my right one," You said with great conviction.

"There's no way," Daichi said, affirming his position. Come here, I'll prove it to you." You pranced over to his bed and sat directly in front of Daichi. He held up his hand and used the other one to lift your corresponding hand up and lined it perfectly with his. The base of your palm rested against his, your fingertips hardly nearing his at all. Then, Daichi took your other hand and did the same thing.

"See?" Daichi asked, his voice dropping several octaves. "I told you." You didn't respond, too speechless to do so. The fact that your fingers were in fact the same length didn't shatter your coherent mind, it was the fact that Daichi didn't move. He kept his hand against yours, and you had gotten so close to each other. You felt your heart rate spike. His eyes were so kind and you felt like nothing else existed but the young man in front of you.

"(Y/n)... I've been meaning to tell you something," Daichi mumbled, but you heard it clearly due to how close you were.

"You have feelings for me," You said, somewhat surprised at your own realization. It all clicked now, all the little things he did with you and only with you. You felt stupid for being so dense, but a sheepish smile dawned his lips.

"Yeah... I do," Daichi admitted. "I was starting to think you just didn't feel the same."

"No, I was just oblivious!" You said with a laugh. "I-I have feelings for you too, Daichi." Daichi smiled, clear happiness written all over his face.

"Can I kiss you?" Daichi asked and you nodded gladly. In half a moment, his lips met yours in a gentle kiss. The gentleness was lovely for a first kiss between the two of you, but a new passion sparked up. Feeling bold, you reached up to hold his face in your hands. Daichi gently gripped your waist and pulled you closer. Your hands slipped into his short brown hair and you felt your face flush when Daichi carefully ran his tongue across your lips.

"You... You're a really good kisser," You said breathlessly when you parted briefly.

"Th-Thanks," Daichi stuttered, a rare thing to hear him do. You noticed his cheeks turning pink and you thought it was cute. You touched his flushed cheek, feeling how warm it really was. Your fingers grazed over his skin and they traveled across his face to softly touch his lips. You moved your hand down slightly and kissed him again, this time with an open mouth allowing a more intimate kiss.

You carefully maneuvered closer, attempting to drape one of your legs around him to sit in his lap. Daichi, getting the hint, held your waist tighter, and flipped you onto your back, crawling on top of you in the process. Your kiss seemed to get more desperate and needy, the exhilarating feeling felt like electricity. It was so amazing to kiss him, you didn't want it to stop.

"I'm sorry if I'm coming on a little strong," Daichi said when oxygen demanded itself. "But, it's a little difficult to control myself when it comes to you."

"You don't have to worry," You told Daichi honestly, your hand resting on his chest. "I want this too."

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this, (Y/n)."

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