forget me not | toshinori yagi fluff

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a/n: apparently he's at least 52... so now I'm a bit concerned that I'm so attracted to him... weird to think about how I want a 52-year-old character to rial me--

prompt: (Y/n) and Toshinori used to be best friends, but that was a long time ago

warning: none

word count: 1007

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

"Come on, you slowpoke!" You shouted to the scrawny boy who lagged behind. "We're gonna miss it!" The boy tried to pick up his pace, but it was difficult to keep up with you. You were a  year or two younger than he was, but as children, you always had the upper hand when it came to physical activity.

"(Y/n), wait up!" He cried, stumbling over his own feet. He chased after his best friend, his breathing rapid. He hated how weak he was compared to all the other kids, you included. You looked over your shoulder to see his blond hair blown from his face, his bright blue eyes were wide, and were looking on in thrill mixed with worry. He shared the same sentiment that you had: you might miss the excitement. After all, it wasn't every day a pro hero visited your neighborhood.

"He looks so cool," You muttered in awe. As soon as the pro hero was in your line of sight, you stopped your sprint. In a few moments, your best friend was at your side, panting heavily.

"Woah," He mumbled. You both look on, starstruck by the hero's very presence. You looked to your left, seeing the look on the boy's face. You saw the way his eyes that were as blue as the summer sky itself shimmered. There was a fire inside of him.

"I'm going to be a hero," He stated confidently. His dreams were lofty given his state and capabilities, or, rather, lack thereof. You knew how much he wanted it and you knew how stubborn he was. That determination written across his face as he watched the hero talk with other fans told you he wasn't just musing, or wishful thinking. He was serious. You smiled.

"Then you better not forget me when you're the best hero in the world, Toshinori!"

. . .

The ambient noise of the television's news broadcast was something you would have normally tuned out. This time, however, it did catch your attention. The anchors on the TV were relaying a story related to the former number one hero. He was the only hero you enjoyed keeping up with. You hadn't spoken to your childhood best friend in decades. There was no falling out, but no goodbye either. You and Toshinori simply drifted apart.

There were times when you randomly remember him. There were other times when something would cause you to recall an old fond memory of you and him together. Regardless of what did or didn't cause you to think of him, you always ended up missing him. You had no way of getting in touch with him. Your careers were on two vastly different tracks and you went to different high schools, so the odds of being reunited were incredibly slim.

Back in the day, Toshinori was the first person you ran to when things were going wrong in your life. He listened, he offered advice when you asked for it, and he was always empathetic and kind. Toshinori was so sweet and he always found a way to make you smile. He was constantly such a dork! Reminicing made you smile. It felt bittersweet. You wondered if he thought of you too.

"(Y/n)!" You heard a farmilar man's voice call out. You turned your head, being pulled from your trace. You looked over to see his warm smile, which you quickly smiled back upon realizing who it was.

"Thank you," You told the barista behind the coffee shop counter. You took your drink, almost salivating at the prospect of your beverage. Still smiling, you left the coffee house and returned to the somewhat brisk streets of the city. With your drink in hand, you were back on your route home from work. You hugged your light early spring jacket closer to your body in hopes of avoiding the chilly breeze that blew through Japan. You caught your train shortly thereafter.

You sat near the doors, lucky enough to find an empty seat at this time of evening. You sipped your drink, the lukewarm liquid leaving a pleasant taste in your mouth. You didn't pay attention to the world around you as the train moved and stopped. People crowded in like crayons in a pack, people flooded out like a harsh ocean wave in a storm. You weren't concerned with their business, just as they were not concerned about yours. Well, except for one individual, so it would seem.

You felt someone's stare linger on you. You glanced up at the crowd of people exiting the train. Everyone's head was faced the open doors, expect for one. His thing frame was easily swept with the others who rushed out of the train compartment. Golden blond hair, eyes as blue as the summer sky itself, and an astonished expression on his face. It was Toshinori Yagi. Upon realization, you bolted to your feet and wove into the crowd. You reached out your hand in a desperate attempt not to lose your best friend for a second time.

You broke through the two sliding doors just in time to land on the platform. As the people dissperced to go their separate ways, you and Toshinori stay in place. The train behind you left, even though this was not your stop. Your heart couldn't stop from beating against your ribcage. Was this really happening? You had silly little daydreams of running into Toshinori again after all this time, but this had never been the scenario you had in mind.

"Hi," You said breathlessly, a shaky smile making its way across your face.

"Hi," Toshinori said in a similar tone. You shared a moment of silence, just gazing at each other. You both looked drastically different then you did as children. Toshinori looked you up and down. He thought you were pretty ever since he was a kid, but as an adult you looked breathtakingly beautiful. It had been so long, you were unsure about how to start a conversation with him. But it gave you hope that he recognized you.

"I guess you didn't forget about me," You chuckled.


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