cliché, I know | shota aizawa fluff

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a/n: this chapter is so effing cliché, trope-filled, and corny... I thought it was fitting for today lol

prompt: Shota's date bailed on Valentine's Day

warning: swearing

word count: 1089

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

How in the hell did Shota let Midnight talk him into this? He glanced at the clock perpetuated in the air by the nail holding it into the wall. One and a half hours, that was how long he had been waiting for his date to return from the bathroom. He sighed.

After insisting that Shota needed to "get out there" and "settle down already," Midnight set her co-worked up on a blind date. A blind date on Valentine's Day, no less. Shota refused at first but three weeks of pestering finally made him cave. Truth be told, it was only his own pride preventing him from finding someone sooner. Deep down, he did want to have a partner, but it had been some time since his last date.

Shota acknowledged he was rusty when it came to courtship, but he didn't think he was that rusty; bad enough to scare off the only woman willing to have dinner with him in two years. Was she truly so repulsed by him that she felt the need to bail after fifteen minutes of talking to him? Apparently. Shota laughed bitterly. He knew he was no ladies' man, but the situation was a bit humorous to him. This was a major waste of his time, a fantastic way to spend his Sunday night. Shota left the restaurant.

He felt his phone begin to vibrate in his pocket. As he stepped out onto the sidewalk, he answered the call he was getting.

"Hey," He greeted with another sigh.

"Hey!" You said, much more chipper than your new conversation partner. "How'd your date go?" Working with Midnight meant you knew all too well about the date she set up with Shota. She would ramble to you about how wonderful that woman was. Part of you wondered why Midnight didn't ask you if you wanted to go out with Shota instead of some stranger. Not that you were jealous or anything.

"There was hardly a date," Shota said bitterly. "She, uh... She ran out."

"What? Shota, I'm so sorry," You told him. "Are you okay?" Shota chuckled again, shaking his head.

"I'm fine," He stated. He was not entirely honest with that claim. He was hurt by that random woman's actions. It was insulting and embarrassing, but it was more painful to admit Shota had let a stranger cast so much doubt on his self-worth.

"No, you need to come over," You insisted confidently. "I've got horribly unhealthy take-out and a plethora of stupid movies. It will make you feel better, I promise."

"I don't need to feel better, but I'll stop by if you're lonely," Shota agreed, a small smile on his face.

"I never said that," You quickly retorted.

"I'll be there in ten." Shota hung up and changed his route. Your friendship meant a lot to him, you were kind and thoughtful, and persistent enough to haul him out of his self-imposed shell. You were a good friend, and have been for a while. Shota would be lying if he claimed he didn't have feelings for you at some point, but he was good at hiding it and ignoring them entirely.

"I'm pretty sure she climbed out the bathroom window," Shota admitted, scratching the back of his neck.

"That's horrible," You sighed. "Honestly, I have no idea why anyone would do that to you." Shota looked at you, his eyebrows furrowed. "I mean, sure, you're a little rough around the edges, but you're amazing." Amazing was putting it lightly in your book. Shota was honest, thoughtful. He was strong, incredibly intelligent, and a great hero. Not to mention, he would do anything for those kids he taught. Perhaps it was a specific type of guy that caught your eye, but you couldn't think of one reason why someone would walk out on him. You noticed yourself getting lost in his tired eyes.

"A-And you said first date in two years?" You repeated after clearing your throat. "I don't believe that!"

"Things like this get put on the backburner in our line of work," Shota reminded you with a shrug.

"Isn't that one chick from Ketsubutu always asking you to get married?" You asked, remembering the times that pale-green-haired woman would light a resentful spark underneath every one of your nerves.

"Ms. Joke, yeah," Shota nearly cringe at the mention of her.

"Why don't you go out with her?" You asked carefully.

"Because she's not... " Shota stopped himself from finishing that sentence. He spoke out of instinct, coming so close to slipping up and spilling what he had been keeping from you for months. Because she's not you. She didn't have your smile. She didn't have your eyes. She didn't have your hair. She didn't have your sense of humor. She didn't have your fiery spirit and competitive nature. You were exactly what Shota wanted; you just the way you were.

"Because what?" You asked once he trailed off, not finishing his thought.

"Because I want you, (Y/n)," Shota confessed.

"Woah... " You mumbled in awe. "That's new."

"Not really," Shota continued, awkwardly looking away from where you say beside him on your living room sofa. "I've known that for a while."

"Then why did you go out with Midnight's friend?" You questioned utterly confused.

"Because you wouldn't," Shota briefly explained. "Well, now that I've ruined tonight and every other night, I should leave." He tried to get up off the sofa, but he failed to make it far. You grabbed onto his button-up shirt and pulled him back down.

"You're not going anywhere," You demanded, keeping a firm grip on his chest. "Care to take a guess as to why I was spending today alone?" Shota looked in your eyes, seeing the sparkling passion behind that beautiful (e/c). "It was because the man I'm in love with went on a date for the first time in two years and it wasn't with me" Shota's hand grasped the side of your face and pulled you in to kiss you. Your hands grabbed fistfuls of his shirt as your lips moved in sync. His stubble scratched your face lightly, making you laugh into the kiss.

"Damn," Shota muttered once you parted. "I hope that was worth the wait for you because it certainly was for me." You chuckled, nodding your head with a blissful grin.

"It was perfect," You told him, your hands trialing up to touch his face. "Besides, I think having an anniversary on Valentine's Day will be pretty easy to remember."

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