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𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙-𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬


He decided he was going to do it. Bakugo was going to ask (Y/n) to marry him. Bakugo's wanted to finalize things and make (Y/n) his wife for a while. He was just on the fence on actually asking (Y/n) until she brought it up the other night. She wanted to, and she would say yes if he asked. So he was going to ask her to marry him. That was just setting in... As Bakugo stood in the engagement ring store with his best friend with Kirishima it actually set in that he was going to marry you.

"So, what kinda rocks does (Y/n) like?" Kirishima asked, cluelessly looking around the store.

"Not you, that's for sure," Bakugo quickly fired.

"Wow, low blow," Kirishima chuckled. "But seriously, if we're gonna do this we have to do this right. You love her don't you?"

"Shut up, shitty hair," Bakugo grumbled. "You're a rock, which ones are the best?"

"I'm not actually a rock," Kirishima pointed out. "But my girl likes opal because she told me, has (Y/n) ever mentioned anything like this before?"

"Uh..." Bakugo thought for a moment. "No... or at least I can't remember if she did."

"Why don't we ask one of the store workers?" Kirishima suggested. Bakugo didn't tell him off, so he approached one of the fellas with a name tag.

"Hey!" Kirishima said, tapping the man on the shoulder. "My bro's lookin' for a ring for his girlfriend. Do ya think you can help us out?"

"Yes, that's my job," The man said before letting Kirishima walk him over to Bakugo. They began talking, which got to absolutely nowhere. Bakugo honestly did not know what kind of engagement ring (Y/n) would want. He can't recall if she mentioned what type of ring or stone she wanted. This was going to prove harder than he originally thought.

"Well, Mr. Bakugo... what is she like?" The store-worker asked, desperate to help them somehow. In all honesty, he just wanted the two out of his store, and selling them a ring would be the fastest and easiest way to get them out. It took a lot longer than he wanted it to.

"She's a dumbass," Bkaugo stated bluntly. "She's a reckless idiot and stubborn as an ox." The man seemed taken aback by Bakugo's statement.

"W-well, what are some goods things about her?" The man asked.

"Uh..." Bakugo cleared his throat. He wasn't any good at this, was he?

"She's smart, but she doesn't shove it in your face," Bakugo began, "She's strong, too, and got a heart of gold. She's funny and the most gorgeous woman on the face of the earth. I've been with her since we were in high school and if you fuck this up for me--"

"Bakugo! He's trying to help," Kirishima reminded him before he could say anything else. "You get the point, Mister, can you help my buddy out?"

"I-I think I can find something," The man said before rushing off to go look in another glass case. He came back a moment later with something in his hand. He placed it on the glass and the three men peered down at it.

"This is a heart-cut green Saphire ring--"

"No," Bakugo cut him off. "Not that one."

"Alright," The man sighed and went to go put it away. He took a moment before coming back with another one. This one looked more traditional and clean.

"This is a radiant-cut black diamond--" The man was once again cut off by Bakugo,

"Not that one either," He stated.

"Well," The man huffed. "Why don't you two boys look around and come find me when you see something you want to buy." The man walked off, clearly frustrated. The two decided to split up to cover more ground. Kirishima pointed out every ring that sparkled, and Bakugo shot them all down. He knew it was a thing that girls dream about the perfect wedding they'll have one day, and Bakugo just wanted to make all those dreams come true. It had to be perfect. He wanted the ring to look perfect, just like the way (Y/n) always imagined it. The only issue was, he didn't know what perfect looked like.

"Oi, shitty hair!" Bakugo called. "Come look at this one!" Kirishima jogged over to where Bakugo stood, pointing to one in the glass case while looking elsewhere. Kirishima "ooooh"ed when he saw it. It looked nice. He had no idea the specifics of a ring, but it looked expensive. However, Kirishima knew for a fact when it came to (Y/n) Bakugo ignored any and all prices because he thought you were worth it.

"It looks really good," Kirishima stated with a smile. "Do you think this is the one?"

"I don't know," Bakugo said, those words rarely coming out of his mouth. "Can we get that guy to take it out of the case?" Kirishima nodded and ran after the guy they met earlier. The man took the ring out of the case so they could look at it closer. Bakugo held it, turning it around with his fingers.

"I don't know..." Bkaugo mumbled again.

"I'll be right back," The man said before soon returning with a small velvet box. It was black velvet and had white insides which the man placed the ring into. He closed the box and waited for a moment. He opened it again and let the boys see.

"Seeing it in the box makes the world of a difference," The man stated.

"I think it looks great, buddy!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Yeah, whatever," Bakugo said. "How much?" Truth be told, Bakugo knew that was the one from the get-go. He could see it on your (s/c) finger when he paid for it. It was so going to be worth it when you said yes. Now, he just needed to find the perfect way to pop the question.


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