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𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙-𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬


In a heartbeat, you bolted after the villain. Chaos broke out as the villain used his quirk to shatter the concrete of the road. You persisted, dodging or blocking the ruble in your path. The villain turned around and run. You weren't going to let him get away that easily. You stepped your foot onto the hood of a car before hurdling over it swiftly. You saw the villain use his quirk again, but this time to take out the support-beams of a large building.

The heroes who were helping you aided the people around the, thankfully, empty building. You could see the villain a little way down the road, but when you glanced back at the collapsing building you saw there was a little girl with her leg stuck. The building was going to fall right on top of her. Without hesitating, you ran to her side, leaving the villain to either get away or to be chased by one of the other heroes. You could see her tear-stained face was in pain as she tried to move the chunk of building off her leg.

"Can you move?" You asked, knowing it was a matter of seconds before the building fell.

"No!" She cried out in pain. You used your quirk which gave you enhanced strength to move the rubble off of her little leg. It was hard to get a good grip, but you moved it out of the way just in time. You took your shield and held it over your head as you pulled the little girl into your chest and wrapped an arm tightly around her. You crouched down, using yourself to protect her in case the shield couldn't. The building collapsed moments after you hugged her close.

The rubble that didn't crash against your shield fall down around you harshly. You planted your feet into the ground to keep yourself steady. If it wasn't for the upgraded shield you had just gotten the other day, protecting that girl would have been a lot harder. Thanks, Hatsume, you're a real lifesaver.

After the commotion had stopped for a few moments, you pushed the shield away, making sure any pieces of the building were far from the little girl. You shifted to a standing position, bringing the girl up and holding her with one arm while placing your shield onto its holster on your back. You moved some of the rubble away so you could get out safely. You carried the girl over to the EMTs where they could help with her no doubt broken leg.

"Find her parents, then take her--" You didn't get to finish, thanks to the cry of a middle-aged woman. She rushed over to where you were and flung her arms around the little girl.

"Natasha! Thank goodness you're alright!" The woman sobbed.

"I'm okay, mommy," The little girl said before pointing to you. "She saved me!"

"Oh, thank you!" The mother said, with a big smile. "I don't think I could live without my little girl. Thank you!"

"I'm just doing my job, ma'am," You stated. "Now let the doctors do theirs and patch up her leg."

"Wait!" The little girl cried out before you could turn to leave. You looked at her stary green eyes and curly red hair. She had a smile on her face that was dusty; the same face you saw in so much pain and fear minutes earlier.

"Do you think I can be a hero like you one day?" She asked, hope filling her voice.

"Yes, you can," You said confidently. "I can tell you're brave. You'll make a good hero one day. Maybe even better than me." The little girl's face completely lit up as the EMTs took her and her mother to the hospital. You smiled to yourself. The villain might have gotten away, but it was worth it. You went to deal with the rest of the civilians, the press, and the police before you headed back to the agency.

You placed your shield into your designated locker. Each hero at the agency had a locker they kept their suit and equipment in while they were off duty. The female and male lockers were separated, for obvious reasons. You completely took off your suit and equipment and placed it where it belonged. You were now in regular clothes, the clothes you arrived to work in, and grabbed your bag before heading to the exit of the building. However, before you could, you felt someone grab your wrist and pull you back. You felt a strong pair of arms wrap around you tightly. You smiled, already knowing who it was.

"Why hello," You greeted your boyfriend since high school.

"I'm taking you home and we're gonna watch a movie," Bakugo stated, rather than asking. He had a habit of doing that, but it wasn't like you minded. Not one bit in fact. He was assertive, and you liked that.

"What movie?" You asked, leaning your head against his chest.

"I haven't decided yet," Bakugo shrugged. "But it will be something good because I'll be choosing it this time."

"Are cuddles on the table?" You asked with a smirk.

"Shut up, dork," Bakugo pushed you away playfully and you laughed. You both got off work at the same time, so you were both heading home. You grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door. You both walked home, deciding to enjoy the summer weather a little bit. On the way back home you saw a little boy and his father playing catch in the park you passed. It was a sweet sight and you smiled softly at it. When you arrived home, you order some take out and started on some popcorn. Bakugo set up the movie and you joined him on the sofa. You scooted up next to him and got comfy. Bakugo kissed the top of your head as the movie started.

Over the years you've been together, Bakugo has learned how to calm his temper and become more affectionate toward you. Of course, he was still Bakugo and Bakugo is a tsundere so some things never change. You looked up at your boyfriend, his crimson eyes trained on the television screen as he put a handful of popcorn in his mouth. You loved the man beside you so much. However, there was an odd nagging feeling in your chest.

"Hey, jerk," You said, getting his attention. He knew you didn't mean it, just like you knew he didn't mean it when he called you stupid, or an idiot, or a dork, or a nerd, or a dumbass... you get the point.

"How do you... how do you feel about kids?" You asked unprompted.

"Kids? As in children?" Bakugo clarified, looking a little confused.

"Yeah," You shrugged. "Do you like them? Do you want to have them someday?" Bakugo took a moment to answer you, clearly actually thinking about it.

"Someday," Bakugo told you, glancing down at you who was snuggled up beside him. "As long as the little snots are mine, I think I'd be okay with it."

"Would you want to get married first?" You continued your barrage of strange questioning.

"Obviously," Bakugo retorted quickly. "That's just the intelligent thing to do."

"Would you leave me if I got knocked up?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.

"Well if the little shit's mine--" Bakugo stopped mid-sentence and he got serious all of a sudden. "Do you have something you want to tell me, (Y/n)?"

"No! No, I'm not--we have nothing to worry about," You reassured him. "I just wanted to know your thoughts about this stuff." You were pleased with the answers you got. You don't know why, but you have been thinking a lot about marriage and starting a family recently. You knew you loved Bakugo and wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. So, it was only natural that you would one day think all about this stuff.

"What if we got married one day?" You asked him after a brief moment of silence. You were well aware you were interrupting the movie, but you didn't really care at the moment.

"That would be the worst day of my life," Bakugo deadpanned. You burst out laughing and smacked his chest playfully. You saw him smirk, clearly joking about it. He pulled you closer and kept his arm around your shoulder. You knew it would actually be the best day of his life and he knew it too. Maybe... maybe it's about time you tied the knot...

"(Y/n) Bakugo..." You mused to yourself.

"I like that ring of that, babe!"


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