- Four -

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"I don't understand why this stone is of such importance," Luscian muttered. His voice was low and brisk, but still enamoring in its gentle density and husky baritone. Rova had gotten so annoyed with it over the time she'd known him...the attraction of his voice was so deceptive.

"Of course you wouldn't. You're weak and without knowledge of power." Rova said, her eyes steely against the black makeup surrounding them.

"What do you plan to do with it?"

"Destroy the Enforcement and all those who stand for it. I will redeem our kind."

Luscian exhaled a chuckle. "A redeemer; you? After what you did you expect to undo it?"

Rova's hand trembled as she stiffened. The quivering was caused by her anger, but it always appeared as fear. She hated it.

"The stone may be powerful but is it enough?"

Rova took hold of Luscian's throat, her eyes locking with his as their faces were nearly touching. She didn't say anything; the tension she let off was enough of a warning for him not to question her again. 

The pale purple of his irises seemed to intensify as he glared at her. His large wings, covered in tarnished black feathers, twitched in his anger.  

 A moment later, she released her grip and turned away from him.

Luscian continued to glare daggers through her.

"Redemption is the only way forward. The world must be cleansed of the discrimination."  Rova told him, taking a few steps forward. "If that means the destruction of the entire Enforcement, then that's what will be done."


The day faded to evening and the company of Mystic seekers efforts produced a result. Two Mystics. Morro would have liked to have collected more, but as a first, it would suffice.

The group traversed the forest in the direction of the town, their prisoners gagged with their hands tightly tied behind them.

Morro took the lead, and eventually told Zurich and Fenian to wait among the trees while he retrieved their deal maker.

He returned soon with Ezsha. She examined the two Mystics. A thin young man and a rough looking young woman.

She knew of these particular Mystics. They were wanted not only for their Mystic blood, but for numerous crimes including murder and thievery. She wondered how on earth the group had cornered them so quickly. They'd been hunted for months with no avail.

"Four hundred measure each on blackmarket." Ezsha said. "At the least."

Morro smiled, satisfied with this. "Good. Find a buyer as soon as possible."

"Already have," Ezsha said. "He's passing through here on his way to Enforcement Headquarters, said he'll take anyone we can find before he leaves at dawn.

"Very well then. We bring these two to him and then search out another lot." Morro decided.

Fenian snapped to attention. "Two of us'll go 'n you guys start the search." She said, motioning to Ezsha.

Zurich gave Morro a look of uncertainty. "I dunno if we can trust you two on your own." He said, glancing back at Fenian.

She crossed her arms. "Only cuz we're girls?" She asked, her tone stiff.

Zurich raised a brow. "No, because you're both not trustworthy."

Fenian raised her nose in defiance. "That's a dumb reason. I can't believe it."

"Right then, you two go but I swear if either of you try and sneak off with the money you'll pay dearly." Morro said.

Fenian took hold of both of the prisoners. "Don't either of you two try anything or I'll turn ya' into ants and stomp on you." She said. "And I can too." She added firmly.

With that, the group split up, the girls heading in the direction of the shipyard and the boys back into the thick of the forest.

"How do you stand being around those two all the time?" Ezsha asked.

Fenian laughed a scraggly little laugh, her head bobbing and making her hair fall over her temples. "I practically grow'd up with 'em. And they know I'm smarter then both the two of 'em."

Ezsha didn't seem convinced.

"Well, maybe not smarter but sure slyer then them." Fenian resolved, nodding her head more to herself then Ezsha.

The rest of their journey down to the buyer's ship was silent. The ship was clearly that of a merchant, with crates of goods and a red and green flag fluttering in the evening breeze.

The captain jumped onto the dock with a loud thump as he spotted Ezsha. He was heavyset, with a bald head and a neat beard.

"Four 'undred each then?" He asked, walking over to them.

Ezsha nodded. "Eight hundred bounty on each, so half'll do for the delivery. My acquaintances are out now looking for more."

The merchant laughed a bubbly, deep laugh, that made Fenian want to laugh too. She liked him.

"Righto then, on they come and I'll get yer payment." He ushered the two prisoners onto the ship and down into the lower deck. After he'd chained and locked the hatch, he retrieved a large sack from the cabin.

"Eight 'undred handsome measure for you m'lady." He said after he'd counted it out into a smaller sack. He handed to her with a bow and a smile.

"Kindly sir," Fenian told him.

Ezsha and Fenian made their way back towards the forest with the half-bounty.

Meanwhile Zurich and Morro had taken another Mystic into custody. The light had pretty well gone and it would have been impossible to hunt down anyone else in the darkness of the woods.

The company retrieved the half-bounty for the third Mystic and convened in a cellar room of the pub to divide it.

"So let's split it then?" Ezsha said impatiently.

"Hang on a minute." Morro said. "Zurich, please go ahead,"

Zurich smiled and picked up the money sack, holding it in one hand. Another, completely identical, materialized out of nowhere into his other hand. He set them both down on the table and laughed at Ezsha' gapping mouth.

She didn't ask any questions though, she supposed at this point she should have expected that one of them could magically duplicate things out of thin air.

Along with the duplicate coins, their sum came to nearly 2,000 measure.

Words in bold and their definitions:
Measure - a sum of money, would probably translate to about half an American dollar.
Kindly - slang for "thanksgiving and blessings"
I randomly got inspiration to update this story.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter as I had so much fun writing it!! Please let me know your thoughts and predictions in the comments!

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