- Five -

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Ezsha returned to the pub once her business had been concluded. She met up with Charys at the door.

"Charys, I didn't expect you to wait here for me," Ezsha said.

"I didn't--I didn't know when you'd be back." Charys stuttered.

Ezsha smiled at him. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." She said.

"N--no, it's fine. I didn't have anything else to do any--anyway." His forefinger pushed against his spectacles so they sat more comfortably. His eyes shimmered like mercury behind the round frames. He had pure ivory skin that glistened in the moonlight, and a narrow, intelligent face. On his back were two large wings with feathers the color of meringue. Ignoring his nervousness and general absentmindedness, he was a lovely creature to behold.

"So, what information have you been able to collect?" Ezsha inquired.

"Well, far less then I would have like to," Charys said. His narrow, small frame practically fitting under her shadow. Not because he was that much shorter than her, but simply because he seemed to shrink down around her, likely out of utter admiration for her goddess-like figure and the confidence she held.

Charys continued. "Your friend seems to—seems to have a bit of a foggy past."

"He's anything but my friend." Ezsha spat at the thought of Morro. "A lout like that doesn't deserve shoes much less friends."

"Y-yes well," Charys pushed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose once again. He seemed to hold his head slightly higher now, after hearing Ezsha's low opinion of another man. He liked to think she was fond of him, but he knew it was likely only a fantasy. "I did manage to find out where he was from,"

Charys was an amateur Erudite, that is, he was training to become a professional gatherer of information. The Erudite, people who used spells and magical means for science and cataloging, were among the most learned of all Enchanters (Enchanters being those who taught and learned spell magic, which was the only legal form of magic).

"Where?" Ezsha asked, her eyes brightening.


Ezsha's eyes widened. Aurona was all the way on the other side of the world, not to mention across four oceans. Whatever life Morro had there, he must have been quite willing to give it up in order to travel so far.

"That's all you got?" Ezsha asked.

"We--well, because the information was set in place so many years ago, it's difficult to calculate just where to find it," Charys responded. "But I assure you, I'll keep--I'll keep trying."


Rova and Luscian traveled most of that night in the direction of Mainland of Albus. It was a long journey, and even Maw, stoic and strong, could not traverse it in one night. They would set off again in the morning to reach the shore of the Salt Sea by dusk. Then, after spending a night there, would travel the rest of the way by ship.

Rova was silent and calculating as they both sat before the campfire. Maw rested by her feet, his enormous head on her lap as she stroked him with one hand. In her other hand, she clasped the Syphe, allowing it's power to radiate against her skin, burning her palm.

She would purge the world of the hatred towards her kind. The past may have still haunted her, but she refused to entertain those thoughts.

The firelight seemed to illuminate the determination in her eyes and the contempt for what the world had become.

Luscian hadn't spoken since their last exchange, not an uncommon habit for him when Rova became so set on something. He didn't doubt that she would do what she'd said she'd do, nor did he doubt her power. But it was out of irrational jealousy that he swore he'd never admit it.

Their power may not have been equal, but Rova underestimated him just as she overestimated the Syphe and it's power.

They'd known each other since they were young, and she'd always been considered superior to him. As he'd grown more mature, he'd become disgusted at just how much she underestimated him. He hoped one day he'd be given the opportunity to challenge her, but he was smart enough to know now was not the time.

Luscian didn't sleep that night; he kept watch as he often did. The dead quiet of the woods was peaceful to him; he made friends with the shadows and sang songs to himself. He was himself without Rova; a placid creature of the night.

The next morning, the two were off with the sunrise. Luscian flew behind Maw. His compact wings and lesser weight was efficient for speed, but also made him vulnerable to exhaustion. He usually flew considerably behind, where the wind had already been broken by Maw's giant wings, to conserve energy.

The earth was small beneath them as they flew, the scenery blearing together like an oil painting. The trees were streaks and the ponds were large undefined shapes.

Maw flew silently, and until the air became salty, he was steady and obedient to Rova's prompting.

He became restless and apprehensive as soon as the ocean breeze reached him. Maw was a steadfast and usually undaunted creature, but the one thing he feared was large bodies of water.

His head jerked up at the scent of salt, and he stopped advancing forward and simply hovered, unwilling to go on.

Rova knew what was wrong. "Onward Maw," She told him, shifting her weight forward on his back as the signal. The griffin still refused. "Onward," She said again, her voice firm.

Maw shook his head violently and flew in a frenzied spiral, towards the ground.

"Maw! Onward, now!" Rova said, taking hold of the feathers on his neck and digging the toes of her boots into his withers.

Maw screeched, complying. She scolded him heavily, and he only closed his eyes tightly in submission and lowered his head as he flew.

They landed a ways off from the sea shore, to go the rest of the distance on foot. Maw walked skittishly behind Rova, turning his head up at the sound of waves and screaming terribly. Rova turned, a reed in her left hand, prepared to lash him across the beak with it. He cowered with his eyes shut again, and she dropped the reed. "With me," she said, two fingers pointing to the ground next to her feet.

Maw obeyed, hunching low with his wings folded tightly against himself and crawling beside her as she walked. He whined and screeched quietly at first, but after she'd scorned him several times for it, ceased.

They finally reached the shore, where a small town and a large shipyard sat. It took little bargaining to find a merchant willing to transport the threesome across the Salt Sea to Albus, and shortly after, they had boarded.


WHOO HOO. I loved this chapter! I personally really love Charys and I can't WAIT to see everyone else's opinions on him and the little bit of character we saw in Maw and Luscian!

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed!

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