- Two -

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"Might I ask why were leaving so soon?" Zurich asked as he and Morro made their exit of the pub.

"There's an opportunity here Zu, and I think I know how to find it." Morro replied, his mind working to fixate a plan.

"Your exposition may make sense in your mind but I could use a bit more context." Zurich commented as they headed towards the docks.

"Think for a second and you'll understand. This is a town filled with bounty hunters. Nobody in this country except that barmaid knows that we're mystics. We can join the games without risk."

The two young men's boots pounded against the cobblestone and the ocean lapped softly against the shore as they approached the docks. Zurich remained quiet, thoughtful.

"One problem though. There's a good chance someone in the enforcement will know our faces; turning the others in will be dangerous." Morro said.

Zurich snapped his fingers. "So we don't turn them in. We sell them off for half bounty to the other hunters. We still make a profit." Zurich said. "Perhaps that lovely barmaid will even be our contact."

"I wouldn't count on it," Morro replied, inhaling sharply.

"So you didn't manage to charm her then?" Zurich asked, an amused smirk on his face.

"I'm a bit out of practice." Morro said. "But who knows how desperate she might be for the money."


"Where'r the two of you headin' off so fast?" Fenian asked in a suspicious whisper as Zurich and Morro emerged on the ship deck before dawn.  Her jet black hair was pulled back in a ratty handkerchief, and fell randomly about her face in messy but endearing locks.

"We've got an opportunity elsewhere. Give Captain Demarcus our thanks." Morro told her.

Fenian crosses her arms skeptically. "This opportunity must be quite a one to ha' your two attentions," she said in her commonly slurred pronunciation and bad grammar.

Zurich gave a playfully leer smile. "You've been watching the two of us?" He said with a wink.

"I'm coming with you." She said.

"Are you," Morro said, tilting his head questioningly. "Well I suppose you ought to retrieve your belongings then," he said.

"Haven't got any," she responded. "None I wouldn't mind lugging about." She said, then turned and hopped off the boat deck and onto the dock. "Comin?" She asked turning to them.

The three left the dock silently and found the pub.

Morro spotted Ezsha instantly, and prompted her to join the group near the door.

"Back again?" She asked, looking annoyed.

"With a proposition." Morro replied.

"Hah!" Ezsha laughed out loud. "I wouldn't trust the lot of you are far as I could throw you."

Morro gave her a sideways glance. "You can't mean to leave this offer on the floor, without even hearing it. I took you to be more clever then that."

Ezsha shifted her weight, preparing to leave back to her work. "What makes you think I'd take an offer from you anyway?"

"You're a smart girl. You have need of money, like everyone else." Morro said.

"You're a manipulator and you repel me." She told Morro before walking off.

Morro smirked as he watched her leave to tend customers. "Anyone else thirsty?" He asked, turning to his company. Zurich gave him a knowing look.

The three took seats at the front counter. Morro leaned forward on his elbows against the old dark wooden counter top. Ezsha rolled her eyes before approaching them.

"How much money you looking to make in a town like this?" She asked after getting them each their requested ale.

"Depends on how much your kind is willing to pay for Mystics." Zurich answered.

Fenian looked incredibly confused. "What exactly kind of deal are we talking?"

"We capture other mystics and sell them to other hunters for half of the bounty on their head." Morro explained, both to Fenian and to Ezsha. "You become our middle man."

"What percent are we talking?" Ezsha said, crossing her arms.

"Eighty/Twenty." Zurich offered.

"No, no, no. Ninety/ten." Morro argued, pointing a finger at Zurich.

"Sixty/Forty." Ezsha countered.

Morro fought the urge to smile triumphantly; his plan to draw her into negotiations had worked flawlessly.

"Seventy/Thirty. And you decide who we deal with." Morro offered, still straight faced.

"Deal." Ezsha said.

"Wonderful. We'll all head out tonight. You'll need to show us where the mystics around here hide." Morro said.

"Tonight then." Ezsha agreed.

"What makes her worth our three's trust?" Fenian asked with a motion of her thumb towards Ezsha as she returned to her work.

"If you're scared of the risk, you might want to turn back to captain Demarcus." Morro responded.

Fenian rolled her eyes. "Risk is what to live for. But trust is cheap." She argued.

Morro shrugged before taking a drink of his ale.

Morro smiled quietly over his shoulder so Fenian wouldn't see.

Zurich returned the smug look but then returned to his serious demeanour.

The plan was falling into place. All they had to do now was wait for nightfall to head out. The only contingency in Morro's mind was whether or not they'd be able to find any Mystics. Those with powers were highly sought after as prisoners or often trophies of the black market, so keeping themselves hidden was obviously critical. But if Morro knew anything, he knew how to get in other people's heads. These Mystics would be no different, and soon they'd be making a steady profit.

After spending his entire youth as a pirate-for-hire, then fooling a respectable captain into accepting him for an overseas trading voyage, Morro was looking forward to this. The black market was the perfect place for his type of expertise, and he was looking forward to testing his wit. So far, it seemed to be going quite well.



So there it is everyone. Please share your thoughts in the comments! Is Fenian's speech annoying at all? I'm undecided so please tell me.

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