- One -

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"She's a real looker eh?" Zurich's thickly accented voice broke through Morro's thoughts.

The bustle of the pub and the beautiful young woman across the room had him completely distracted.

"Mm?" Morro turned to look at his closest friend.

"The barmaid your gaze has been fixed on. She's a looker." Zurich's sparky blue eyes held a teasing glint as he gave a toothy grin.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Morro fibbed, taking a long sip of ale as he looked over the rest of the establishment casually. Dozens of sailors and soldiers occupied most of the other tables, making enough racket to wake the dead.

"You may be the slyest man I've ever met, but you can't fool me that easily." Zurich shoved him playfully, nearly causing him to spill his drink.

Morro's brows drew together as he gave a scoffing look. "Please Zurich," he said.

"No no, you don't get off that easily. Tell me who you were watching."

"Stop acting like a child," Morro poked Zurich in the chest.

"Me act like a child? You're the one giving fawning looks at a barmaid," Zurich exclaimed, then began to make exaggerated kissing noises.

"You're full of drink, now settle down." Morro told him.

Zurich snickered and shook his head as he returned his attention to his mug, which was now just about empty.

"Any more ale? I assume your just about done in."  A familiar female voice interrupted.

Morro looked up to meet the beautiful green eyes of the barmaid. He nearly choked on his ale, but regained his composure quickly.

"I have no need of ale when you're right here, the simple sight of you quickens my heartbeat." Morro replied with a wink.

"All the same, I believe I'll refill your mug to keep you too drunk to make pathetic passes like that." The barmaid said, her steely expression unimpressed.

"A clever one you are," Morro said with a smirk, his brown irises glistening up at her.

The barmaid rolled her eyes and took both mugs as she turned to go. Morro stood up and stepped in front of her.

"Could I please at least get your name?" He asked, gazing down at her.

The barmaid smirked smugly before stomping onto his foot with all her might. Morro exclaimed loudly, stepping back.

"It's Ezsha." She called as she pushed past him and walked away.

Morro sat down, holding the foot she'd stomped on and watched her walk off.

"Did I really deserve that?" He asked, turning to Zurich.

"Why don't you ask her eh?" Zurich replied.

"Maybe I'll do that." Morro said, standing up. He started to follow after the barmaid, bumping into another patron as he did. The other man was quite large and strong looking, and reeked of ale and was clearly drunk.

Seeing that the man was not pleased and clearly ready to beat him to pulp, Morro raised his hand slightly. The man turned around and returned to his table instantly.

The skill of mind-bending was useful, but Morro hadn't used it on the barmaid because occasionally he desired to test his own wit instead of using magic.

He found her momentarily and cautiously took her wrist and pulled her into a storage closet nearby.

"I suppose your early injury wasn't enough to convince you to leave me alone?" Ezsha demanded as he closed the door behind him.

"Oh please, you didn't even give me a chance to introduce myself."

"Let me past, you fiend!" Ezsha barked, but he simply smirked at her as he stood against the door.

"Or else what?" Morro challenged. He raised his hand and Ezsha's eyes changed immediately.

She gazed at him before stepping towards him and kissing him. She stood against the door now, and their lips held contact for only a second longer.

She yanked away and shoved him into the room and slammed the door. Morro tried the latch but she'd already locked him in.

"You're a mind bender?!" She demanded in a hoarse whisper from outside the door.

"Indeed," Morro smirked towards the sound of her voice. He could hear her making irritated groans and muttering to herself.

"Let me out darling," Morro said, making his voice as sorrowful and apologetic as he could.

Ezsha opened the door a crack, but the chain bolt was still in place so it kept it from opening any farther.

Morro stepped forward until his nose was nearly touching hers.

She shoved him back, frustrated. "Why are you even here?" She demanded.

"I'm a sailor. Travel is kind of my occupation." He answered, stepping closer once again.

"Stop it with your smugness!" She spat. "It's dangerous for you to even be here."

"I know that." Morro replied. "But it can't be helped and it's not like anyone knows."

"I know," she countered. He saw her place a fist firmly on her hip as if to challenge his remark.

"Oh, but you'd never tell."

"There's a bounty on your head so don't be so sure. A dirty imp like you deserves to be turned in."

"So you're a bounty hunter?"

"Everyone's a bounty hunter in these parts. That's why your a fool to even be wandering about."

"Oh I am a fool. For you,"

"Shut up with your banal flirtation." Ezsha snapped. "Now if you don't want me to turn you in you'd better find your friend and run."

"You're fun." Morro told her, his lips curving up at the edges.

Ezsha rolled her eyes once more before unlatching and opening the door. "Get away from here." She said as he exited.

Morro took her hand, enslaved his fingers in hers and kissed the top of her palm. "I pray that I shall meet you again."

"In your dreams, lout." She said, yanking her hand away.

Morro smirked once more and turned to find Zurich.


Fada! Another random fantasy that I decided was a good idea!

What does everyone think of our characters? Please let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed!

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