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I hate fights.

I hate how I can't see your silhouette walking around my apartment.

I hate how I can't listen to your laugh.

I hate how you simply disappeared from Mooney's without a sound.

But did we really break up Erica? Did you really abandon me without any sign or reason why?

I can't accept your shallow reasons, I can't accept these motives you claim are enough to end this perfect story we have build.

No, we were destinef to be together, then how can you simply let me down over such a selfish thing?

Now I can only stare at those stupid pictures you took in my phone, those selfies you you filled my gallery with to eternize the greatest love and now suffering I've ever felt.

Then how could we end up this way?

How can I just stare at the door like a dog waiting for you to appear? How can I turn on the radio and listen to the musics you like without wanting to tear my eyes apart? How can I open a single book and not think about you in every single line?

Do you suffer the same way I do?

I wonder if you're there, crying in your room, sinking your head into the pillows mumbling my name. If you got yourself one of those huge strawberry ice creams you like to buy at the market and devoured it while listening to Lana Del Rey. I wonder if you look outside the window and wait for me to show up in front of your building, begging for you to come back to me.

Or maybe you don't.

Maybe you feel relieved you got rid of me. Maybe you feel free enough to start anew, to take a new guy into your bed and whisper empty promises just as you did to me, to make him dance around your living room holding tight to you as I did.


No one could ever make you feel the way I did.

I was the one for you. I am the one for you.

He opened the notebook fastly checking into the cameras he had inside her apartment. No sign of her.

I promised myself I wouldn't look at these. I told myself I would wait patiently until we could solve this out.

But it's been 3 weeks and you didn't answered calls or my texts. It's been 3 weeks and you didn't come back to work, I couldn't meet you in college, and you don't even use your fucking phone so I can catch a sign of you!

Where are you Erica? What happened to us?

We used to be so good, please, don't leave me like this, I beg you.

Or maybe did I scared you? Maybe I was too insistent, to rude to make you so scared.

God, I still remember the look in your eyes, they reflected pure horror in them. I hate that.

Because they remind me of...

-You will kill her.-The blonde ghost said to him.

-I won't.-He answered Beck, already mad enough.- I won't, Erica is different.

-She might be different but you aren't.-She remarked fiercely. -You continue the same murderer as you have always been. She saw that yesterday, you know she did. You felt it don't you?-She snapped the engines inside his brain- How she looked so scared, so fragile at you. She feared you, Joe. Just as I did, just as Candance did-

-I WON'T KILL HER!-He yelled in a monstrous way, making his veins almost jump from his body. Beck looked at him with the same serious expression. -I love her.

Beck could only scoff at his lame excuse.

-How funny. I thought you said the same about me.

And just like that, she disappeared again.


-Joe, you're finally here.-Ethan sighed in relief. -Erica came by she dropped this.-He handled him an envelope.- She didn't want to tell me what it was about, but she was really upset...I told her to wait for you a bit, but she seemed kinda scared.

-Is she still here?-Joe asked anxious.

-Yeah, right down the poetry session.

Jow quickly hushes without answering him, his thoughts running around his head as he finally reached the poetry session and found her there. Sitting on the ground, with a book in her hands as her dark hair covered her eyes.

He didn't say a word at first, she had already notices his presence. Didn't move a muscle, the brown eyes stuck on the book.

-That devil is there now. Been there half an hour. -She started reading with a somber tone. -Watching me through the window; He never leaves; He’s waiting till I exit the door. And at that moment he will get me; To the nearest tree we’ll go. With barb wire And those little worm like things. That he likes so much. -She whispers in secrecy as Joe only listens.- Then he’ll do things to me. Such horrid little things. Frightening scary things; Because he says he loves me, And that that’s just real love.-Her eyes had another type of glow as she looked up at him from her reading, shaking his whole being.

-So you see me as a demon now.-He said softly.

-I was only reading a poem.-She said in a discrete mockery. -I really like Lana Lynn's writing, you know that.

He took a glimpse of the envelope in his hands.

-May I ask what is this?-He asked in a whispery voice.

-I'n firing myself.-Erica got up from the floor, the expression still serious almost melancholic.

Her words snapped his eyes wide open, the body paralyzed.

-What? No, Erica, please-

-I...I don't want to see you again, Joe.-She confessed.

Now you are just squeezing my heart in your hands and watching it bleed.

-Erica, please, wait let me explain.-He held her wrist, maybe applying too much strentgh but he didn't care this time, he only wanted to keep her. He couldn't stand the tought of letting her go.

She remained in silence for a moment until she looked into his eyes, something dark and twistes reflected in them.

-How much do you love me?-Erica suddenly asked.

Her words caught him by susprise, he blinekd a bit, trying to form up a convincing sentence to make her stay, but no inspiration showed up to him.

-...i....well, I...-

-How far would you go for me?-She asked again.

This time he didn't hesistate.

-Anywhere.-He said impulsively. -I'd do anything for you.

A smile formed her lips slightly as she looked at him, some different warmness he didn't expect to receive.

-I love you, Erica.-He whispered. -I love you more than anything else, more than I should, more than anyone has ever loved in this damn planet.-He sighed. -You need to believe in me.

-I think your love is similar to the one Lana Lynn described.-She said.- Haunting and unique as a devil's.-She took a step forward, her eyes lingering down to the ground as she watched his hand trembling in reaction. -If we look for a different angle-She slightly touched his hands, as Joe let a shaky breath escape his lungs. -It is possible to feel his desire.-She looked at him. -Is that it Joe? Your love is so much that you cross common boundaries?

-I...-He sighed nervous.- I would never hurt you, Erica.-He held her touch delicately interfwining hisfingers with her.- I'm just...-He pursed his lips.- I feel scared to see you leave someday...I don't want to loose you, I-I....I need you.

She gave a small smile in return.

-The story related to that ring is a rather heartbreaking one for me.-She confessed. -One that I don't tell unless I trust someone deeply...-She looked into his fragile and surrended eyes.- Can I trust you, Joe?

He instantly nodded fastly, in an impulsice and anxious gesture.

-Not here.-She whispered. -The basement, I don't want Ethan listening to us.

Joe promtly attended her wishes and used his key to leas them to the cold basment.

One downstairs, hands glued to one another, Erica visualized with the same amusement as usual the glass box at thr center of the room. She had a clear admiration he had noticed about it, perphaps because of the books or how the artifact preserved items through such a long time whatever the motive was, Joe couldn't quite put his finger on it.

He did the usual as they always did, he opened the cage and sat side by side in it, her heas relied on his shoulder, almost as if her fear for him had completely vanished.

He was surprused by that, usually, due to his past experience, the others would have ran away, but it just took him to open his heart for her, to swear his love for her, that Erica simply embraced him completely.

Well, not competely since she wasn't aware of his maniac killer nature. But those were details not necessary to be shown in his opinion.

-Last year, I was really in love with this guy.-She suddenly started confessing.- he was like...he meant the world to me. I worshipped the ground he stepped on, the air he breathed...but he barely did the minimum for me. And I was okay with that-She said in a bitter tone.- We were about to get married when I spot him at a club with another girl. I confronted him about, and even still I forgave him. I lived him too much to simply let it all go.-She whispered as Joe attentively listened to her words. -But he pushed me away...he said he...-Her eyes stared at the wall blankly almost as if she said that automatically with no soul.- That he didn't love me. That all I felt was as one sided. That was a crazy phsycho bitch. He didn't care for me.-There was a deep frustration carried in her voice. -He yelled for me to leave him, to free him from this torture I called my devotion for him...and when I realized, I was alone with a pair of wedding rings buried insidey closet.

Joe sighed to her words, that hurt him deeper than she would expect. His arm around her waist pulled her tighter, as his lips touched her head in a tender, sweet mannerism in order to give a slight atte.pt of comfort.

-I'm so sorry.-He whispered. -Whoever this guys was...he didn't deserve you.

How could someone be so cruel to you, Erica? How could someone simply push you away like this?

To leave an angel like you...that is just as the same as wishing to die instead.

I'd rather burn in hell for eternity if not being able to love you.

Just hearing your words makes my heat ache for you, my soul crave for yours. It is even more beautiful than I imagined. You have scars just as me. You suffered just as me.

If this isn't destiny, I don't know what is.

-And...And then I came to North America trying to change...to leave that horrible past behind...-She looked fragile at her own small hands.- ...and I...I met you.-Her gaze softly met his, making their stomachs cold and fill up with butterflies.-I was so scared to have it all go wrong again...to being hurt again...that I just pushed you away...but you never gave up.

Joe caressed her cheek with caring as small smile crossed his lips.

-I never will.-He assured her.

-Can you promise me that?-She asked hopeful.-To always keep loving me the way you do...even as limitless and dogma breaking as possible... To endlessly be by my side, no matter what?

Joe smiled brightly this time, he couldn't believe in what he was hearing. That was simply all he ever wanted. That was his dream coming true.

-You don't even have to ask me that, Erica.-He touched his forhesad against her closing his eyes and smelling her floral scent for a moment, printing the promise in his mind. -I'll do that, until my very last breath.

She pulled him into a tender, passionate kiss that made his whole being melt into her touch. That made their hearts beat as one and their thoughts, their promises and the stars align at that vow.

There was nowhere they'd rather be right mow, no one else they'd rather love. There were just them.

-Can you forgive me for that fight?-He whispered sweetly. -Can you stay? Please...-He begged.

-Of course.-She whispered back gently. -I'm sorry for how I reacted...you are so sweet, I....I should've understood you...I should've told you the truth sooner... it's just that...I've been hurt so much...

-I've been hurt too.-He admitted and held her hand.- But when I'm with you...-He smiles brightly. -Everything's gone. Everything turns into you and you only, my love.-He kissed her cheek.- Let me heal your scars just as you healed mine. Show me your demons.

-Would you be willing to do that? Even with my darkest thoughts?- Some tears formed up in her brown shiny eyes as she heard his promises. He nodded once again, abd at that confirmation, he hugged him, hugged him realizing that was her new home, her shelve,  the owner of her heart.

There was a slight chance for Erica Souza to have ended that relationship. For her to have ran away and freed herself for the storming future ahead, but shr chose to stay instead. She chose to accelt the hint of madness that showed a love she enver experinces before. She chose to be worshipped to the rest of her days instead of worshipping herself.

The line between love and foolishness is indeed deceiving.

You are finally mine.

I am certain now. Nothing could ever separate us, nothing could ever tear apart this moment.

No, I'll make sure we will remain this way. I will do anything to make it remain this way.

Your soul is connected to mine, my mind is shared with yours, our hearts became one.

You did what nobody else did.

You embraced me.

How much I love you?

Oh, if only I could put it into words Erica...

You are the one I seeked for my whole life. The person who erases ny traumas, the warm presence I wished I hugged from when I was a child, the tender speaker I wished to listen to when I was a teen, the kind soul I wished to have devoted myself to instead of falling for so many mistakes in female form in the past.

You are the past, the present and the future.

I feel like I've always known you, like we were fated to meet, that we were tied up by this invisible string that lead us until this moment.

I love you more than the creation of the universe and its' destruction ahead. More than the greatest blessings and curses ever casted, more than any author ever described or even dreamed to write on a book.

You are the story I've always wanted to read, yet, you made me part of it.

And I'll always be grateful to you for it.

So I'll keep adding pages, mementos and sagas to our story never end.

No one will ever end it.

A sound echoed in the air, her phobe alarmes her from an upcoming sign of the times. When she looked at the screen, Joe could already visualize the panic, the pure horror in her face.

She seemed much more scared than when they fought, it was almost as if she witnessed death in front of her.

-Erica, what happened?-He asked concerned.

She looked back at him, almost seeking emergency help for that occasion.

-She's coming to visit me.-Her voice trembled into the realization.- My mother.

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