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Some people are scared of the dark, others of insects, some of heights, death, clowns even.

But you...

You are acared of your own mother, Erica.

I have never seen you like this.

So tense, so energetic and pressured to look as the perfect daughter she expects you to be.

You are already perfect to me, who cares about wht she says?

And stop fixing this stupid tie that chokes my neck, please. If I am going to meet her I need to at least breathe.

-Are you sure this is really necessary?-Joe asked as Erica made him spin on the outfit she bought him once again, a casual chic look that looked nothing like him.

-You haven't met my mother yet, trust me. Everything needs to be perfect.-She said with a perfect tense posture as she pulled a way a tilted hair strand above his face.- You need to make a good impression.

And being myself is not a good impression it seems.

-She's not so bad, she's just...demending.-She pursed her lips.

-Demanding, authoritary, pressurizing and compeltely hystherical.-He added.

Erica chuckled at his words and slapped his shoulder playfully.

-You stop it!-She laughed. -God, only you could make me laugh in a situation like this.-She cupped his face and promptly dropped a kiss above his lips. -I'm so glad to have you by my side.

His eyebroes frowned into a soft expression as his heart speeded once again, he was completely dumb to her, just a fool boy in love in her presence.

-So am I to have you.-He whispered gently.

She squeezed one of his cheeks, making him grin slightly.

-Once she's gone, you'll receive an award for this, don't worry.-She whispered mischievously.

-Oh, is that so?-He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. -Can't I just receive it in advance?

She chuckled.

-No, because I don't want my mom walking into me givibg you a blowjob.-The sentence made him cough in a deel blush. Erica laughed.- Have I told you I love when you get all frustered?

It's good to make you smile despite all the tension. Still, i know that beneath the surface there's a nightmare in your mind, Erica.

You've told me about your family occasionaly. How you grew up as the child of a loveless marriage between your parents that eventually led to their divorce, which you actually considered as a synonym of freedom since they kept fighting 24/7 in front of you.

You are little miss sunshine to them. The well raised, well educated and promising daughter that has done nothing wrong, that has a whole future ahead. You marked your eay with medals and astonishing grades. You craved their approval at each step you took, and sonetines I can even spot that desire for validation still present in yout colkege life sometimes.

You've told ne about your mother. How dilligent, precisive and strong she is. You got her character, her stubborness, her determination from. But at the same time, she shaped you into a mere object into her hands, mebded and broke you many tines to make you listen, obey to her.

You love and hate her at the same time.

So you just smile, put on your best innocently like dress and wait by the door until the snake arrives.

I truly hope she doesn't bite you, I'd hate to have to create a measure to get rid of her.

And now there's this one problem added to the list: her blessing.

We are not marrying, well, not yet I suppose. Bit I hopefully wish for it to happen soon.

Still, you wish for your mother to approve me, to go aheas to you and say "he is the one, my daughter, good job" and honestely I'd love to hear that from her too. It seems like a big deal for you. So I'll do the same. Put on that bright smile and give it my best shot.

Let's just hope we don't miss the target.

Someone knocked on Erica's apartment door. The sound made her panic.

Erica took in another deep breath placing her hands above her chest as a way to calm herself, as Joe placed his hand om her shoulder instead.

-Hey, we'll be fine.-He whispered and kissed his cheek.-Go ahead, open it.

Erica's hand trembled as she reached the door handle, and with a strike of courage, she finally opened the door. Her expressiom changing automatically, almost as an actress, smiling to the guest.

-Mãe (mom)!-Erica greeted her happily. She hugged a woman in front of her, who didn't show much emotion torwards her, only gave little gentle taps at her back in return. -Estou tão feliz que você está aqui, entre! (I'm so happy that you are here, come in!)-She indicated for the woman to enter the house.

When you descrived your mother, I had an image of her in my head, and it is quite similar to what I imagined her to be now.

Similar to you, but a bit older and with a darker skin. I never knew what your mother truly looked like since you both don't have much pictures together and she doesn't have any social media. But now I can see a short woman with floral dresses and high heels who enters any place with her chin held up high and an immaculate posture.

-Erica.-She simply says with no emotion.

Your mom is Barbara, currently 53, a psychology professor in a very famous university in Brazil. She gainedd much fame with her works and increased profit too, more than your father, who is just a geography highschool teacher instead. It was one of the main motives they broke up, hurt ego and miscommunication you say.

She barely looked at me, almost as if I was part of the furniture, while she walks through your housr, analyzinh, judging, passing her fingers through some shelves only to see if there was any present dust in them.

Barbara reaches Erica's room now.

They were mostly speaking in portuguese now, and Joe can barely understand a thing they say.

-Haven't I told you to get rid of this Mark Zuckerberg poster?-She says grumpy.

-Mom, I already told you that's Chris Evans.-Erica rolled her eyes as a teenager.

-Still a white north american rich man.-Barbara retorted as she crossed her arms.

-Why don't we go to the living room, I can prepare you some coffee.-She smiled.

Barbara was about to agree when her eyes landed at the man next to her daughter, her smile faded instantly.

-What's that?-She pointed.

Don't mind me, I'm just part of the decoration.

Erica blushed and smiled, gesturing to Joe's figure.

-Um...Mom, this is Joe...my boyfriend.-She announced him.-Joe, this is my mom, Barbara.-She spoke in english this time.

Erica looked at the man, sizing him up, and sown, then at her daughter, speaking in a clear language so he could understand.

-You can't be fucking serious.-She told Erica.- What is this?-She furrowed her eyebrows. -Where did you get that from?-She seemed extrememy disturbed by his presence.

She speaks of me almost as if you brought a dead raccoon home.

-Mrs.Souza, it is a pleasure to meet you.-Joe politely smiles gesturing to take her hand, the woman doesn't do the same.

-It's Alves. Barbara Alves.-She corrected him.- Souza was my stupid ex husband's name.-She looked away from him and turned to Erica.- Prepare me a cup of tea and explain thus mess. I've got 2 hours before my flight.

Erica looked at her susprised.

-Your flight? Weren't you going to spent a week?-She asked confused.

Please, God, no.

-No, I have a conference in Chicago, so I only decided to pass by.-Barbara explained shortly.- I told you that so youwould clean this place properly. Now, the coffee.-She walked away to the living room without them.

Erica stood at the same place a bit stunned, trying to take her presence in.

-I'm sorry...-She muttered to Joe.- For how she treated you.

-Hey.-He gave her a gentle smile.-It's alroght. Trust me, by the end of these 2 hours, your mother will love me.-He joked.

Erica tried to chuckle but couldn't.

-That would be great...but sometimes I don't feel that she even loves me.-She tilted her head, and before Joe couldn't ecen react to that heartbreaking scene, she walked torwards the kitchen.


I feel like I'm stuck in an interrogation room.

Her eyes are almost as a viper's ones, sucking the truth out of me.

She's Medusa, I'm only a greek soldier sent to die.

Barbara Alves despises me, and I have only met her 10 minutes ago. Now she's just there, staring at me across the room on an armchair, sipping her tea silently as she creates an evil mastermind plan to destroy me.

-How did you find my daughter?-She squinted her eyes as she looked at me above the cup.

-You mean...how did I meet her?-He corrected.- um...she was buying a book at my shop.

Barbara looked at him with some interest.

-Are you an owner of a bussiness?

-No, I'm just a manager at a book shop.

Her interested disappeared instantly.

-Oh...how great.-She said with clear disapproval.

She just called me poor in 1989 languages.

-How old are you?-She looked at him.

Old enough to love Erica?

-Um...32.-He answered.

-32?!-Barbara gasped and lookes at Erica ny his side.- He's...He's...-She started to count on her fingers- He's 8 years older than you and doesn't even have a proper profession!

And the degradation of my persona continues.

-Mom that is so rude.-Erica says softly to her.-Joe is a hardworking man. His shop is very successful.

-It's not even his.-She rolled her eyes.- What else do you have to say? That he loves poetry? That he watches those cringy romantic movies with you? That he is a sensitive man?

And she strikes again.

-What is the matter in being sensitive?-Erica says offended.

-Just look at yourself in the mirror, darling.-Barbara took a sip of her coffee.-So that is why you took a B in your last test? You've been distracted with a middled aged man with no future.

Middle aged? Seriously?

-Ms.Alves, I assure you, I wouldn't ever interefere in Erica's academic life, otherwise, I only wish to support her.-Joe defended himself.

-Of coursr you do. If not, who would pay your bills?-She scoffed.- A librarian, unbelivable...- Barbara glanced at her daughter.- At least Thomas had a decent job.

Erica's semblant turned into a rather somber and dark one instantly.

-Please, don't talk about him.-She muttered.

-He seemed promising...if only you didn't scare him.

Is she talking about the man who cheated on her?!

Erica took in a deep breath and closed her wrists, as if she tried to keep herself in control.

-It didn't work out, mom.-She said calmly.- We need to move forward now.-She looked at her partner.-I love Joe. And I want him to be with me forever.

The thought made him smile, intertwining her fingers with hers. Barbara wanted to die instead of witnessing that scene.

-What's his problem?-She asked suddenly to her daughter. Erica turned cold as stone again.- What do you wish to fix this fime?

-Please, stop.-She looked down.

-Do you have issues with your parents, Mr.Goldberg?-Erica turned to him.- Perphaps a troubled childhood. Do you lack love, attention maybe? Low self esteem?-She looked at him above her glasses, Erica's silhouette turned even more shy and darker, she wished to disappear.

What the hell is happening?

-Excuse me?-He asked confused.

-You must have some sort of...red flag.-She said simply.-You see, my daughter here has always been attracted to these sort of love interests. She has a need to fix them.

-Stop, please...-Erica asked in an almost inaudible tone.

-I surely don't know whwre she get that from. Probably from her stupid father's side.


-Ms.Alves, I think that's too far.

-Of course she wants to avoid the subject. She wants to impress you, to show you that she is perfect, an angel.-Barbara shakes her head.- She needs you to hink that way, because if you knew the truth-

-I SAID STOP IT!- A scream cut the atmosphere.

Erica's scream was followed by her sudden grip on the cup she was holding, she threw the object across the room at her mother's direction, which luckily crashed on the wall behind her, since barbara could avoud it just in time.

As shocking and violent as it seemed, the mother didn't seem surprised or affected by it, almost as if she predicted, or was used to that sort of show.

-What a shame, it was such a pretty teacup.-Barbara sighed in disdain.- I guess the visit is over now, isn't it?

-Get out.-Erica spoke through her teeth.

Joe was completely stunned at what just happened. When he looked at his girlfriend, for just a moment he couldn't recognize her, only see this wild, defensive creature. Her eyes had a strange nitid sparkle of violent impulsives that he never saw it coming. Where was her sweetness? Her kindness? They seemed completely gone.

Barbara calmly grabbed her purse and walked torwards the door.

-You know you need to seek help-

-GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!-Erica yelled shaking her hands in the air in a scandalous gesture.

-You might believe I don't care about you, but trust me, Erica...nothing hurts me as much as seeing what you became and not being able to help you.

Erica slammed the door at her face, muffling any sign that her mother was ever there. She relied her back on the cold door and took in a deep breath, almost as if she filtered any negative energy.

-Erica...-Joe tried to approach her.

She looked up at him, cleaning any sign of tears on her face and opening up a gentle smile.

-I'm so sorry you had to witness that.-She said in a broken tone.- Now you know...what it is like to have that woman as a mother.

That woman is a bitch.

She doesn't deserve you.

And as violent or sudden that attack was...I can only feel sorry for you, feel bad for you, Erica.

You have suffered so much, I can't even imagine what you've been through.

Joe didn't speak, he only hugged her tightly, as Erica sunk her head in his chest, embracibg his warmness and erasing all the thoughts inside her mind.

That's it.

I'm here for you, I'll be all you need. Your home, your hugger, your hero. Anything.

You can rely yourself on me, no harm will ever come to you. I will protect you. No matter what.

-Thank you...-She whispered looking up at him.-For everything.

He smiled gently.

-I should be the one to thank you.-He caressed her cheek.- And with all due respect, your mother's a bitch.- She laughed.-I don't care if she doesn't approve me, I won't leave you.

-I won't leave you either.-She smiled brightly.- I want my life to be like this. Me and you against the world.

-You took the words from my mouth.-He smiled. He kissed her forehead. -Go take some rest, I'll clean this up.

She nodded and thanked him. Joe cleaned the remains porcelain pieces on the floor, shaking away any thoughts about the discussion.

He headed back to her room, spotting her fragile structure hidden beneath the sheets with an adorable smile to him.

-Cuddles?-She chuckled.

You are just so fucking cute.

He smiled and peppered her with kisses until he heard her stomach growl suddenly.

-Someone's hungry.-He chortled.

Erica giggled.

-Do we still have that ice cream?

-No, a little dark haired monster ate it all last week.-He joked.- But I can buy you some if you want.

-Ugh, you are my hero!-She hugged him and he laughed.-Please come back soon!

-I will.-He smirked and promptly grabbed hia wallet, heading to the market.

The walk to the market was fast, it didn't take loong for Joe to get there since it was near Erica's place. He occupied his time thinking about her beautiful smile and Erica's clear dependence to his existence.

His eyes scanned the aisles, spotting the ice cream flavor she liked. He still remembered how he got that info, looking through her shopping history on her phone, easy enough.

He grabbed the product and put it on his shopping cart, about to turn around when a voice stopped him.

-Mr.Goldberg.-The tone made the smile on his face disappear.- We couldn't finish our conversation. Spere me a minute of your useless time.

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