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You finally gave me your adress, even though I still don't know wich apartment number is, but we'll work on that. Maybe I'll discover it later this night.

It's almost time and you still didn't come downstairs. Did you forget about it? The text you sent me 20 minutes ago says otherwise.

Maybe you're just getting ready. That's it.

Even though Justin keeps sending messages asking if you want to go out. He's starting to annoy me.

The doorsman opened the door to her, she walked towards him, tight skinny jeans showing the curves, a black blouse, with some cleveage, and a denim jacket with Marvel pins.

-Sorry for being late.- She gave a smile, stopping in front of him with her red All-Star Sneakers.

You did get dressed for the occasion, just... mesmerizing.

Don't look at me with those eyes, I might not be able to resist. And those jeans? Suddenly I just want to take them off of you, along with that blouse. That cleveage is calling me like sirens leading pirates to rocks and sink in the sea.

But your smile is so sweet, so adorable, how can you look so innocent yet so naughty at the same time?

-Um, Joe?-Erica waved at him- You've been staring at me for a while now.

He got back to reality, shaking a little his head, giving a half smile.

-Sorry, got distracted.-He spoke.

-By the way, look at you!-She giggled softly- Who knew you could be so fashionable?

Some dark pants, a nice shirt, and brush that hair of his sometimes made some difference.

-Not as gorgeous as you.-He complimented.

Her cheeks blushed a little, muttered a "thank you", and followed him until his car.

The red vehicle still shined, he probably washed it before, the tires a deep black, seat for two. He opened the door for her.

-Ma'am.-He joked.

-Oh, wow, how fancy.-She chuckled and entered, as he closed the door.

He entered too, putting the key and starting the engine, a warm roar from the car, as he prepared to step on the gas.

-Where are we going?-She asked.

-You'll see.


-Ai meu Deus. (Oh my God)-Her eyes sparkled and she gave a huge smile.

He helped her get out of the car, her gaze still frozen at the locatiom ahead, Joe observed just in silence, she was too happy to be true.

-How did you know I wanted to come to this Amusement Park?- She asked excited, almost giving little jumps.

-You did? Wow, what a coincidence, I wanted too.-He lied.

Of course I didn't read your chat with one of your friends, when you clearly said that you should go there with them sometime, no, just pure coincidence.

-You're awesome.-She pushed him lightly with her shoulder as they walked.

No, you are awesome, Erica.

I've never been a fan of amusement parks, they didn't seem...fun. But you, just by the way you feel here, how you lighten the atmoshpere with that smile, it's worth it..

-So, where do you want to go?-He asked her.

-Hm..-She thought for a moment- Oh, the bumper cars, come on!

She grabbed his hand and pratically dragged him towards the attraction, but he didn't complain.

They sat on a tiny car, side by side, she would drive, Joe would stay there, as the...

-Co-pilot!-She explained.

-Co-driver you mean.-He chuckled.

-It's about to start, buckle up.-She gave him an accomplice look.

"1,2,3, Go!"

The cars started and she stepped on the gas.

You won't hit anyone, I bet you're the "safe driver" type of player. Just avoiding others and....

She bumped into one, two, three cars in a row, just unstoppable, worse than all the kinds around.


-You okay??-He asked holding tight, for a moment he felt terrorrized.

-I've bever been better! Hold on!-She shouted.

She turned to the right with speed, hitting another vehicle with the back of the car, creating a domino effect of crashes.

Then, followed another, bumping again, this time pretty strong. She stometimes rested her head on his shoulder, them exchanging warm glances at each other when their shoulders brushed.

-Ooh, let's hit that guy-She planned.

-So mean of you, miss.-He teased, glancing quickly at her rose lips.

-Wanna join me?-She smirked maliciously.

-My pleasure.

He put an arm around her, the other hand on top of hers on the wheel, as she stepped on the gas and hit the car just in front of it. The two laughed, procceding to hit anyone nearby, at this point everybody was running away from them.

"And it's over!"

The cars stopped, the drive finished.

-That was fun.-She chuckled, his arm around her was so comfortable and warm that she almost didn't want to leave.

-Yeah, even though everybody is scared of you now.-He joked.

-Us, Joe.-She teased.-You're my accomplice.

-Oh right.-They walked away-You dragged me to the Dark Side.

-You're welcome.

She observed the park, full of sparkling lights, almost as if it was christmas season, colorful and happy, kids with cotton candy passing by, stars shining above, and clowns goofing around.

-That one-She pointed-Come on.

It was a game with water pistols, all you had to do was shoot correctly and win a prize.

-No teams this time.-She said- Competition.

-Okay, but you're gonna loose.-He mocked while paying for his trial.

-We'll see.

Is this a way to impress you, Erica? Do you like this? A man who knows how to use a gun? Does it make your adrenaline rush?

Joe grabbed the pistol, looked at the target with attention, but couldn't focus.

Erica grabbed the gun, leaned on the balcony.

No, no, no, oh come on, don't do that...

He looked at her back.

Now that's cheating in another level Erica, you know I can't stop looking at that a...

She pulled the trigger.

"We've got a winner!"

He didn't even see it happening, when be tried to shoot, failed miserably.

-Got distracted again, Joe?-She looked at him up and down, smirking.

He blinked twice surprised, did she notice it? Probably.

-Choose one.-She asked him, pointing to the prizes.

-Uh...It's yours, you should choose.-He replied.

She stared at him for a moment, then, pointed to somewhere on the wall.

-The penguin please.

The man gave her a big blue penguim plushie, with a serious, grumpy face.

-Thank you.-She said to the man and they walked away. After a while she stopped, standed the plushie towards him.-Here.


-It'a present.-She insisted.

He grabbed the plushie still a little confused.

-May I ask why a penguin?

-He looks like you.-She joked.-Choose the next ride.

You gave me a present? You gave me a present.

-Um...thank you.-He smiled softly, his heart warm.

You thought about me enough to give me a present, and one that reminded you of me.

It's a grumpy penguin plushie, but still, you cared. I'm going to cherish this forever, Erica, because it was yours.

Now you want me to choose a ride. I'm not sure of what I should decide.

When I stare at your back I can only think about one type of ride, and that one would be away from this park, in my car, back or front seat, I'll let you choose.

But you seem so happy, you're delightned to be here, with me, at this moment. I can't end it now.

-There.-He pointed.

-The haunted house? For real?-She asked.



Yes, you are. You are scared of anything related to horror Erica. That's why it is the perfect excuse so you can seek shelter in me.

-Don't worry, I'll protect you.-He joked.

-I won't need it, thanks.

You are stubborn, very. Insisted to enter the house even being scared. I wonder if you're just trying to show me you're strong or taking it as an opportunity just like me.

Whatever your reason is, I'll support it.

The house was dark, with that creepy aspect of it, furniture broken, fake blood splashed on the walls, machines producing strange sounds. It's okay until now.

-I can't see shit.-She complained trying to see where she was going.

Now, that's my cue.

-I can see. Maybe you hold to me or something, so we don't get lost.-Joe said.

Erica stopped, chuckled softly, her hands rested on her waist.

-Do I look like a 15 years old?-She mocked.

-What? No, I-

-Hold hands so we don't get lost, yeah.-She rolled her eyes, walked past him, going deeper into the darkness.

I knew it was too easy. Did I mess up? Don't see me as a pervert or anything Erica, I beg you. I'm just...trying to make things work between us.

And it's alright, it's not as if I'm out of plans either. You'll come to me, it's just a matter of time....


...or screams.

Erica ran all the way back, held his arm scared, trying to see through the non lightned room. It was useless.

-You okay?-He asked not trying to make it a big deal.

-Let's get out of here. Right now.-She demanded.-No way I'm going there again.

-Woah, woah, calm down.-He put his hands on her shoulders.-It's okay, we can pass. Nothing's gonna hurt you.

-You can't be sure.

Trust me Erica, as long as I live, no one, nothing, will ever hurt you.

-I promise you.-He comforted her.

She took a deep breath, calmed down, maybe she was overreacting, yeah, after all it was just a house, a park.

But, just to be sure...

You grabbed my hand. You grabbed it as if I was the person you most trusted in the world. It was soft, delicate, and you squeezed it a few times, if I could, I'd never let it go.

Whoever invented haunted houses, I owe them one. Having you close and needing me the whole path, as your knight in shining armor, was just perfect.

See, Erica? I told you, we were made for each other. I will protect you, there's nothing that you should worry about. I am your new home. And you can run towards me whenever you need. Just don't run away from me.

And we'll be just fine.

They finally made it to the other side, after many screams and jumpscares, Erica could finally calm down, get her breathing right.

-Now, that was embarrassing...-She looked at the grass, let his hand go.

-Not at all, you were just scared, sorry I shouldn't have suggested that.-He apologized.

-...And fun!-She smiled.


-You...you enjoyed that?-He widened his eyes.

-I guess that's why some people are so addicted to adrebaline, makes your blood run, don't you think?-She spoke.

-Uh, yeah.

You are crazy. I love you.



So you liked it. Even after screaming at the top of her lungs. You like the adrenaline, the danger, who'd guess huh? Want to scream more? I have some ways to make you.

Now where are we going to? Oh, hot dogs. Of course you want to taste New York's hot dogs.

-You just put mustard and ketchup?-She asked confused, her mouth all dirty while eating.

Both of them were sitting together in a bench, the penguim too. He smiled at how adorable she seemed, impressed by every little thing.

-Should there be more?-He asked.

-Well, in Brazil we put more stuff, like, anything.-She laughed- cheese, ham, purée, potatoes, beans, peas, corn-

-I think I got it.-He chuckled.

You have so much stories to tell, you just talk nonstop, that shows that you feel comfortable next to me.

I can see it by the way you're not watching your surroundings every 10 seconds like you used to. Or maybe by the way you don't adjust your dress, concerned about the skin exposure.

You're just relaxed, talking with someone you like to talk. Eating food with someone. Having fun.

You like me.

-Um, there's...-He pointed to his chin.

-What?-She asked confused.

-May I....?

He cleaned a little mustard on her chin, with a napkin, holding her face gently in order to get the dirty away. She looked at him, the cheeks heated, the heart racing, having him that close hit different.

You are staring at me. And not in a way friends are supoosed to, Erica. No, your cheeks are flushed, your brown, deep, eyes are shining, you didn't even say a word. Neither pushed me away.

You gave me permission, you didn't feel uncomfortable with me.

He finished, but she turned her head to the opposite side. Joe got back to his seat.

-Thanks.-She muttered shy.

-No problem.

Now you are feeling shy again. Your knees are glued to each other. The hot dog's over. Your hands rested together at your tighs, oh, those tighs...Focus. Focus.

Anyway. I can see it by the way you look down, how you squeeze the paper that used to wrapp hot dog around, now a small ball un your hands. You surely didn't seem bothered before, but now...Now I'm not so sure.

-Sorry, did I do something wrong?-He asked.

-No, not at all.-She hurried to reply.-Just...kind of tired.

-I'll take you home, let's go.

She entered the car quiet, no matter what he'd say at that moment it wouldn't fix the sitution. Erica suddenly switched moods and now, the magical night was over.

All he could do was drive her home.

Erica you're making me hate myself right now.

What did I do wrong? Should I have noy warned you about the mustard? Did you feel ashamed? It was just mustard!

Maybe cleaning it annoyed you. I was trying to help, after all, you liked me helping you, it was...predictable of you, but now? Now I can't predict you anymore.

Wich is frustrating.

The car stopped. Across the street was the building where she lived.

-I guess, this is the end of the line.-She tilted her head.

-Erica, I-

-Thanks, Joe.-She gave a half smile- You made my day, for real.

If I made your day then why are you like this?

-Did I upset you?-He asked.

She looked down for a moment, her finger touching each other on her lap, sbe curved her mouth for a moment, maybe wondering if she should tell it or not.

-No, no, you didn't it's just...-She sighed.-Forget it.

-No, go ahead.

She looked at him.

-I think I'm catching wrong signs in this. Like, maybe I'm mistaking myself.

-What signs?

-Look, Joe...-She gesticulated- You're a nice guy, wich, is a great company, and, that for a miracle wanted to go out with me.

It's not a miracle, Erica. Anyone would want to be with you, but somehow you can't see it.


-And, I'm afraid I might be misunderstanding your intetions.


-My intentions?

-What are your true intentions with me?

Love and worship you forever?

-I..-He tried to speak.

The sentence was interrupted. The belt unbuckled. She leaned closer, fastly doing what she felt she didn't have courage to. His heart raced nonstop, a perfect combination for hers.

You kissed me.

Her lips adjusted to his perfectly. The sensation? Heavenly, it felt so right, sometimes the wrong feels so good that seems right. What a mistake.

You kissed me, Erica. We finally...I have no words.

I mean, this? The way your hands touch my nape, almost as if you already know the perfect ways to dominate me, your lips are so sweet, but also addicting, like a vicious poison.

I wouldn't let you do it all alone of course, I replied to your, our kiss, because that's what I want. I want you. And if you need any more signs, I'll show them, now.

Just be certain that I want this.

His hands slided through her back, leading to her waist, a scorching make out session had just started.

He pulled the seat a little back, and helped her climb into his lap, delivering gentle kisses at her neck.

God, everything about you, each detail, each piece of you....I want them.

Her breath was instable, his pants tighter.

I thought you were inviting me upstairs but if you want it here and now, then that's fine, that's great actually. You are great.

Suddenly, she pushed him away.

Not now.

-I'm...I'm sorry.-She caught her breath.

-What?-He asked confused.


-This...this is exactly what I didn't want to happen, God, I'm so sorry, Joe...I...-She tried to get herself together.

-No, Erica it's, it's okay, we don't need to, I'm sorry-

-It's not about sex, it's...-She put her hands on her face, exhaled heavily, almost stressed.-The problem is not you, okay, Joe? You're...you're amazing it's just...it's not going to work.

No, no, no, no, Erica, no.

-We, can, I mean, we didn't even-

-It's better this way.-She opened the door, got out, standed on her feet. Grabbed her bag.-Sorry, Joe.-She gave him a quick kiss on the lips, the goodbye.-We should probably...stop seeing each other. Bye.

-Erica, wait!

She entered the building, and he was left there, alone, clueless, sad, and horny.

What happened? Did I do anything wrong? I mean, you were liking it, you were about to take off my shirt, what just happened?

What didn't I see?

Something's missing. There's no such thing that could explain it, the night was just perfect. You like me. It was visible.

We kissed. And you could feel ot, I could, a billion sparks and magic in the air, better than fairytales and forbidden romances being accomplished.

Now, why did you go?

I can't afford letting you go, Erica.

You'll come back.

Even if I have to make you come back.

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