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It's hard to follow you Erica, it's quite annoying having to hide every 10 seconds, since you keep looking if anyone is behind you.

I know the world isn't safe, I understand. There are creeps around there, you need to watch out. But not me.

Maybe that Justin. Yeah, he's a pervert. Always coming after you, looking with those nasty eyes of his. Even though I can't really blame him, it's hard not to stare.

But you seem okay on your own for now, you give him the cold treatment, no further flirts. I wonder if you're rejecting him or just inducing him to try harder.

Would you like me to try harder?

It's been a while since we talked. I miss you. Your laugh, your delicate gestures, your jokes, your shy gaze.

Also, didn't anyone tell you that your apartment it's too secure? I can't barely see you from that window.

Erica sat on her bed, phone by her ear, mother on speaker, book in front of her, last pages, she devoured the sentences in a matter of days.

-Não, tá tudo bem mãe, sério. (No, everything's alright mom, really).-She calmed the worried mother- E a cidade é linda, você precisa conhecer um dia. (And the city is beautiful, you need to meet it someday).

The TV was on, the news spoke as she ignored, the weather was nice, the sheets comfortable, she could stay there for a while, but she had other priorities.

-Tchau, te amo. (Bye, I love you.)-She finished the call.

The phone rested on the matress, she dived herself into the book's pages, and when she realized, it was over. And so was her time.

Time to go to the university. Grabbed the materials, her purse, and hushed through the door, so busy that she didn't notice the stalker behind her.


Unfortunetly security wouldn't let me enter your university, Erica.

I wonder if that jerk bothered you again. My blood boils just by thinking about it.

You weren't active on Instagram either. Maybe too focused on your studies?

The bells rang again, another customer. He didn't aw her at first, just looked at his phone, waiting for a new post, when she approached him.

-Hey there, Mr.Joe.-She smiled.

He almost threw the phone away when he realized. Hid it fastly, heart racing, smiled.

-If it's not Miss Erica.

-You remembered me!

-Of course, still awaiting for your review.

-Then, I shall give you your answers.-She leaned towards him on the cashier balcony.

He looked into her dark brown eyes, they were intense, but also sweet, something in that short distance made him shake.

-That book was...-She made a pause- Incredible.

He smiled at her, she retributed, took the book off her bag, and started to say many details excited. Some he agreed, others he discorded. But they chat happily through most of the time.

Look at you. So excited, so alive. And with who? Me. Not with those people.

I can make you happy Erica. I can be the one for you. Just let me be it.

-Thank you so much for the suggestion.

-Always glad to help.

-You should give a chance to Jojo Moyes though.

-Hm...I don't think so.-He tilted his head.

-Expand your horizons Mr.Joe.-She smirked. Walking through the aisles.

He observed her waist as she wandered around the shop, looking at the many options in front of her.

-Need help?-He walked towards her.

-Not really, just spending some time.-She chuckled.-Sorry, I just love this bookshop, there's a...

-...Peace within it.-He completed.

She looked at him surprised, gave a warm smile.


-Take the time you need.

See? We even agree on the same things.

She observed not just the books, but the walls, the people, everything.

Attentive again. What passes through that nonstop working mind of yours Erica? Is there some space for me?

-How long do you work here?-She asked suddenly curious.

-A long time.-He replied.

-You must like this.-She closed her eyes for a second, smelling the scent of the books.

Do that again and I might grab you by the waist and take you to the stacks. I'll show you what I like.

-I do.-He looked at her.- What can I say, it's...a lifestyle.

-A good one.

Complimenting me? Where are you trying to go with this?

-What about you?-He questioned- Any guilty lifestyle you're aware for?

-Not as entertaining as yours.-She crossed her arms and chuckled- Law student.

-That explains the fast reading.

-Oh, yeah.-She laughed- I'm here for a year, studying abroad. My first time abroad actually.

-Really? Where are you from?-He pretended to be clueless.



-Please don't ask anything related to soccer or carnival.-She joked.

He chuckled, country stereotypes, you can never get rid of them, no matter how far you'd go.

-What about the barbecue?-He joked.

-Touché.-She smiled and rolled her eyes- It's good. Okay?

He looked at her from time to time, she seemed more comfortable with him than before, but still adjusted the blouse to don't show much.

-Enjoying New York?

-Yeah.-She nodded- Going to many places, meeting people.-She lied.-It's cool.

That night says otherwise. But you wouldn't tell me that, at least not yet.

-And you? Just stuck between books? Not saying it's bad.-She said.

-Sometimes I go out.-He joked.

-Funny.-She rolled her eyes- Do this man from New York have friends? Company?

Do you want to know if I'm single? Is this what I've just heard, Erica?

-Some.-He didn't gave much details.

-Nice.-She looked across the store, a disgusted expression.- Did that guy just take a Dan Brown book?

He looked at her, half admired, half laughing, enjoying to see her reaction.

-And he's trying to don't show by buying something else. Probably in fiction section.-He added.

-Now I feel bad for him.-She joked.

Her phone rang, and before she took it, he glanced fastly at the screen "Maggie".

Not those people again.

-Sorry, I need to take this.

-No problem.

She went outside the store, talked for a while, as he awaited. She came back later, not sure if she was happy or not.

-Sorry, it was my friend.-She said.-Gotta go.

-It's okay.-He nodded.

Well, not okay at all. Maggie couldn't have chosen a worse time to interrupt.

She was about to leave when stopped. Thought to herself "why not?" Trying to wash away the shyness and ask. It would be no problem to ask after all. Turned around.

-Um...-She was about to say.

Come on Erica, say it.

-Read "Me Before You".-She pointed.-There's a pdf version online.

-Really?-He didn't seem much excited.

I was not expecting you to say that.

-Really. Have more culture, Joe.-She spoke his name for once naturally. Music to his ears. She grabbed her phone.- Can I get your number?

He stopped.


-So I can send you the book's link.-She said.

Now we are talking, what a great excuse. I am impressed.

-Sure.-He grabbed his phone.

She gave him her phone, so he could type his number. He found that a great opportunity.

-So, later-

He turned quickly his head to the right.

-Did you hear that?-He asked serious, almost as a true actor.


-I heard it from backwards. -He made a concerned face- Give me just a minute.

-Alright...watch out...

He went to the back to the store. It was nothing, no sound at all, just a perfect lie so he could link all her messages, and whatever she'd do on her phone to his. It was fast, and Erica didn't even notice.

After all, who'd imagine something like that would happen?

-Here.-He gave her phone back- Some kids fooling around, third time this week.

-That sucks. You should call their mothers.-She took her phone back.

-Yeah, maybe I should.

She changed the subject.

-Anyway, when you finish the book, text me.-She smiled- I want a full review on it.

He gave a satisfied smile.

-Even a bad one?

-Hardly a bad one, but yes.-She teased.-See you, Joe.

-See you, Erica.


You do like soulmates Erica. Your book is all about it, full of dreams and tears. How many times did you mourn the protagonist?

All sums up into a fact: you're sensitive.

I thought thus book was foolish at first, I really did, but I understand now. The message I most like is: dedication.

Dedicating everything to someone.

We are a perfect fit.

But you didn't message me, not even once.

Instead, you messaged all your friends. Even Justin. Nothing osbscene, but still. I thought you'd even try.

I guess I'll have to do it by myself...

But first, what are you up to?

He scrolled the screen with focus for any sign.

Brunch went well, more pictures with your friends. That's why Maggie was calling you earlier.

You also have a presentation this week. You are carrying the whole group on your back. Damn, Erica, they don't deserve you.

You put effort on your studies, it is impressive, you get happy by a good grade. Likes to receive compliments from your family, I can see it by the messages. Is this your way to receive affection from them? Maybe seek support?

He widened his eyes at the screen, search history to be exact, couldn't help but smile.

Oh, hello, what is that?


"Mooney's Joe"

"Joe Goldberg"

"Joe Goldberg, NY"

Did you...search about me? No way.

But of course you didn't find any results, I have no socials.

Did that upset you?

I guess we are not so different after all.

Just text me, Erica. Do it.

He stared at the screen, waiting, whoever saw that would find him pathetic. The situation itself was pathetic.

A notification popped up.

"Hey Ery"


You're not replying, are you?

Erica: hey

Oh, come on Erica, he's not worth your time.

Justin: busy?

Erica: not really

Justin: do you like sushi?

This can't be happening.

Erica: yes?

Justin: me, you, Takiro's Sushi, at 8.


You're typing. Are you really thinking about going?

Erica: sorry, I have a presentation tomorrow, gonna sleep early.

Justin: at 8?

Erica: yeah. Bye.

Joe sighed triumphant. But wait, tomorrow?

He looked at her agenda, Erica used to organize it all the time with her assignments.

You lied to him.

There's no event tomorrow, your presentation is on friday.

Today is tuesday.

You lied so you couldn't go out with that jerk.

He gave a proud smile.

That's my girl.

He rested on the pillows, exhaled heavily, relaxed. In his perspection he was winning, and there was no such feeling like a victory's one.

Well, maybe there is.

Erica: hey stranger
Erica: how's it goin'? It' Erica, from.the bookshop.

It wasn't a message to anyone on her phone, it was a message to him. She was finally talking.

Just after dumping Justin?

Joe: hey Erica from the bookshop.

Joe: it's not horrible

Erica: i told you

Joe: don't be so convinced, my opinion might change

Erica: ouch
Erica: please go easy on me with the review later. ;)

Winking emoji? Is that a hidden message? Go Easy on you...

He shaked away the dirty thoughts.

Joe: no promises.

Erica: okay okay

Erica: btw, you have no socials?

So you're really going to ask. Alright.

Joe: no

Erica: why not?

Joe: not really into those things

Erica: lol sounds like my mom

True, your mother isn't on social media. But your father is, after all, he keeps posting about politics all the time, specially on facebook. But your mother... she only shows her existence in some pictures you post, besides that, she's invisible. She's not wrong though.

The youngest daughter of divorced parents. But still a hopeless romantic. Is that the reason? You want to feel loved since your parents couldn't, you want to have what they didn't.

You don't want to become them. Oh, Erica...

Joe: why the question?

Erica: nothing
Erica: just found it weird, like, Ethan has socials.

You searched Ethan so you could find me. If that isn't interest then I don't know what is.

Joe: i like to live real life

Erica: oooh, deep!
Erica: got it, real life dude

They chat for a while, normal stuff, mostly he already knew by stalking, but it was nice knowing those facts by her talking to him.


-BOO!-She surprised him like a ghost. Well, he wasn't really scared at all.

-Oh no, a ghost.-He spoke sarcastically.

-Aren't you scared of anything?-She crossed her arms.

Yes. Loosing you.

He cleaned the dust from some shelves.

-Uh...Wrinkled pages?-He lifted the book towards her eyes.


-And you?-He asked- Any fears?

-Oh, yeah.-She chuckled- Heights, insects, specially cockroaches, horror movies, the list goes on.

-That's a lot.-He laughed.

Now that's cute, Erica. Why would you tell me all of this? Trust me enough already?

-Anyway-She stood in front of him.-Two questions.


-First, the review.

He sighed, looked into her eyes and watched how excited she was to hear his answer.

-I didn't like the ending.

-Aw, so you're romantic Joe!-She teased, pushing his shoulder.

Already making physical contact with me, I guess you do want to get closer.

-It's just...-He tried to think of what to say- I don't like this...tragic end they had.-He lifted his shoulders- Death's not my thing.

-Did you cry?

-What? No.-He made a funny face- Why would I?

She chuckled.

-I did- She gave a silly smile. He held his laugh.

I did imagine. Actually, I read the book in 1 day, then saw the movie adaptation, wich was pretty accurate, a surprise to be honest.

I couldn't help but imagine you all the time.

Your reactions to each scene, each action of the protagonists, from the moment they fell in love to how they fell apart, to the tears that rolled through your cheeks to the smiles you gave by comforting sentences in the air.

Your presence was there the whole time, as if you were by my side, observing me, with an arm around my shoulders, cheek to cheek overlooking the pages.

Was that your intention? So I couldn't get you out of my mind? Let me tell you, Erica, it worked.

-But besides it...-He tilted his head- It's good.

She celebrated, shaking her hands in the air.

-I knew it!-She pointed to him.-Now, I have more news.

-You do?

-I do. My presentation was a success.- It was friday already- Lead the professor to tears, he said it's the best one he has ever seen since he graduated.


I already knew it, you called your parents and texted them to tell the news. You were so excited. It was adorable, and you deserved it, after all, you worked so hard for it.

-We need to celebrate.-Her eyes sparkled.


-Of course.-She smiled-I need someone to take me to a place to celebrate in New York, I'm new here, remember?

Right, you need a guide...I won't complain, in fact, I'm glad to be invited.

Is this a date, Erica? I'll count as one.

-But wouldn't you like to invite your presentation group?

-Well....-She made a face-Maybe...I might have told the professor they didn't do shit in the assignment, so they all received Fs and probably hate me now.

You do like to play with fire. You have courage, not gonna lie, but it's still risky, you do know that, right?

-Are you going to dump me? Come on, Joe.-She held his arm.

He got chills from the contact, her hands were soft, so warm, he almost melted just from her touch.

-I choose the place.-He smirked.


Our first date. It'll be the night of your life, Erica. I promise you.

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