Shadows Prologue Sneak Peek

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This is the prologue for my fan-fiction titled Shadows. I hope you like it! 

Blackpaw ran through the sea of cats, clawing his way past a huge brown warrior. "Adder! Adder, where are you?" she called as she leaped over a small tabby sparring with a calico she-cat.
Blackpaw skidded to a halt and looked around, panting for breath. Her heart was hammering against her chest and her fur was slick with blood and sweat. The battle had only started minutes ago and already the battleground was covered in blood, fur and a few dead bodies. Blackpaw retched and looked away from a glassy-eyed cat lying on the grass.

"Blackpaw!" called a voice.

The she-cat turned toward the voice to see Adder pinning down a CliffClan warrior. Blackpaw ran over to him. Adder pressed his large paw harder on the tom's throat and he made a gurgling, choking sound before lying still.

"Adder," Blackpaw cried in shock, "You said we weren't going to kill anyone!"

The tom glared at his apprentice and snarled, showing his fangs which gleamed in the full moon light. "You're so gullible. We are taking our territory back wether these stupid clans like it or not!" he spat.

Blackpaw stared at her mentor, eyes wide in shock. She'd never heard him speak like that before. Her mind raced and feelings of confusion, shock and anger pulsed through her body.

"You're a rogue Blackpaw, now start acting like one. Show. No. Mercy." hissed the large tom to to Blackpaw.

Realisation flooded Blackpaw's mind. They had been lying to her the whole time. She felt like her whole world was a lie. The rogues were taking the clan's territories and they were not going to let anything stop them.

"Murder is in your blood, Blackpaw," Adder continued. "Bloodshed runs through your veins. Your father is our leader. He made this choice and now you must make one too. You could join us in becoming the most powerful force in the forest, or die along with the rest of those useless clan cats, which sounds like something a coward like you would do."

Blackpaw stood there, speechless. She had worked so hard and for so long to impress her mentor, all to be shot down. But Adder was right. She did have to make a vital decision. Adrenaline pumped through her and her brain fogged up. "I-I... I know what I choose." Blackpaw said finally, stepping forward toward Adder.

Her mentor's eyes showed a little bit of surprise but it was soon overshadowed by satisfaction. "Yes. I knew you would make the right choi-" he was cut off when Blackpaw raked her claws over his face and ran off.

Murder is in your blood, Blackpaw. Bloodshed runs through your veins, Blackpaw mocked. Stupid Adder. But he's right. It's a part of me.


The battle was over. The Clans had won and had driven the rogues over the CliffClan border and into a strip of forest on the coast. Blackpaw licked some blood off her shoulder, thinking about what Adder had said. A while after she had run off, Adder had been killed by Ryestar, HillClan's leader and although Adder was Blackpaw's mentor, the apprentice felt no sadness as if she had not lost anything. She only gained confidence and a thirst to prove she was powerful and ambitious.

Blackpaw climbed a tall oak tree and sat on a branch that looked out at the clearing the rogues were gathered in. "Rogues. Can I have your attention!" she yowled.

The rogue leader, Ares, looked up and hissed. "Get down from there, Blackpaw. You're only an apprentice and you could get hurt!"

"Don't act like you care, father," retorted Blackpaw. "As I was saying, our 'fearless' leader has failed us. He promised us territory and what have we got? Nothing!"

Ares stepped forward. "Where are you going with this Blackpaw?" he growled.

Blackpaw glared and returned to her speech.

"You need a leader who won't lie. A leader who isn't afraid. That's why I'm starting my own rogue group!" she announced proudly.

Immediately the group began to mutter and murmur.

"But you can't be a leader. You're just an apprentice!" yelled Yarrow.

"Yeah. I'm older than you and I'm not a full rogue!" stated Scarpaw, a slightly jealous look in his eyes.

"That's why I'm changing my name to Blackstream. I will make rogues great again. You can either join me by the ash tree at sunrise or stay here with your pathetic excuse for a leader." she spat, jumping down from the branch and walking away from the clearing into the shadows. She heard the whispers start up again but she didn't look back.

They can hate me if they want, but they'll have to realise sooner or later that I'm all they've got. They will thank me one day. Blackstream thought. I'm not a scared kit anymore. I'll be the greatest rogue the forest has ever seen... 

Do you like it? I wrote it all today. I'm proud of myself. I'm gonna go sleep now...

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