Shadows Sneak Peek

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This part may change because it will go through editing and there may still be some mistakes. Hopefully you guys like this little snippet of my story so far! 

Foxpaw raced toward a brown dog. It was about her size, maybe a little larger. She leped forward and raked its nose with her claws and it jumped back, snarling. She saw Plumclaw battling a large dog out of the corner of her vision. Foxpaw whirled around to help her. Without thinking, she jumped onto the dog's back, her claws unsheathed. Wolfhowl's word were repeating in her head like an echo. In the heat of battle there is no time to plan your next move, you just react.

The dog howled in fury and pain as she raked it's hind legs with her hind paws. Plumpaw shot her a grateful look and bit down on one of the dogs legs. It growled and shook her off, pushing her away. Then, without warning it rolled over, crushing Foxpaw, who was still on its back. She yowled in pain. She couldn't feel one of her hind legs. The dog jumped off her, giving her time to roll away, and by the time the dog had turned, Foxpaw was already running, bringing some of the feeling back into her leg. Both patrols were now fully aware of the apprentices fighting the dogs (Ashstar's patrol had arrived while Foxpaw was being squashed by the dog) and they were shocked.

"Foxpaw! Look out behind you!" Thornwhisker cried, leaping over Foxpaw's head and slashing the muzzle of the dog chasing her. The dog stopped in surprise and began to attack Thornwhisker instead, who was hissing and lashing out with her forepaws. Wolfhowl ran to join her, his grey pelt bushed up making him look bigger.

"Maplepaw, take the injured cats away from this area and find them some herbs. Dawnbreeze, run back to camp and get Ivyleaf. You apprentices, go home!" Ashstar yowled as he scraped his claws across the side of a white and black dog.

"No! I want to stay and fight with you and the others!" Foxpaw cried in dismay.

"Foxpaw-" Ashstar started, his green eyes wide.

"No. I'm not going back, you can't just-"

"Foxpaw, I'm not talking about that, look behind-"

But it was too late. Foxpaw felt the large brown dog's claws slice through the tip of her ear and down her back. She screamed and fell sideways, unbalanced by the swipe of Wolfhowl's paw, meant for the dog.

After that everything was blurry. Dogs raced past, cats yowled and hissed, and then everything turned to darkness. The last thing Foxpaw saw was reddish brown tom carrying her and the wind ruffling her fur before everything faded...

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