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Real brother

One boy who is 17 years old faint in a cold floor. He is shivering so much. He is in not in his senses. But suddenly he saw someone shouted. He trying wake up. Then he got up.

Sm1's prove : My head is spinning . Headache like hell. It's happen for yesterday's panic attacks. Iam not feeling much well.

Suddenly sm2 is called him

Sm1 : Sid

So guys sm1 is sid

Sid : Yeah bhabi. What happen?

Sid said in scared tone 

Resa sid's bhabi  : Go and start doing work. Go and Start cleaning my room fast.

Rese shouted on sid. Sid run to room for clean the room. Then After done his works. He come and say

Sid : Bhabi Room is clean. I done all works. Iam not feeling well now. I need some rest. Please bhabi. Please

Sid said with low and scared voice.

Resa : Really? You need rest now. You all the time didn’t do anything in Home just take rest and now saying you need rest right . You bastard. Stop lie. Just stop lie Understand.

Resa starting shouting on sid and sid got scared and say

Sid :Bha....bhabi... Iam.... Iam.... Not...... Lie.........

Resa : You doing drama now and didn’t doing Your works now wait Iam calling your brother who wil teach you listen.

Suddenly sm1 come

Sm1 : What happen Resa?

Resa : Say to your brother. Who don’t know manners. You know what was Your brother did. He didn’t did any respect me. He didn’t followed my any orders.

Sm1 : What? Sid what was you doing? What am I hearing. You didn’t respect  your bhabhi ?

Sm1 Start shouting sid and sid got more scared then he Said

Sid : No bhai.....bha....bhabi... Is Lie

Resa : See Rohit. Your brother saying that Iam saying lie. See

Rohit : Sid I think you need punishment. Be Ready for punishment.

Sid : Bhai.... Bhai.....I... i....did...Didn't did.. Anything... Please.... Believe... Me

Rohit didn’t listen him. He take stike and start beating him badly. Sid was Crying mess.
Suddenly a boy come. He come and saw sid is lying in floor and blood come from his head. Boy was shocked to saw that and he run to sid and take his head on his lap and say

Boy : Sid what happen? Sid please open your eyes tears come from boy's eyes

Then suddenly sid say

Sid :bhai... Abhi...abhi..bhaiya....

So boy is Abhi. Abhi was trying to wake sid but sid got fainted.

Abhi : How can you guys do that with sid? He is Your own brother. Your real brother. How can you do this?

Abhi is so angry on Rohit because Just Because of sid.

Rohit : Don’t  dare to talk with me like that understand. You are not my family and not my anything. You are Just my neighbore. So please don’t interfer in my family matters. Sid is my brother. Not your brother. I can do anything with my brother so please stay away from him.

Abhi got more angry to hears that but he didn’t want to do any fight with him because now he have to take sid in hospital.He take sid and going hospital on that time.

Rohit : Hey wait where are you going with my brother? Where you are taking him. Tell me. I said stop

Abhi didn’t stop and didn’t said anything because now his mein work is take sid in hospital.

Abhi come hospital with sid.

Abhi : Doctor doctor please come and see my brother. He is ok na?

Doctor : Please relax. He will be fine. We are here. Don’t worry.

Doctor take sid in operation theatre and abhi waiting in Outside. Abhi is so tensed

Abhi's pov : Iam sid's neighbour only and nothing much. Iam not his brother. but I was see sid like my own brother. I was really love sid as my brother. Of course sid is so cute, innocent and good boy. He is so sweet. So I really love him but his own brother don’t know why hate him. All the time beat him badly. I can't see him like that. I was feel really bad for him. But I can do anything for him because sid is not my brother. I have no right on him but this time Rohit did so bad. I am Not goona to spare him now. But I can't understand that how can he beat his own brother. His real brother. He didn’t love his brother. I don’t know why? Why? He torture him badly. I can't  see him in that situation.

Abhi is really feeling bad for sid and he also scared he didn’t want to lost sid.

Then suddenly Doctor come

Abhi : Doctor please tell me. Sid is ok na?

Doctor : Don’t worry he is ok but he need proper rest and care. Please take care of him. But is you his Own real brother?

Abhi : No I am not his brother. Iam not his real brother but Iam his brother. It doesn't matter and nothing much and doctor when will sid get his conscious  and when I can meet him.

Doctor : No he didn’t got his conscious but you can meet him.

Abhi : Thank you so much doctor.

Doctor leave then Abhi gone to sid's room

In the other side

Resa : what happen Rohit? Why are you tensed?

Rohit : You know na he is only 17 years. He is not adult. We can take his property. When sid will be adult on that time. We can take his property and sid have to leave with us for that.

Resa : So what was we have to do now?

Rohit : we have to take sid.

Resa : Ok

In sidshek side

Abhi was holding sid's hand and talking him.

Abhi : Sid please open Your eyes.

Suddenly sid open his eyes and saw abhi is setting beside him. He saw him and give a weakly smilie

Abhi : Sid are you ok? I will call doctor

Abhi going to call doctor but sid stop him.

Sid : No bhaiya I am ok. Don't worry for me and you faced so much things for me. Sorry for that cuted by abhi

Abhi : you are saying me bhai and saying sorry also why? I think you didn’t supposed me like your Own real brother because Iam not your Real brother Right  cut by sid

Sid : No bhai. It’s not like that. I really love you. You know how much I like you. I love you more then my own real brother and I don’t need him because I have you.

Abhi smile to hears that and give hug to sid.

Suddenly Rohit and Resa come. Sid and Abhi saw them.
Sid is really scared to saw them and Abhi is really angry to saw them.

Abhi : what are you doing here?

Rohit : We are here to take sid with us home.

Resa : yeah

Abhi : Sid is not going anywhere. He wil live with me in my house.

Rohit : Why? Sid is my own real brother. He is not your brother so stay away from my brother understand. Now sid tell him you will come with us?

Rohit glaired Sid and sid got scared and say

Sid : No.....n.....I.... Do...nt...don't Go.....wi..with.... You.

Rohit hears that and he got furious.

Rohit : what are you saying? You are my brother not his. You can't understand. Now you are going with us.

Rohit start shouting on sid. Sid got more scared and Abhi saw that and he also got angry.

Abhi : Sid didn’t want to go with you understand? So why you guys forcing him. Stay away from him.

Rohit : You stay away from my brother understand. Don't try to close to him or else I wil call police that you did brainwash of my brother

Rohit hand sid's hand and Start dragging him from hospital room and on that time Abhi also hold sid's another hand. He is stopping sid.

Rohit : Leave his hand

Abhi : You leave I am not goona to leaving him.

Sid : Abhi bhaiya please leave my hand. I am going with my brother.

Abhi was shocked

Abhi : what are you saying sid?

Sid's pov : Iam really sorry bhaiya but I have to go away from you. I don’t want that Just Because of me problems come in Your life. Iam really sorry for hurt you but I really love you bhai

Then sid wipped abhi's hand and go with his brother. Abhi Was really shocked  that suddenly what happen to sid. Then After thinking that's things Abhi also go to his Home. Rohit, Resa and sid come there house. Rohit  pushed sid in the floor and sid's head bleeding badly. He crying mess.

Abhi's side

Abhi thinking that why sid did that. Why sid gone with him and more then that's things Abhi thinking about sid that he is ok or not.

What was Rohit and Resa going to do with sid. I can't understand anything.

Abhi is really worried for sid then suddenly he hears sid's Scream. Abhi got scared for sid

Abhi : It’s sid's scream. Sid ok or not I think that's why Iam heaving bad vibes. Now I have to check sid.

Abhi gone to Sid's house and saw they are doing torture sid.sid liy in floor and which parts he got injured. In that's parts he got Again injure he is bleeding badly. Abhi saw that's and gone angry more. Abhi run to sid but sid closed his eyes. Abhi got more tensed. He trying to wake up

Abhi : Sid bacha wake up. Bacha please wake up see Iam here. Nothing wil be happen now.

Rohit : Leave my brother understand and go away from our life and my brothers life. But first Get out from my house. I can take care of my own brother. No need anyone

Abhi : You are saying he is your brother. You can take care of him but how you take care of him. Doing torture him right

Rohit : I don’t want to talk you understand?

Rohit : Now just leave from my House. Get lost.

Abhi : Yeah Iam going from Your house. But not only mein sid also going with me.

Rohit : No you can take my brother. Just stop

Abhi didn’t said anything now he Just take sid in his house.Abhi ley sid in his bedroom and call doctor.

Then After a sometimes doctor come and start check him

Abhi : Doctor tell me. Sid is ok na? Please

Doctor : He is ok now. I was give injection and bendaged his wound  but he need proper rest and care. Please don’t give him stress also . Please take care

Abhi : Ok doctor

Doctor leave and Abhi Start creasing sid's hears and kissed his forhead.

Abhi talking with unconscious sid

Abhi : I don’t understand why you did this sid? Why you didn’t woona to come with me? Why you didn’t woona come in my house? Why? Why?

Then suddenly sid's open his eyes and say

Sid : Bhaiya you are here? Where I am?

Abhi : You are in my house. Iam taking you in my house.

Sid Start crying and say

Sid : But why you take me here. I don’t want Just becuse of me you will come in danger. I don’t want to lost you bhaiya.

Abhi : Sid please don’t cry . I know you are thinking that Just Because of you I wil be in danger and you are troubling me right. But it’s wrong. How can you trouble me. You are my brother. My little bro. You know na how much I love you and Iam orphan I don’t have any family and any brother. But I got you that's why Iam so happy.

Sid stop crying to hears that he is really happy that someone love him. He hugged abhi tightly. Abhi also gone happy.

Then 1 week passed sid is happy with abhi. Abhi also happy . They spending time with ecah others but Rohit is so much angry. He was not able to bring sid from Abhi. Now he thinking something to got sid back.

In Abhi's house

In Abhi's Room

Sid and Abhi talking with each others . Then suddenly someone knock the door. Abhi gone to open the door and abhi is so shocked to saw that.

Abhi : Police

Police : Yeah

Abhi : sir you here? Why?

Inspector : We are come to arrest you because we heard that you kidnapped a boy.

Abhi : what? No It's lie. I didn’t kidnapped any boy and who said that I kidnapped any boy.

Suddenly a voice come

Rohit : I did complaine because you kidnapped my brother.

Abhi : You. Today Iam not goona leave you.

Abhi got angry and said that in angrily

Inspector : You are Threating him on infront of us. It’s not good I think he is saying true. You kidnapped his brother

Abhi : No Officer I didn’t kidnapped him.

Rohit : No please don’t trust him. He is saying lie. You guys check his house. Then you wil find my brother.

Inspector : Ok we checking the house.

Then they check the house and find sid. Sid was confused what is happening there.

Rohit : See officer my brother is here. He kidnapped my brother.

Now sid understand everything. He is about tell everything to Police about Rohit. He about say everything to police but suddenly Rohit stop him.

Abhi : Please you guys ask sid that I was kidnapped him or not.

Rohit : No officer please don’t ask sid. I think he give threat to sid. So don’t ask him

Sid : but

Rohit : Nothing have to tell you understand.

Rohit glared sid. Sid got scared and didn’t said anything.

Inspector : So Abhi  you kidnapped sid. Now we have to arrest you.

Police Arrest Abhi and About to take him police station on that time. Sid stop him.

Sid : No Abhi bhaiya didn’t kidnapped me and he didn’t harm me. He only saved me from my own Real brother who didn’t love me. Who always torture me. Who always beat me in small small things and Abhi bhaiya all the time  try to Protect me. He love me more then everything. So please don’t arrest him.

Sid start crying badly

Rohit : No sid is saying lie.

Sid : No Iam saying true

Inspector : Sid you have any prove that your own  Real brother Rohit torture you.

Sid : Yeah I have prove. See this it’s prove sid pointed his head that bendage.

Then Police got Prove then they arrest Rohit. They are taking Rohit on that time Rohit say

Rohit : Iam not goona to leave you sid. Iam goona to spare you. Just Because of your fake brother you arrested your own real brother. You will regret . No one will love you. You are bad luck. All will leave you

Rohit say that’s all things with angrily and the Police take him. After hearing that's all things sid was broke and fall in knees. Sid start crying mess

Sid :  No one love me. No one Love me. Everyone hate me. Everyone leave me alone. They Only think about Yourself. First Mom and dad gone and then my bhai also gone away. They don’t have any care for me.

Abhi also sat in knees and wipped sid's tears and say

Abhi : who said no one love you. Who said you are bad luck. You know sid. You are good luck for me because I got you in my life. You are my brother and You know how much I love you. So how can you say that no one love you or else you didn’t love me and expect me asYour own real brother.I Want to your brother. Your Real brother. You will accept me

Sid hugged abhi and cried and say

Sid : Yeah Bhaiya. You are my Real brother. You are one who love me. You are my everything.
I love you so much bhaiya.

Abhi hears and he is so happy then he hugged sid back. Then they start living there life so nicely . They are happy with each others. They got each others company. They got a Real brother who love you most. Now they didn’t need anything . They are happy in there life.


Guys this about a brotherhood love and that's things. In this the main think is Sid 's own real brother who didn’t love him but Abhi his nightbore. Abhi love sid like his own Real brother. Then his love make sid his Real brother. It’s call Real love. It’s call Real brother love. That Abhi did for sid. You know guys It's my first one shot of sidshek. I can't forgot that it’s really close to me. Hope you guys wil love this. Did you guys liked it ?

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